A. Back Squat 3 x 8 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Dead Stop Front Squat - Build to a tough single
C. Strict Press 3 x 8 @ 70% rst 2 minutes
D1. Hip Extensions x 15 reps rest 1 minute
D2. Band Pull-Apart Palms Down x 15 reps rest 1 minute x 3
A. Every 30 seconds x 15 mintues
Interval 1: Drop Snatch x 1
Interval 2: High Hang Snatch x 1
Interval 3: Snatch x 1
*all at 65-70% - 10 sets of each*
B. Turkish Getup x 20 reps (10/arm)
For time:
1 Mile Bike
50 Thrusters 65/45
10 Muscle Ups
Interval 1: Drop Snatch x 1
Interval 2: High Hang Snatch x 1
Interval 3: Snatch x 1
*all at 65-70% - 10 sets of each*
B. Turkish Getup x 20 reps (10/arm)
For time:
1 Mile Bike
50 Thrusters 65/45
10 Muscle Ups
A. Deadlift - work to a tough single (build over the course of 7-8 attempts) rest 3 minutes
B1. Bulgarian Split Squat (DB/hand) x 10/leg rest 1 minute bt legs
B2. L-Hang Hold x 20 Seconds rest 1 minute x 4
1000m Row @ 85%
rest 1 minute x 4 sets
B1. Bulgarian Split Squat (DB/hand) x 10/leg rest 1 minute bt legs
B2. L-Hang Hold x 20 Seconds rest 1 minute x 4
1000m Row @ 85%
rest 1 minute x 4 sets
5 rounds:
750m Row
10 Strict Pull-Ups
20 KB Swings 70/53
10 Strict HSPU
20 Box Jump Overs 24/20
rest 3 minutes after each set
750m Row
10 Strict Pull-Ups
20 KB Swings 70/53
10 Strict HSPU
20 Box Jump Overs 24/20
rest 3 minutes after each set
A. Snatch - tough single 15 minutes
B. C&J - tough single 15 minute
1k Row
50 Front Squats 135/95
30 Power Cleans 135/95
B. C&J - tough single 15 minute
1k Row
50 Front Squats 135/95
30 Power Cleans 135/95
"12 Days of Christmas"
1 - Muscle Up
2 - Thruster 95/65
3 - Hang Power Clean 95/65
4 - HSPU
5 - Toes to Bar
6 - KB Swings 53/35
7 - Wall Ball Shots 20/14
8 - Box Jumps 30/24
9 - Shoulder 2 Overhead 95/65
10 - Calorie Row
11 - Burpees
12 - Calories on Assault Bike"
"12 Days of Christmas"
1 - Muscle Up
2 - Thruster 95/65
3 - Hang Power Clean 95/65
4 - HSPU
5 - Toes to Bar
6 - KB Swings 53/35
7 - Wall Ball Shots 20/14
8 - Box Jumps 30/24
9 - Shoulder 2 Overhead 95/65
10 - Calorie Row
11 - Burpees
12 - Calories on Assault Bike"
A. Deadlift 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 3 minutes
B. Bulgarian Split Squat (KB in Front Rack) x 10/leg rest 1 minute bt legs x 4
20 minute Row @ z1 pace (z1 = sweat work, nothing intense)
B. Bulgarian Split Squat (KB in Front Rack) x 10/leg rest 1 minute bt legs x 4
20 minute Row @ z1 pace (z1 = sweat work, nothing intense)
500m Run
21 Thrusters 95/65
7/4 Muscle Ups
500/400m Row
21 Thrusters 95/65
7/4 Muscle Ups
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
21 Thrusters 95/65
7/4 Muscle Ups
21 Thrusters 95/65
7/4 Muscle Ups
500/400m Row
21 Thrusters 95/65
7/4 Muscle Ups
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
21 Thrusters 95/65
7/4 Muscle Ups
A. Back Squat 3 x 7 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 1.1.1 x 4 sets rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 80% of 1RM
C. Strict Press 3 x 7 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
D1. Single Leg KB Deadlift x 8/leg rest 1 minute
D2. Single Arm KB Press x 8/arm rest 1 minute x 4
B. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 1.1.1 x 4 sets rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 80% of 1RM
C. Strict Press 3 x 7 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
D1. Single Leg KB Deadlift x 8/leg rest 1 minute
D2. Single Arm KB Press x 8/arm rest 1 minute x 4
A. Hang Snatch x 1 + High Hang Snatch x 1 x 7 sets rest as needed (drop in between reps)
B. Power Clean x Push Jerk - 1 rep every 20 seconds x 20 reps (185/125)
"Rowing Nancy"
5 rounds:
400m Row
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
B. Power Clean x Push Jerk - 1 rep every 20 seconds x 20 reps (185/125)
"Rowing Nancy"
5 rounds:
400m Row
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
A. Deadlift 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 3 minutes
B1. Front Rack BB Lunges x 20 steps rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Sit-Ups x 20 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
1 minute @ 500/350 Watts
1 minute rest x 8 sets
B1. Front Rack BB Lunges x 20 steps rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Sit-Ups x 20 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
1 minute @ 500/350 Watts
1 minute rest x 8 sets
Front Squat 185/125
HSPU (4/2" Deficit)
rest 1 minute
100/75 Calorie Row
rest 1 minute
Deadlifts 235/145
Hand Release Push-Ups x 2 (42-30-18) *no worming these*
Front Squat 185/125
HSPU (4/2" Deficit)
rest 1 minute
100/75 Calorie Row
rest 1 minute
Deadlifts 235/145
Hand Release Push-Ups x 2 (42-30-18) *no worming these*
A. Back Squat - 3 x 6 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 1.1.1 x 4 sets rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 75% of 1RM
C. Strict Press 3 x 6 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
D1. Banded Abduction x 10/leg rest 1 minute
D2. Band Pull-Apart Palms Up x 12 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
B. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 1.1.1 x 4 sets rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 75% of 1RM
C. Strict Press 3 x 6 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
D1. Banded Abduction x 10/leg rest 1 minute
D2. Band Pull-Apart Palms Up x 12 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
A. Snatch - 5 x 2 rest 2 minutes (not TNG - drop between reps)
B. C&J - EMOM x 10 - 1 C&J @ 77%
5 rounds:
10 C&J 115/75
12 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
B. C&J - EMOM x 10 - 1 C&J @ 77%
5 rounds:
10 C&J 115/75
12 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
A. Deadlift - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 rest 3 minutes
B1. Front Rack BB Lunge x 18 steps rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Sit-Ups x 18-20 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
Assault Bike
90 Seconds Fast Spin (400/325 Watts)
30 Seconds Slow Spin
x 5 sets (10 minutes total)
B1. Front Rack BB Lunge x 18 steps rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Sit-Ups x 18-20 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
Assault Bike
90 Seconds Fast Spin (400/325 Watts)
30 Seconds Slow Spin
x 5 sets (10 minutes total)
For time:
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpees (1 foot target)
10 Back Squats 225/145# (from the floor)
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpees (1 foot target)
10 Front Squats 205/125# (from floor)
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpees (1 foot target)
10 Overhead Squats 185/105# (from floor)
rest exactly 3 minutes
50 Strict HSPU (for time)
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpees (1 foot target)
10 Back Squats 225/145# (from the floor)
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpees (1 foot target)
10 Front Squats 205/125# (from floor)
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpees (1 foot target)
10 Overhead Squats 185/105# (from floor)
rest exactly 3 minutes
50 Strict HSPU (for time)
A. Back Squat 3x5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 1.1.1 x 4 rest 10 seconds rest 2 minutes (70%)
C. Strict Press 3x5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
