
A. Tall Jerk - 3 x 3 rest 1:00 (building from last week)
B. Overhead Barbell Hold x :30 Seconds Locket Out rest 1:30 x 3 sets (5-10% heavier than last week)
C. Split Jerk - 5 x 3 @ 70% rest 3:00 (pause in catch for 2 seconds per rep)
5 Rounds:
10 Shoulder 2 Overhead 135/95
10 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
*scale up to C2B if possible*


A. Sumo Deadlift - 3 reps EMOM x 10 (60%)
B. Clean Pull 5 x 3 @ 90% of 1RM Clean rest 2:00 - https://youtu.be/fxOvTzsP12Q
C. Xband Walk x 20 steps/direction rest 1:00 x 3 sets
DB Power Snatch (alt) 50/30 *if you can handle heavier go heavier*
Burpee Box jumps 24/20


A. Snatch
3 minutes to complete:
10 Snatch Singles 135/85
2:30 minutes to complete:
8 Snatch Singles 155/100
2 minutes to complete
6 Snatch Singles 175/110
B. Front Squat
5 @ 40% of TM
5 @ 50% of TM
5 @ 60% of TM
*start a new set every 2 minutes*
C. Ring Dips
3 reps Every 30 seconds x 5 minutes
1 Mile Assault Bike @ 90%
rest 1:1 x 3 sets
*during rest period max deadlift lockout hold - overhand grip - 175/100*


A1. Strict Press
5 @ 40% of TM
5 @ 50% of TM
5 @ 60% of TM
rest 1:00
A2. Max UB Strict Pull-Ups rest 2:00 x 3 sets
B. Pressing Snatch Balance 3 x 5 reps (same weight as last week) rest 1:30
C. Snatch Balance 5 x 2-3 reps @ 80% of Last week rest 2:00 (pause in catch for 1-2 seconds/rep)
D. Depth Box Jump x 30 reps (https://youtu.be/5EztcmA0Amc)
Guys (20" to 30") Girls (20" to 24")


Start of Deload Week

Side Lying Chest Opener x 10-15 SLOW/Side - https://youtu.be/QY4SGMiY5g0
A. Back Squat
5 @ 40% of TM
5 @ 50% of TM
5 @ 60% of TM
*start a new set every 2 minutes*
B1. Power Clean x 1 tough single rest 30 seconds
B2. Handstand Wall Runs x 50 Taps rest 2:00 minutes x 4 sets - https://youtu.be/XyEcMmj1fRA
1 Mile Run (dumpster to dumpster) @ 90%
rest 1:1 x 2 sets