
NO 7am training session today - I want everyone in class

Session 1: (CFW Class conditioning ONLY)
5 rounds:
10 Power Cleans 135/95
50 Double Unders

*hit the above at 100%*

Session 2: BOTB Team Training (optional)


A. Back Squat Cluster 5 x 1.1 (rest 15 seconds) @ 85-90% rest as needed
B. Every 90 seconds x 15 minutes - 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch *building*
C. Every 90 seconds x 15 minutes - 2 TNG Split Jerks *building*


CFW CLASS WOD (hit this only at 100%)
Row 250m
Assault Bike 10 Calories
rest 3 minutes x 6 sets



20-30 minutes of light z1 cardio work
20-30 minutes of mobility on trouble areas
20-30 minutes of meditation


A1. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 5 x 3 *2 sec OH hold*
A2. C2B Pull-Ups - 5 x 10-12 rest 2 minutes (do these strict if possible)
B. Hang Snatch - 5 x 2 @ 85% of 1RM rest as needed
C. Overhead Squat - 4 x 1 @ 85% of 1RM rest as needed
D. 50 strict TTB (scale number down as needed - should not take more than 6 minutes)


We are TESTING next week - the volume in this week is purposely low so that you're all fresh for 1 week from now.  Try to avoid doing extra

A1. Front Squat Cluster 5 x 1.1 (rest 15 seconds) @ 85-90%
A2. HSPU (kipping) 5 x 12-15 rest 2 minutes
B. Hang Cleans - 5 x 2 @ 85% of 1RM Clean
C. GH Raise - 4 x 12 reps rest 90 seconds
Strict Ring Dips (add weight if too easy)
30 UB Double Unders *after each set*