D1. GH Raise x 8-10 rest 1 minute
D2. TGU x 2-3/arm rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
B. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 1.1.1 x 4 rest 10 seconds rest 2 minutes (70%)
C. Strict Press 3x5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
D1. GH Raise x 8-10 rest 1 minute
D2. TGU x 2-3/arm rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
A. Snatch - 5 x 2 TNG Reps rest 2 minutes *building*
B. C&J - 7 x 1 @ 80% rest 90 seconds (pause in split jerk x 2 seconds)
3 rounds:
1000m Row
42 KB Swings 53/35
24 Pull-Ups
B. C&J - 7 x 1 @ 80% rest 90 seconds (pause in split jerk x 2 seconds)
3 rounds:
1000m Row
42 KB Swings 53/35
24 Pull-Ups
A. Deadlift - 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 3 minutes
B1. Front Rack BB Lunge x 14 steps rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Sit-Up x 15 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
Every 4 minutes x 20 minutes
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
B1. Front Rack BB Lunge x 14 steps rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Sit-Up x 15 reps rest 1 minute x 4 sets
Every 4 minutes x 20 minutes
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
From 0 - 20 minutes
1K Run
15 Overhead Squats 135/95
30 Box Jumps 30/24
1K Row
15 Thrusters 135/95
30 Burpees over bar
From 20 -25 minutes
2/1 Muscle Ups
6/4 Calories Assault Bike
1K Run
15 Overhead Squats 135/95
30 Box Jumps 30/24
1K Row
15 Thrusters 135/95
30 Burpees over bar
From 20 -25 minutes
2/1 Muscle Ups
6/4 Calories Assault Bike
A. Push Press x 3 + Push Jerk x 2 + Split Jerk x 1 x 5 sets rest 3 minutes
B1. P-Bar HSPU x 6-8 reps (6" deficit) rest 1 minute
B2. Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups x 10-15 reps rest 2 minutes x 4
C. Narrow Grip OHS @ 3311 tempo x 8 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
D. Spend 20 minutes working on Back Bridges, Back Bridge Walking, Free Standing Handstands
B1. P-Bar HSPU x 6-8 reps (6" deficit) rest 1 minute
B2. Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups x 10-15 reps rest 2 minutes x 4
C. Narrow Grip OHS @ 3311 tempo x 8 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
D. Spend 20 minutes working on Back Bridges, Back Bridge Walking, Free Standing Handstands
A. Deadlift 10 x 2 @ 65% + Band Tension rest 30 seconds
B. Squat Clean 1.1. x 5 rest 20 seconds rest 2 minutes @ blocks below hips *SPEED*
C. 15 UB Toes to Bar rest 2 minutes x 4
1 minute Assault Bike @ 450/300 Watts
1 minute rest/walk x 10 sets
B. Squat Clean 1.1. x 5 rest 20 seconds rest 2 minutes @ blocks below hips *SPEED*
C. 15 UB Toes to Bar rest 2 minutes x 4
1 minute Assault Bike @ 450/300 Watts
1 minute rest/walk x 10 sets
A. Push Press 5, 5, 5, 5 (3 second OH pause) rest 2 minutes
B. Bar Muscle Ups x 4-6 reps rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
C. Sorenson Hold x 30 Seconds rest 90 Seconds x 4 sets
For time:
15 Power Cleans 185/125
3 Rounds of Cindy
30 Dumbbell Shoulder 2 Overhead 50/30
3 Rounds of Cindy
15 Front Squats 185/125
3 Rounds of Cindy
B. Bar Muscle Ups x 4-6 reps rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
C. Sorenson Hold x 30 Seconds rest 90 Seconds x 4 sets
For time:
15 Power Cleans 185/125
3 Rounds of Cindy
30 Dumbbell Shoulder 2 Overhead 50/30
3 Rounds of Cindy
15 Front Squats 185/125
3 Rounds of Cindy
A. Back Squat - 10RM (2 attempts)
B. Power Snatch 1.1.1 x 5 rest 15 seconds rest 2 minutes (@ blocks just below hips) *SPEED*
C. Seated Barbell Good Morning 3 x 20 rest 1 minute
1000m Row @ same pace as last week
rest/walk 60 seconds x 4
B. Power Snatch 1.1.1 x 5 rest 15 seconds rest 2 minutes (@ blocks just below hips) *SPEED*
C. Seated Barbell Good Morning 3 x 20 rest 1 minute
1000m Row @ same pace as last week
rest/walk 60 seconds x 4
For time:
1k Row
20 Squat Clean Thrusters 155/105
20 Muscle Ups (sub 20 C2B + 20 Ring Dips)
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30/24
1k Row
Spend 10-15 minutes practice HSW, Bar Muscle Ups, Pistols Etc.
1k Row
20 Squat Clean Thrusters 155/105
20 Muscle Ups (sub 20 C2B + 20 Ring Dips)
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30/24
1k Row
Spend 10-15 minutes practice HSW, Bar Muscle Ups, Pistols Etc.
A. Split Jerk x 1.1.1 x 5 sets rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes (moderate weight) *SPEED*
B1. Strict Deficit HSPU x 4-6 reps (add to last week) rest 1 minute
B2. Strict Weighted Pull-Up x 4-6 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
C. One Arm KB Overhead Squat x 12/arm rest 1 minute x 3
D. Spend 20 minutes mobilizing pecs, lats, upperback
B1. Strict Deficit HSPU x 4-6 reps (add to last week) rest 1 minute
B2. Strict Weighted Pull-Up x 4-6 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
C. One Arm KB Overhead Squat x 12/arm rest 1 minute x 3
D. Spend 20 minutes mobilizing pecs, lats, upperback
A. Deadlift - 10 x 2 @ 60% + Band Tension rest 30 seconds
B. Squat Clean 1.1 x 5 sets rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ blocks above knees *SPEED*
C. 15 GHD Situps AFAP rest 1 minute x 4-5 sets
Assault Bike
3 minutes @ tough but sustainable pace
1 minute rest/walk x 4 sets
B. Squat Clean 1.1 x 5 sets rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ blocks above knees *SPEED*
C. 15 GHD Situps AFAP rest 1 minute x 4-5 sets
Assault Bike
3 minutes @ tough but sustainable pace
1 minute rest/walk x 4 sets
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Floor Press - 1RM (compare t 10/13)
B. Gymnastic Complex
Handstand Walk to Wall 10-30 feet + 5 strict hasp + 8 kipping hspu rest 3 minutes x 5
C. GH Raise x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3
5 Hang Power Clean & Jerks 135/95
10 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Pull-Ups
B. Gymnastic Complex
Handstand Walk to Wall 10-30 feet + 5 strict hasp + 8 kipping hspu rest 3 minutes x 5
C. GH Raise x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3
5 Hang Power Clean & Jerks 135/95
10 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Pull-Ups
A. Back Squat - 10, 10, 10 @ 80% rest as needed
B. Power Snatch 1.1.1 x 5 rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes (@ block above knees) *SPEED*
C. Accumulate 3 minutes - Hollow Hold
1000m Row @ sustainable place
rest/walk 60 seconds x 3 sets
B. Power Snatch 1.1.1 x 5 rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes (@ block above knees) *SPEED*
C. Accumulate 3 minutes - Hollow Hold
1000m Row @ sustainable place
rest/walk 60 seconds x 3 sets
A. Deadlt @ 55% + Band Tension 10 x 2 rest 30 seconds
0 - 5 minutes
30 Snatches 135/95
5 -25 minutes
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
25 minutes on
Assault Bike 100/80 Calories
*no pussy shit here*
0 - 5 minutes
30 Snatches 135/95
5 -25 minutes
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
25 minutes on
Assault Bike 100/80 Calories
*no pussy shit here*
A. Jerk Dip x 3 @ 110% of Split Jerk Max x 3 sets rest 2 minutes
B. Split Jerk - work to a tough single for the day
C1. Strict Deficit HSPU x 4-6 reps (add to last week) rest 1 minute
C2. Strict Weighted Pull-Up x 4-6 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
D. One Arm KB Overhead Squat x 10 reps/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets
B. Split Jerk - work to a tough single for the day
C1. Strict Deficit HSPU x 4-6 reps (add to last week) rest 1 minute
C2. Strict Weighted Pull-Up x 4-6 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
D. One Arm KB Overhead Squat x 10 reps/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets
A. Goblet Squat x 15 reps @ 3030 rest 1 minute x 3 sets (same weight as last week)
B. Power Clean x 3 TNG reps every 90 seconds x 15 minutes *building*
C. Side to Side Toes to Bar - 5 x 10 reps rest as needed between sets
Every 6 minutes x 30 minutes
50/40 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint
B. Power Clean x 3 TNG reps every 90 seconds x 15 minutes *building*
C. Side to Side Toes to Bar - 5 x 10 reps rest as needed between sets
Every 6 minutes x 30 minutes
50/40 Calorie Assault Bike Sprint
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Floor Press 5 x 3 *building* rest 90 seconds
B. Gymnastic Complex (scale to 2-3 reps as needed)
- Strict Pull-Up x 5 + Kipping Pull-Up x 5 + Butterfly Pull-Up x 5 + C2B x 5 rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C. Tabata Side Planks (8 sets/side)
12 Squat Cleans 95/65
4 Burpees Over Bar
5 Strict HSPU
B. Gymnastic Complex (scale to 2-3 reps as needed)
- Strict Pull-Up x 5 + Kipping Pull-Up x 5 + Butterfly Pull-Up x 5 + C2B x 5 rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C. Tabata Side Planks (8 sets/side)
12 Squat Cleans 95/65
4 Burpees Over Bar
5 Strict HSPU
A. Back Squat - 10, 10, 10 @ 70-75% rest 3 minutes
B. Every 2 minutes x 20 minutes (10 sets) - 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS (1 second pause at bottom) *building*
C. Hip Extensions x 15 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
5 minutes Row @ 1000m Pace
rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
B. Every 2 minutes x 20 minutes (10 sets) - 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS (1 second pause at bottom) *building*
C. Hip Extensions x 15 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
5 minutes Row @ 1000m Pace
rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
100 Thrusters 135/95
5 Burpees EMOM
Strategy for those that can manage maybe turning this into an EMOM of 5 Thrusters per minute
100 Thrusters 135/95
5 Burpees EMOM
Strategy for those that can manage maybe turning this into an EMOM of 5 Thrusters per minute
A. Jerk Dip x 2 + Split Jerk x 1 x 5 sets @ 85-90% - 1 complex every 3 minutes x 15 minutes
B. Every 3 minutes x 9 minutes (3 sets) - 10 TNG Power Snatches AHAP
C1. Strict Deficit HSPU x 4-6 reps rest 1 minute
C2. Strict Weight Pull-Up x 4-6 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
D. One Arm KB Overhead Squat x 8 reps/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets
B. Every 3 minutes x 9 minutes (3 sets) - 10 TNG Power Snatches AHAP
C1. Strict Deficit HSPU x 4-6 reps rest 1 minute
C2. Strict Weight Pull-Up x 4-6 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
D. One Arm KB Overhead Squat x 8 reps/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets
A. Goblet Squat x 12 reps @ 3030 rest 1 minute x 3 sets (same weight as last week)
B. Power Clean @ Blocks Below Knees - 1 Rep Every 30 seconds x 15 reps *building*
C. Toes to Bar - 10 sets of 5 UB AFAP
150/120 Calories for Time on Assault Bike
20 Seconds Sprint
40 Seconds Rest (off Bike)
*get to the alotted total above in as few sets as possible*
B. Power Clean @ Blocks Below Knees - 1 Rep Every 30 seconds x 15 reps *building*
C. Toes to Bar - 10 sets of 5 UB AFAP
150/120 Calories for Time on Assault Bike
20 Seconds Sprint
40 Seconds Rest (off Bike)
*get to the alotted total above in as few sets as possible*
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Floor Press 6 x 2 @ 80% rest 1 minute
B1. Strict HSPU x 20 seconds Max Reps rest 40 seconds
B2. Kipping HSPU x 20 seconds Max Reps rest 1:40 x 3 sets
C. Hip Extensions @ 11X1 tempo x 15 reps rest 1 minute x 3
Shoulder 2 Overhead 185/115
Assault Bike Calories
GHD Sit-Ups
B1. Strict HSPU x 20 seconds Max Reps rest 40 seconds
B2. Kipping HSPU x 20 seconds Max Reps rest 1:40 x 3 sets
C. Hip Extensions @ 11X1 tempo x 15 reps rest 1 minute x 3
Shoulder 2 Overhead 185/115
Assault Bike Calories
GHD Sit-Ups
A. Back Squat - 10, 10, 10 @ 60-65% rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch - 1RM
C. L-Hang Hold - Accumulate 1 minute
30 minute clock:
Max Meters Rower
B. Snatch - 1RM
C. L-Hang Hold - Accumulate 1 minute
30 minute clock:
Max Meters Rower
0 - 10 minutes
Squat Cleans 95/65
Strict HSPU
*stop at 9 minutes even if you're not done*
Back Squats 155/95
Bar Facing Burpees
2k Row (use Monday as a gauge and his this at about 85-90% of TT*
Max Box Jumps in Remaining Time (YOU MUST JUMP) 24/20
Squat Cleans 95/65
Strict HSPU
*stop at 9 minutes even if you're not done*
Back Squats 155/95
Bar Facing Burpees
2k Row (use Monday as a gauge and his this at about 85-90% of TT*
Max Box Jumps in Remaining Time (YOU MUST JUMP) 24/20
A. Jerk Dip x 2 + Split Jerk x 1 x 5 sets @ 80% (stick landing for 2 seconds)
B. Every 20 seconds x 5 minutes - 1 Power Snatch @ 80%
C. Ring Dips @ 3111 x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets (add weight if this is too easy)
D. OH Barbell Walk x 50 meters 155/95 rest 90 seconds x 5 sets
B. Every 20 seconds x 5 minutes - 1 Power Snatch @ 80%
C. Ring Dips @ 3111 x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets (add weight if this is too easy)
D. OH Barbell Walk x 50 meters 155/95 rest 90 seconds x 5 sets
A. Goblet Squat x 10 reps @ 3030 tempo rest 1 minute x 3 sets (AHAP) *each set should take 1 full minute*
B. Every 15 Seconds x 5 minutes - 1 Squat Clean @ 70% (20 reps)
C. Strict Toes to Bar - 3 x 10 reps rest as needed
Tabata Assault Bike
(20 seconds SPRINT 10 seconds REST x 8 sets)
rest 4 minutes x 2
B. Every 15 Seconds x 5 minutes - 1 Squat Clean @ 70% (20 reps)
C. Strict Toes to Bar - 3 x 10 reps rest as needed
Tabata Assault Bike
(20 seconds SPRINT 10 seconds REST x 8 sets)
rest 4 minutes x 2
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Floor Press 8 x 2 @ 70% rest 30 seconds (middle grip for all sets)
B1. Assault Bike x 20 Seconds sprint rest 10 seconds
B2. Burpee Box Jumps Overs x 8 reps 20" rest 10 seconds
B3. Max UB Muscle Ups rest 3 minutes x 3
Power Cleans 175/110
Bar Facing Burpees
B1. Assault Bike x 20 Seconds sprint rest 10 seconds
B2. Burpee Box Jumps Overs x 8 reps 20" rest 10 seconds
B3. Max UB Muscle Ups rest 3 minutes x 3
Power Cleans 175/110
Bar Facing Burpees
A. Back Squat @ 33X1 1, 1, 1, 1 rest 3 minutes
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1 rest 30 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 90%
C. Box Step Ups x 20 Reps Total (DBL KB in Front Rack 35/18) rest 90 seconds x 3 (20/16)
2k TT Row
*goal is to set a new PR - the pacing work we've done with 500's should help*
*split this into 4 sets of 500m mentally. The first 500m should be rowed very hard at around 95%*
*Peel the second 500m back to around 85-88%, once you hit 1000m 10 hard strokes*
*Finish the 3rd 500m around 85-90% - then drop the hammer and go HAM for final 500m*
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1 rest 30 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 90%
C. Box Step Ups x 20 Reps Total (DBL KB in Front Rack 35/18) rest 90 seconds x 3 (20/16)
2k TT Row
*goal is to set a new PR - the pacing work we've done with 500's should help*
*split this into 4 sets of 500m mentally. The first 500m should be rowed very hard at around 95%*
*Peel the second 500m back to around 85-88%, once you hit 1000m 10 hard strokes*
*Finish the 3rd 500m around 85-90% - then drop the hammer and go HAM for final 500m*
A. Jerk Dip x 2 + Split Jerk x 1 x 7 sets @ 75% of 1RM rest 2 minutes (focus on upright dip and drive)
B. Power Snatch - Work to a tough single
C. HSPU @ 3111 x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets (add weight if this is too easy)
D. Turkish Getups x 100 Reps (50/arm) Guys @ 25#, Girls @ 15# (DONT SKIP THIS)
B. Power Snatch - Work to a tough single
C. HSPU @ 3111 x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets (add weight if this is too easy)
D. Turkish Getups x 100 Reps (50/arm) Guys @ 25#, Girls @ 15# (DONT SKIP THIS)
A. Front Squat 3 x 5 @ 60% rest 1 minute
B. Squat Clean - Build to a tough single
C. L-Sit - Accumulate 2 minutes
Assault Bike
30 Seconds @ 95%
rest 3 minutes x 5 sets
B. Squat Clean - Build to a tough single
C. L-Sit - Accumulate 2 minutes
Assault Bike
30 Seconds @ 95%
rest 3 minutes x 5 sets
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock and select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock and select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Floor Press 9 x 3 @ 55% rest 30 seconds (3 sets close, 3 sets middle, 3 sets wide)
B1. Wall Ball Shots x 30 UB Reps 20/14 rest 30 seconds
B2. Double Unders x 30 Seconds Max UB Reps rest 30 seconds
B3. Muscle Ups x 30 Seconds Max UB reps rest 3 minutes x 3
"Helen" ish
3 rounds:
500m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
*everything should be fast and unbroken*
B1. Wall Ball Shots x 30 UB Reps 20/14 rest 30 seconds
B2. Double Unders x 30 Seconds Max UB Reps rest 30 seconds
B3. Muscle Ups x 30 Seconds Max UB reps rest 3 minutes x 3
"Helen" ish
3 rounds:
500m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
*everything should be fast and unbroken*
A. Back Squat @ 33X1 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 3 minutes
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1 rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 85%
C. Box Step Ups x 20 Reps total (Goblet Position 70/53) rest 90 seconds x 3 (20/16")
500m Row @ Max
rest 8 mintues x 3
*each of these should be 100% black out pace - looking for a PR
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1 rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 85%
C. Box Step Ups x 20 Reps total (Goblet Position 70/53) rest 90 seconds x 3 (20/16")
500m Row @ Max
rest 8 mintues x 3
*each of these should be 100% black out pace - looking for a PR
A. Close Grip Bench - build to a 1RM
B. Every 20 seconds x 20 reps - 1 Power Snatch @ 80%
C. Turkish Getups x 10/arm *moderate* (sets of 2 at a time)
D. Barbell Curl 3 x 10 rest 60 seconds *building*
E. EMOM x 10 - 3 Muscle Ups (scale to Jumping Muscle Ups)
B. Every 20 seconds x 20 reps - 1 Power Snatch @ 80%
C. Turkish Getups x 10/arm *moderate* (sets of 2 at a time)
D. Barbell Curl 3 x 10 rest 60 seconds *building*
E. EMOM x 10 - 3 Muscle Ups (scale to Jumping Muscle Ups)
A. Front Squat - build to a 1RM
B. Every 30 Seconds x 10 minutes - 1 Squat Clean @ 80%
C. Plank Hold (Weighted) Accumulate 3 minutes
50 Calorie Row @ 100% Effort
rest 5 minutes x 3 sets
B. Every 30 Seconds x 10 minutes - 1 Squat Clean @ 80%
C. Plank Hold (Weighted) Accumulate 3 minutes
50 Calorie Row @ 100% Effort
rest 5 minutes x 3 sets
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Floor Press - build to a tough single
B1. Assault Bike x 10 Calorie Sprint rest 30 seconds
B2. Thrusters x 15 Reps 95/65 rest 30 seconds
B3. HSPU x 15/10 Reps rest 3 minutes x 3
5 rounds:
25 Pull-Ups
7 Push Jerks 135/95
*15 minute cap*
B1. Assault Bike x 10 Calorie Sprint rest 30 seconds
B2. Thrusters x 15 Reps 95/65 rest 30 seconds
B3. HSPU x 15/10 Reps rest 3 minutes x 3
5 rounds:
25 Pull-Ups
7 Push Jerks 135/95
*15 minute cap*
A. Back Squat @ 33X1 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2:30
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 80%
C1. Lateral Lunges x 20 total reps (KB in goblet position) rest 1 minute
C2. Sorenson Hold x 45 seconds rest 1:15 x 3 sets
500m Row @ 90%
rest 90 seconds on Rower
500m Row @ 95%
- rest as needed -
repeat the above rowing sequence 1 more time
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 80%
C1. Lateral Lunges x 20 total reps (KB in goblet position) rest 1 minute
C2. Sorenson Hold x 45 seconds rest 1:15 x 3 sets
500m Row @ 90%
rest 90 seconds on Rower
500m Row @ 95%
- rest as needed -
repeat the above rowing sequence 1 more time
C2B Pull-Ups
rest as needed
For time:
30 calorie row
30 wall ball shots 20/14
30 toes to bar
30 deadlifts 185/135
30 burpee box jump overs 24/20
30 deadlifts
30 toes to bar
30 wall ball shots
30 calorie row
C2B Pull-Ups
rest as needed
For time:
30 calorie row
30 wall ball shots 20/14
30 toes to bar
30 deadlifts 185/135
30 burpee box jump overs 24/20
30 deadlifts
30 toes to bar
30 wall ball shots
30 calorie row
A. Close Grip Bench @ 3112 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 2 minutes (5-10% heavier than last week)
B. Power Snatch Cluster (Off Blocks 3-4" below knees) 5 x 1.1.1 *building* rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes (be aware of comfort versus last week)
C. Turkish Get-Ups x 8/arm (work with a barbell) only do the up-phase of the movement
D. Alternating Bicep Curls x 20 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
E. 50 HSPU - 10 sets of 5 UB AFAP
A. Front Squat Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes 85-90%
B. Clean Cluster (Off Blocks 3-4" below knees) 3 x rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes (be aware of comfort versus past 2 weeks)
C. Glute Ham Raise - 3 x 8-10 reps @ 3011 tempo rest as needed
3 sets:
10 calories AB Bike
10 Burpees
25 KB Swings 53/35
10 Burpees
10 Calories AB Bike
rest 5 minutes
All at 110% effort
*record all 3 rounds*
B. Clean Cluster (Off Blocks 3-4" below knees) 3 x rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes (be aware of comfort versus past 2 weeks)
C. Glute Ham Raise - 3 x 8-10 reps @ 3011 tempo rest as needed
3 sets:
10 calories AB Bike
10 Burpees
25 KB Swings 53/35
10 Burpees
10 Calories AB Bike
rest 5 minutes
All at 110% effort
*record all 3 rounds*
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Bench Press @ 70% of 1RM - 9 x 3 (3 close, 3 middle, 3 wide) rest 1 minute
B1. Calorie Row x 20/15 rest 30 seconds
B2. Double Unders x 30 seconds Max UB rest 30 seconds
B3. Muscle Ups x 5-6 reps rest 3 minutes x 3 (scale to max UB Ring Push-Ups Feet Elevated)
21/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Shoulder 2 Overhead 135/95
9 Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups
B1. Calorie Row x 20/15 rest 30 seconds
B2. Double Unders x 30 seconds Max UB rest 30 seconds
B3. Muscle Ups x 5-6 reps rest 3 minutes x 3 (scale to max UB Ring Push-Ups Feet Elevated)
21/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Shoulder 2 Overhead 135/95
9 Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups
A. Back Squat @ 33X1 4, 4, 4, 4 rest 2:30
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 70-75%
C1. Lateral Box Step Up (20/16) x 10 reps/leg (holding KB in Goblet position) rest 1 minute
C2. Hollow Rock Hold x Max Time rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
500m Row @ 95% (1-2 seconds faster than last week)
rest 3 minutes x 6 sets
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 70-75%
C1. Lateral Box Step Up (20/16) x 10 reps/leg (holding KB in Goblet position) rest 1 minute
C2. Hollow Rock Hold x Max Time rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
500m Row @ 95% (1-2 seconds faster than last week)
rest 3 minutes x 6 sets
WODaPalooza Week 1 Qualifier
WOD 1:
3 minute clock:
3 Position Snatch (floor, below knee, above knee) must be TNG - + Max OHS until failure
*score = heaviest load + OHS*
WOD 2:
12 minute clock:
12 Thrusters 75/55
35 Double Unders
12 Thrusters 95/65
35 Double Unders
and so on increasing the weight by 20# for men, and 10# for women
WOD 1:
3 minute clock:
3 Position Snatch (floor, below knee, above knee) must be TNG - + Max OHS until failure
*score = heaviest load + OHS*
WOD 2:
12 minute clock:
12 Thrusters 75/55
35 Double Unders
12 Thrusters 95/65
35 Double Unders
and so on increasing the weight by 20# for men, and 10# for women
A. Close Grip Bench @ 3112 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes (5-10% heavier than last week)
B. Power Snatch Cluster (Blocks @ knees) 5 x 1.1.1 *building* rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes (be aware of comfort versus last week)
C. Half Kneeling SA KB Bottums Up Press x 9-10/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets (shoot for same weight as week 1 & 2)
D. Band Pushdown x 200 reps
E. 20 Perfect Wall Walks (3 second pause at top with noes and toes on wall)
B. Power Snatch Cluster (Blocks @ knees) 5 x 1.1.1 *building* rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes (be aware of comfort versus last week)
C. Half Kneeling SA KB Bottums Up Press x 9-10/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets (shoot for same weight as week 1 & 2)
D. Band Pushdown x 200 reps
E. 20 Perfect Wall Walks (3 second pause at top with noes and toes on wall)
A. Front Squat Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 rest 15 seconds, rest 3 minutes 80-85%
B. Clean Cluster (Off Blocks @ knees) 3 x *building* rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes (be aware of comfort versus last week)
C. Barbell Hip Bridge - 3 x 15-20 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes (White Plains Folks can Sub Reverse Hyper if they prefer)
5 sets:
21 Calorie Row Sprint
15 Burpees AFAP
9 Thrusters 135/95 *Scale to a heavy but UB weight - must be UB*
rest 5 minutes
B. Clean Cluster (Off Blocks @ knees) 3 x *building* rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes (be aware of comfort versus last week)
C. Barbell Hip Bridge - 3 x 15-20 reps AHAP rest 2 minutes (White Plains Folks can Sub Reverse Hyper if they prefer)
5 sets:
21 Calorie Row Sprint
15 Burpees AFAP
9 Thrusters 135/95 *Scale to a heavy but UB weight - must be UB*
rest 5 minutes
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Bench Press @ 60% + Against Doubled Band Tensions - 6 x 3 rest 30 seconds
B1. Box Jumps x 20 reps *work on cycling* rest 15 seconds (choose height that allows for stimulus)
B2. AMRAP HSPU rest 3 minutes x 4 sets
C. Bottoms Up Kettlebell Waiters Carry x 25m/Arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets (go light)
Power Cleans 155/105
Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
B1. Box Jumps x 20 reps *work on cycling* rest 15 seconds (choose height that allows for stimulus)
B2. AMRAP HSPU rest 3 minutes x 4 sets
C. Bottoms Up Kettlebell Waiters Carry x 25m/Arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets (go light)
Power Cleans 155/105
Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
A. Back Squat @ 33X1 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2:30
B. Snatch Wave Singles - 68%, 73%, 78%, 83%, 88% rest 45 seconds between singles, rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Ultrawide Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlift x 15 reps AHAP rest 1 minute
C2. L-Hang Hold x Max Time rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
500m Row (90-95%) *3-5 seconds faster pacing wise than last week*
rest 2 minutes x 8 sets
rest 4 minutes between sets 4&5
B. Snatch Wave Singles - 68%, 73%, 78%, 83%, 88% rest 45 seconds between singles, rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Ultrawide Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlift x 15 reps AHAP rest 1 minute
C2. L-Hang Hold x Max Time rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
500m Row (90-95%) *3-5 seconds faster pacing wise than last week*
rest 2 minutes x 8 sets
rest 4 minutes between sets 4&5
A. Close Grip Bench @ 3112 4, 4, 4, 4 rest 2 minutes (5-10% heavier than last week)
B. Power Snatch Cluster (Blocks 3-4" above knees) 5 x 1.1.1 *building* rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes
C. Half Kneeling SA KB Bottoms up Press x 7-8/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets (same weight as last week)
D. Dumbbell Skull Crushers *light* - 3 x 25 reps rest 1 minute
E. Handstand Walk Practice - 10 minutes
B. Power Snatch Cluster (Blocks 3-4" above knees) 5 x 1.1.1 *building* rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes
C. Half Kneeling SA KB Bottoms up Press x 7-8/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets (same weight as last week)
D. Dumbbell Skull Crushers *light* - 3 x 25 reps rest 1 minute
E. Handstand Walk Practice - 10 minutes
A. Front Squat Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 rest 15 seconds, rest 3 minutes 75-80%
B. Clean Cluster (Off Blocks 3-4" above knees) 3 x *building* rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes
C. Climbing Plank - 3 sets of 45 seconds rest 2 minutes
5 sets:
30 Seconds Assault Bike
30 Seconds Burpee Over Bar
30 Second Max Front Squats 155/105
rest 5 minutes
B. Clean Cluster (Off Blocks 3-4" above knees) 3 x *building* rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes
C. Climbing Plank - 3 sets of 45 seconds rest 2 minutes
5 sets:
30 Seconds Assault Bike
30 Seconds Burpee Over Bar
30 Second Max Front Squats 155/105
rest 5 minutes
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Bench Press @ 55% + Against Double Band Tension - 8 x 2 rest 30 seconds
B1. Double Unders x 30 seconds Max reps rest 15 seconds
B2. Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 x 30 seconds Max reps rest 15 seconds
B3. Max UB Muscle Ups (sub butterfly pull-ups) rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C. Chest Supported Rear Delt Flys 3 x 25 rest 1 minute
"The Chief"
5 rounds:
3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
rest 1 minute
B1. Double Unders x 30 seconds Max reps rest 15 seconds
B2. Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 x 30 seconds Max reps rest 15 seconds
B3. Max UB Muscle Ups (sub butterfly pull-ups) rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C. Chest Supported Rear Delt Flys 3 x 25 rest 1 minute
"The Chief"
5 rounds:
3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
rest 1 minute
A. Overhead Squat - build to a tough single
B. Snatch Waveload Singles - 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% - rest 45 seconds between singles, rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Glute Ham Raise x 8-10 reps rest 1 minute
C2. GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
500m Row (85-90%)
rest 2 minutes x 8 sets
B. Snatch Waveload Singles - 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% - rest 45 seconds between singles, rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Glute Ham Raise x 8-10 reps rest 1 minute
C2. GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
500m Row (85-90%)
rest 2 minutes x 8 sets
For time:
150 Double Unders
50 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
30 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Rope Climbs (sub 20 muscle ups or 40 C2B)
150 Double Unders
50 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
30 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Rope Climbs (sub 20 muscle ups or 40 C2B)
A. Close Grip Bench @ 3112 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes
B. Power Snatch x 1 + Snatch Balance x 1 + Snatch x 1 TNG Reps x 7 sets *building*
C. Half Kneeling SA KB Bottoms up Press x 6/arm rest 1 minute x 4 sets
D. Dumbbell Tate Press 3 x 20 reps rest 60 seconds
E. 20 minutes Skill Specific Skill Work - athlete choice
B. Power Snatch x 1 + Snatch Balance x 1 + Snatch x 1 TNG Reps x 7 sets *building*
C. Half Kneeling SA KB Bottoms up Press x 6/arm rest 1 minute x 4 sets
D. Dumbbell Tate Press 3 x 20 reps rest 60 seconds
E. 20 minutes Skill Specific Skill Work - athlete choice
A. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 3 x rest 15 seconds rest 2 mintues (80-85%)
B. Clean Pull to Knee (pause 1 second) x 1 + Paused Full Clean x 1 (from knee) + 1 Front Squat x 7 sets building rest as needed
C. Body Lever Negatives x 5 reps (SLOW) rest 1 mintue x 3 sets (https://youtu.be/X_g8d9IykVE)
5 sets:
5 Overhead Squats 155/105
8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
20 Second AB Sprint
rest 5 minutes x 5
B. Clean Pull to Knee (pause 1 second) x 1 + Paused Full Clean x 1 (from knee) + 1 Front Squat x 7 sets building rest as needed
C. Body Lever Negatives x 5 reps (SLOW) rest 1 mintue x 3 sets (https://youtu.be/X_g8d9IykVE)
5 sets:
5 Overhead Squats 155/105
8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
20 Second AB Sprint
rest 5 minutes x 5
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Bench Press @ 50% + Against Double Band Tension - 10 x 2 rest 30 seconds between reps
B1. Box Jump Overs x 15 reps 24/20 rest 15 seconds
B2. Max Strict Pull-Ups rest 15 seconds
B3. Hand Release Push-Ups x 15 Perfect Reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Banded Lat Pulldown x 20 reps rest 1 minute (https://youtu.be/w8VtPzZlgeE)
C2. Band Face Pull x 12 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
Every 45 seconds x 12 minutes (16 sets)
3 Power Cleans 155/105
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
B1. Box Jump Overs x 15 reps 24/20 rest 15 seconds
B2. Max Strict Pull-Ups rest 15 seconds
B3. Hand Release Push-Ups x 15 Perfect Reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Banded Lat Pulldown x 20 reps rest 1 minute (https://youtu.be/w8VtPzZlgeE)
C2. Band Face Pull x 12 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
Every 45 seconds x 12 minutes (16 sets)
3 Power Cleans 155/105
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
A. Overhead Squat @ 3311 - 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 2 minutes (5-10% heavier than 8/31)
B. Snatch Wave Singles - 62%, 67%, 72%, 77%, 82% - rest 30 seconds between singles, rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Standing Barbell Good Morning @ 3111 tempo x 8 reps rest 1 minute
C2. Arch Rock Hold x 30 seconds rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
250m Row Sprint (90-95% pacing)
rest 1 minute x 10 sets
B. Snatch Wave Singles - 62%, 67%, 72%, 77%, 82% - rest 30 seconds between singles, rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
C1. Standing Barbell Good Morning @ 3111 tempo x 8 reps rest 1 minute
C2. Arch Rock Hold x 30 seconds rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
250m Row Sprint (90-95% pacing)
rest 1 minute x 10 sets
A. Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Every 30 seconds x 8 minutes - 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch @ 75%
C. Turkish Getups x 30 (moderate) reps
D. 20 minute Row (recovery pace)
BOTB People
Just Row and Mobility
B. Every 30 seconds x 8 minutes - 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch @ 75%
C. Turkish Getups x 30 (moderate) reps
D. 20 minute Row (recovery pace)
BOTB People
Just Row and Mobility
A. Front Squat 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Every 30 seconds x 8 - 1 power clean & push jerk 185/115
20 calorie bike sprint
2 minute rest x 10
(rest 5 minutes between set 5&6)
B. Every 30 seconds x 8 - 1 power clean & push jerk 185/115
20 calorie bike sprint
2 minute rest x 10
(rest 5 minutes between set 5&6)
A. Push Press 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B1. 10 Burpees Over Bar AFAP rest 15 seconds
B2. 15 Butterfly Pull-Ups rest 2 minutes x 4 sets (scale up to C2B)
Thrusters 100/70
B1. 10 Burpees Over Bar AFAP rest 15 seconds
B2. 15 Butterfly Pull-Ups rest 2 minutes x 4 sets (scale up to C2B)
Thrusters 100/70
A. Overhead Squat - 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 70% rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch - Every 30 seconds x 8 minutes - 1 rep @ 70%
C. Glute Ham Raise - 3 x 8-10 reps rest 1 minute
20 Minute Run
B. Snatch - Every 30 seconds x 8 minutes - 1 rep @ 70%
C. Glute Ham Raise - 3 x 8-10 reps rest 1 minute
20 Minute Run
3 rounds:
5 Deadlifts 315/205
15 Box Jumps 30/24
rest 2 minutes
3 rounds:
15 Pull-Ups
20 Wall Ball Shots (30/20)
rest 2 minutes
For time:
10 C&J 155/105
35 Calorie Assault Bike
10 C&J 155/105
*must be squat cleans*
5 Deadlifts 315/205
15 Box Jumps 30/24
rest 2 minutes
3 rounds:
15 Pull-Ups
20 Wall Ball Shots (30/20)
rest 2 minutes
For time:
10 C&J 155/105
35 Calorie Assault Bike
10 C&J 155/105
*must be squat cleans*
A. Close Grip Bench Press 5 x 5 *building* rest 2 minutes
B. Hang Squat Snatch 3 x 8 TNG reps *building* rest 3 minutes
C. Bradford Press - 3 x 20 reps *light* rest 90 seconds
D. Every 20 seconds x 12 sets - 5 Toes to Bar
E. Dumbbell Roll Back 2 Extensions - 3 x 15 reps rest as needed
B. Hang Squat Snatch 3 x 8 TNG reps *building* rest 3 minutes
C. Bradford Press - 3 x 20 reps *light* rest 90 seconds
D. Every 20 seconds x 12 sets - 5 Toes to Bar
E. Dumbbell Roll Back 2 Extensions - 3 x 15 reps rest as needed
A. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 3 x rest 20 seconds rest 3 minutes (75-80%)
B. EMOM x 6 - 1 C&J @ 88-90%
20/15 Calorie Bike Sprint
10 Thrusters 115/75
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20"
rest 5 minutes x 3
B. EMOM x 6 - 1 C&J @ 88-90%
20/15 Calorie Bike Sprint
10 Thrusters 115/75
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20"
rest 5 minutes x 3
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 10/arm x 3 sets (rest 1 minute) AHAP
B1. Shoulder to Overhead x 20 reps (105/65) rest 30 seconds
B2. AMRAP 30 Seconds Burpees rest 30 seconds
B3. AMRAP 30 Seconds Strict HSPU rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
4 sets:
Row 500m AFAP
Run 300m AFAP
rest 1:1
B1. Shoulder to Overhead x 20 reps (105/65) rest 30 seconds
B2. AMRAP 30 Seconds Burpees rest 30 seconds
B3. AMRAP 30 Seconds Strict HSPU rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
4 sets:
Row 500m AFAP
Run 300m AFAP
rest 1:1
A. Overhead Squat @3311 - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes (5-10% heavier than last week)
B. Snatch lift of to knee x 1 (2 second pause) + Snatch from pause at knee x 1 + OHS x 1 - 5 sets (building)
C1. Single Leg KB Deadlift x 10 per leg rest 1 minute
C2. Hip/Back Extensions x 15 reps weighted rest 1 minute x 3 sets
*all outdoors*
500m Run
*every 2:30 x 6 sets*
B. Snatch lift of to knee x 1 (2 second pause) + Snatch from pause at knee x 1 + OHS x 1 - 5 sets (building)
C1. Single Leg KB Deadlift x 10 per leg rest 1 minute
C2. Hip/Back Extensions x 15 reps weighted rest 1 minute x 3 sets
*all outdoors*
500m Run
*every 2:30 x 6 sets*
For time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Ring Dips
50 Box Jump Overs 24/20
10 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Rope Climbs
10 Deadlifts 275/185
50 Double Unders
50 Hand Release Push-Ups
50 Calorie Row
*25 minute cap*
50 Calorie Row
50 Ring Dips
50 Box Jump Overs 24/20
10 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Rope Climbs
10 Deadlifts 275/185
50 Double Unders
50 Hand Release Push-Ups
50 Calorie Row
*25 minute cap*
A. Bench Press 10 x 3 @ 90% of 5RM from last week - rest 1 minute
B. EMOM x 6 - 8 TNG Power Snatches (115/75) Focus on Breathing and Efficiency
C. Turkish Getups - 50 reps (25/arm) 40/20
D. Toes to Bar x 30 Strict Reps
E. Spend 20 minutes on Mobility
B. EMOM x 6 - 8 TNG Power Snatches (115/75) Focus on Breathing and Efficiency
C. Turkish Getups - 50 reps (25/arm) 40/20
D. Toes to Bar x 30 Strict Reps
E. Spend 20 minutes on Mobility
A. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 4 x rest 15 seconds rest 2 minutes (65-75% of 1RM)
B. EMOM x 8 - 1 C&J @ 83-85%
3 sets:
250m Row Sprint
15 Thrusters 100/70
15 Burpees Over Bar
15 Pull-Ups
rest 5 minutes
B. EMOM x 8 - 1 C&J @ 83-85%
3 sets:
250m Row Sprint
15 Thrusters 100/70
15 Burpees Over Bar
15 Pull-Ups
rest 5 minutes
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 15/arm x 3 sets (rest 1 minute) AHAP
B1. 5 Heavy TNG Push Jerk rest 15 seconds
B2. 5 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24 rest 15 seconds
B3. Max UB Muscle Ups rest 3 minutes x 3 (scale to 10 pull-ups + 10 ring dips)
Every 5 minutes x 25 minutes
300m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
B1. 5 Heavy TNG Push Jerk rest 15 seconds
B2. 5 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24 rest 15 seconds
B3. Max UB Muscle Ups rest 3 minutes x 3 (scale to 10 pull-ups + 10 ring dips)
Every 5 minutes x 25 minutes
300m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
A. Overhead Squat @3311 - 4, 4, 4, 4 rest 2 minutes (5-10% heavier than last week)
B. Snatch Lift off to knee x 1 (2 second pause) + Snatch High Pull from Knee x 1 + Snatch x 1 x 5 sets (building)
C1. Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps AHAP rest 1 minute
C2. Banded Good Morning Standing x 25 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
20 minute clock:
30 seconds Run
30 seconds Jog
x 20 total sets
B. Snatch Lift off to knee x 1 (2 second pause) + Snatch High Pull from Knee x 1 + Snatch x 1 x 5 sets (building)
C1. Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps AHAP rest 1 minute
C2. Banded Good Morning Standing x 25 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
20 minute clock:
30 seconds Run
30 seconds Jog
x 20 total sets
AMRAP 10 minutes
40 Double Unders
8 Deadlifts 255/175
1 Rope Climb
*if in WP shorter ladies use rope and do 2 Rope Climb reps with leg wrap, men do 2 reps started seated, legless*
40 Double Unders
8 Deadlifts 255/175
1 Rope Climb
*if in WP shorter ladies use rope and do 2 Rope Climb reps with leg wrap, men do 2 reps started seated, legless*
A. Bench Press 5 x 5 rest 2 minutes *bulding* keep shoulder blades pinned into the bench
B. EMOM x 10 - 3-5 Power Snatches (155/95)
C. Barbell Strict Press (45/35) + KB Hanging from Green band (35/18) per side - 3x Max reps rest 2 minutes
D. Accumulate 3 minutes - Hollow Hold
E. Cooldown Row - 10 minutes @ z1
B. EMOM x 10 - 3-5 Power Snatches (155/95)
C. Barbell Strict Press (45/35) + KB Hanging from Green band (35/18) per side - 3x Max reps rest 2 minutes
D. Accumulate 3 minutes - Hollow Hold
E. Cooldown Row - 10 minutes @ z1
A. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 5 x 1.1.1 @ 60-70% of 1RM rest 15 seconds, rest 3 minutes
B. EMOM x 10 minutes - 1 C&J (start at 80% for first 7 minutes, then increase last 3 minutes)
2 sets:
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Burpees over Bar
20 Pull-Ups
rest 10 minutes
*start your run at the corner we normally do 300's at and run inside and start WOD*
B. EMOM x 10 minutes - 1 C&J (start at 80% for first 7 minutes, then increase last 3 minutes)
2 sets:
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Burpees over Bar
20 Pull-Ups
rest 10 minutes
*start your run at the corner we normally do 300's at and run inside and start WOD*
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 20 reps/arm x 3 sets (rest 1 minute between arms)
B1. 10 TNG Push Press 155/95 rest 30 seconds
B2. 15 Burpees AFAP rest 30 seconds
B3. Max UB Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
Every 4:30 minutes x 22:30 minutes
500m Row
20 UB American KB Swings 70/53
Max UB Muscle Ups (sub 10 ring dips)
B1. 10 TNG Push Press 155/95 rest 30 seconds
B2. 15 Burpees AFAP rest 30 seconds
B3. Max UB Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
Every 4:30 minutes x 22:30 minutes
500m Row
20 UB American KB Swings 70/53
Max UB Muscle Ups (sub 10 ring dips)
A. Overhead Squat @ 3311 - 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes (building)
B. Snatch Lift off to knee x 1 (2 second pause) + Snatch x 2 reps (No TNG) rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes x 5 sets
C1. Ultrawide Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlift x 20 reps rest 1 minute
C2. Standing Barbell Goodmorning @ 3111 x 10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
2 sets:
1 mile run @ 90%
rest 5 minutes
B. Snatch Lift off to knee x 1 (2 second pause) + Snatch x 2 reps (No TNG) rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes x 5 sets
C1. Ultrawide Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlift x 20 reps rest 1 minute
C2. Standing Barbell Goodmorning @ 3111 x 10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
2 sets:
1 mile run @ 90%
rest 5 minutes
For time:
100 Walking Lunge Steps (53/35 per hand)
50 Calorie Bike
20 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24
10 Muscle Ups (Scale to 20 Chest 2 Bar)
100 Walking Lunge Steps (53/35 per hand)
50 Calorie Bike
20 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24
10 Muscle Ups (Scale to 20 Chest 2 Bar)
A. Split Jerk Cluster - 5 x 1.1 rest 20 seconds, rest 3 minutes @ 70-75%
*stick landing for 3 seconds each rep*
B1. Strict Ring Dips x Max Reps (1 second pause at top and bottom) rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Situps x 15-20 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
C. 20 minute Row @ 80-85%
*hop off every 4 minutes and perform 2 TNG Turkish Getups/Arm Tough weight*
*stick landing for 3 seconds each rep*
B1. Strict Ring Dips x Max Reps (1 second pause at top and bottom) rest 1 minute
B2. GHD Situps x 15-20 reps rest 1 minute x 3 sets
C. 20 minute Row @ 80-85%
*hop off every 4 minutes and perform 2 TNG Turkish Getups/Arm Tough weight*
A. Back Squat - tough single in 20 minutes
B. Power Clean Cluster - 4 x 1.1 @ 70-75% rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes
500m Run @ 90%
rest 90 seconds x 4
B. Power Clean Cluster - 4 x 1.1 @ 70-75% rest 15 seconds, rest 2 minutes
500m Run @ 90%
rest 90 seconds x 4
A. Strict Press 3 x 5 @ 65% rest 2 minutes
B1. Max UB Double Unders rest 30 seconds
B2. Max UB Muscle Ups rest 3 minutes x 3 (scale to 15-20 butterfly pull-ups)
For time:
1k Row
50 Shoulder 2 Overhead 115/75
30 Bar Facing Burpees
B1. Max UB Double Unders rest 30 seconds
B2. Max UB Muscle Ups rest 3 minutes x 3 (scale to 15-20 butterfly pull-ups)
For time:
1k Row
50 Shoulder 2 Overhead 115/75
30 Bar Facing Burpees
A. Front Squat - 3 x 5 @ 65% rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch Cluster 4 x 1.1.1 @ 70% - rest 10 seconds, rest 2 minutes
C1. GH Raise x 6-8 reps rest 1 minute
C2. L-Sit Hold x 20 seconds rest 1 minute x 3
30 seconds slow
20 seconds moderate
10 seconds sprint
x 15 sets
B. Snatch Cluster 4 x 1.1.1 @ 70% - rest 10 seconds, rest 2 minutes
C1. GH Raise x 6-8 reps rest 1 minute
C2. L-Sit Hold x 20 seconds rest 1 minute x 3
30 seconds slow
20 seconds moderate
10 seconds sprint
x 15 sets
A. Tall Jerk - 3 x 5 (use as a warmup)
B. Split Jerk x 2 reps @ 80% of 1RM - every 2 minutes x 20 minutes (pause in catch for 3 seconds on second rep)
C1. Kipping Ring Dip x 5-15 reps (depending where you're at with these) rest 30 seconds
C2. Max UB Toes to Bar rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
D. Turkish Getup x 100 reps (pick a super light weight and get aerobic) - this should take 20-30 mintues
B. Split Jerk x 2 reps @ 80% of 1RM - every 2 minutes x 20 minutes (pause in catch for 3 seconds on second rep)
C1. Kipping Ring Dip x 5-15 reps (depending where you're at with these) rest 30 seconds
C2. Max UB Toes to Bar rest 2 minutes x 4 sets
D. Turkish Getup x 100 reps (pick a super light weight and get aerobic) - this should take 20-30 mintues
A. Hang Squat Clean - build to a tough single
B. Back Squat @ 85% - 5 x 1 rest 1 minute
For time:
15/10 Calorie Bike
15 KB Swings 70/53
25 Burpees
15 KB Swings 70/53
15/10 Calorie Bike
rest 10 minutes x 2 sets *all out*
B. Back Squat @ 85% - 5 x 1 rest 1 minute
For time:
15/10 Calorie Bike
15 KB Swings 70/53
25 Burpees
15 KB Swings 70/53
15/10 Calorie Bike
rest 10 minutes x 2 sets *all out*
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Push Jerk - tough single
B1. Burpees x 10 reps AFAP rest 15 seconds
B2. Shoulder 2 Overhead x 10 reps 165/105 rest 15 seconds
B3. Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps (or max unbroken if less than 10 reps) rest 3 minutes x 3
C. Accumulate 2 minutes Hollow Rocking
For time:
45 Pull-Ups
45 Thrusters 95/65
10 minute cooldown jog/row/bike
B1. Burpees x 10 reps AFAP rest 15 seconds
B2. Shoulder 2 Overhead x 10 reps 165/105 rest 15 seconds
B3. Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps (or max unbroken if less than 10 reps) rest 3 minutes x 3
C. Accumulate 2 minutes Hollow Rocking
For time:
45 Pull-Ups
45 Thrusters 95/65
10 minute cooldown jog/row/bike
A. Front Squat - work to a tough single
B. Snatch - work to a tough single
C1. Weighted Sorenson Hold x 30 Seconds rest 90 seconds (https://youtu.be/cbmSbUrdHkE)
C2. GHD Situp x 15 UB Reps rest 90 seconds x 3
10 minute clock:
Row - Max Calories (Goals - 200/150)
B. Snatch - work to a tough single
C1. Weighted Sorenson Hold x 30 Seconds rest 90 seconds (https://youtu.be/cbmSbUrdHkE)
C2. GHD Situp x 15 UB Reps rest 90 seconds x 3
10 minute clock:
Row - Max Calories (Goals - 200/150)
For time:
500m Row
40 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
30 Deadlift 165/105
20 Strict HSPU
10 Muscle Ups
20 Strict HSPU
30 Deadlifts 165/105
40 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
500m Row
500m Row
40 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
30 Deadlift 165/105
20 Strict HSPU
10 Muscle Ups
20 Strict HSPU
30 Deadlifts 165/105
40 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
500m Row
A. Tall Jerk - 3 x 5 (light - use as a warmup - https://youtu.be/48h5_Br5q_w)
B. Split Jerk x 3 TNG reps Every 3 minutes x 21 minutes building
C1. Max Unbroken Push-Ups (make these legit, not murph style) rest 1 minute
C2. Arch Rock Hold x 45 Seconds rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
D. Turkish Getup - work to a tough set of 3 per arm
1000m Run
rest 1:1 x 3 sets
B. Split Jerk x 3 TNG reps Every 3 minutes x 21 minutes building
C1. Max Unbroken Push-Ups (make these legit, not murph style) rest 1 minute
C2. Arch Rock Hold x 45 Seconds rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
D. Turkish Getup - work to a tough set of 3 per arm
1000m Run
rest 1:1 x 3 sets
A. Back Squat @ 80% 10 x 1 rest 1 minute
B. Clean Complex - 1 complex every 3 minutes x 18 minutes
High Hang Clean x 1 + Mid Hang Clean x 1 + Clean x 1
C. Accumulate 2 minutes - Hollow Rocking
3 sets:
10 Ground 2 Overhead 115/75
350m Row Sprint
10 Ground to Overhead 115/75
rest 5 minutes
*alternate between C&J and Snatch each round - work on efficiency*
B. Clean Complex - 1 complex every 3 minutes x 18 minutes
High Hang Clean x 1 + Mid Hang Clean x 1 + Clean x 1
C. Accumulate 2 minutes - Hollow Rocking
3 sets:
10 Ground 2 Overhead 115/75
350m Row Sprint
10 Ground to Overhead 115/75
rest 5 minutes
*alternate between C&J and Snatch each round - work on efficiency*
20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility
A. Push Jerk 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 @ 80-85% TNG reps rest 2 minutes
B. Close Grip Floor Press 9 x 3 @ 55% of Max Regular Bench rest 30 seconds between sets
C1. Shoulder to Overhead x 15 reps (100/65) rest 30 seconds
C2. Butterfly/Kipping Pull-Ups x 15-20 UB reps rest 90 seconds x 3 sets
D. L-Sit - 3 x Max Effort (rest 2 minutes between sets)
Every 5 minutes x 25 Minutes
500m Row
10 Overhead Squats 135/85
10-15 Toes to Bar
*rounds should not take more than 4 minute*
Bradford Press 3 x 20 Reps rest 60 seconds (stay light and stay true to the rest period)
B. Close Grip Floor Press 9 x 3 @ 55% of Max Regular Bench rest 30 seconds between sets
C1. Shoulder to Overhead x 15 reps (100/65) rest 30 seconds
C2. Butterfly/Kipping Pull-Ups x 15-20 UB reps rest 90 seconds x 3 sets
D. L-Sit - 3 x Max Effort (rest 2 minutes between sets)
Every 5 minutes x 25 Minutes
500m Row
10 Overhead Squats 135/85
10-15 Toes to Bar
*rounds should not take more than 4 minute*
Bradford Press 3 x 20 Reps rest 60 seconds (stay light and stay true to the rest period)
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