
For time:
Run 500m
100 Double Unders
Run 500m
80 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Run 500m
60 Burpees Over Bar
Run 500m
40 DL 185/115
Run 500m
20 S2O 185/115
Run 500m
10 OHS 185/115
*45 minute cap*

Post time or reps completed to comments as well as which portion you found most difficult.

Reflections on weeks 1-3

Hey all -

First off I just wanted to say how awesome it's been to actually see people consistently posting results on this blog.  You have no idea how happy that makes me and it's something I've been dreaming would happen for almost 4 years, so kudos to you guys.  I've noticed A LOT of good stuff over the past few weeks and also a few negatives which I'll address.  To begin I want to let you guys know how admirable it's been to watch those of you in White Plains come into the box before 6 and 7 am classes or after hours at 8pm and get your workouts in.  I cannot begin to imagine how much that sucks and as a token of my appreciation we will have 800# of competition bumpers at the gym this Monday (finally).  I can't speak on behalf of the Pelham folks as much, but as a whole, from what I've seen this has turned into a TEAM!  People helping each other, training together, and motivating each other.  this is exactly what I had envisioned  and you guys are laying the framework for a future "elite" CFW team.  That being said I think I first need to commend everyone on sticking to the rules, not trying to train during non team hours, following the blog pretty much word for word and completing every shitty workout that I've thrown at you guys.  I hope everyone has seen progress so far because I certainly have.  I know during week 12 when we retest you guys will all be super happy with what you've accomplished.  All those things being said I want you all to remember this is a voluntary choice to train this way, no one is forcing you guys to do this, and no one will get mad if it's too much or too boring and you want to stop.  At the end of the day I really want to see each of you reach your max potential and I know the annoying shitty things that have to be done to get there.  Now to the negative…I wouldn't be a good coach if I sugar coated things and wasn't honest with everyone about the common trends I'm starting to notice.

#1 - We have WAY too many go too heavy people.  The point of the squats, the presses, and especially the CLEANS & SNATCHES is not to fail reps.  You guys are supposed to be priming your body for testing and transitioning into a new phase of training come September.  If you are constantly missing snatch after snatch after snatch you're not getting the point of the workout.  Your EGO is overriding what the purpose is.  Treat the oly work going forward like you're learning a kipping pull-up.  It's a skill.  Unless you're a fuckin stud at snatching which none of you including myself are this is time for all of us to get better at the skills associated with these lifts.  A thing I learned a long time ago about weightlifting which stuck with me is each missed lift that you keep trying to hit is like an extra day you need to recover.  Weightlifting is extremely demanding on the CNS and right now, in the off season is not the time to kill that system.  You'll need it come January, February, and March.  Trust the process, and know that my stubborn ass was in your same shoes years ago.  Learn from my mistakes and CRUSH EVERYTHING (hit your lifts as close to 100% of the time as possible).

#2 - Some bitchassness is starting to make its way into our camp on these rowing days.  I am well aware of how boring these workouts are and how mentally and physically grueling they are, trust me I do.  The part where I will take blame is allowing people to do this WOD on Wednesday after 2 days of lifting.  Of course after 2 heavy days you can't give me what I know you have, that's because you're tired.  This is purposely why I originally programmed this after a rest day.  I want no excuses, no holding back, just pure effort and grit when you row.  Unless the Thursday row is physically impossible because of your schedule I'd like everyone to stick to that schedule.  That day is so important for all of you mentally.  All the above being said I demand more and I expect more from all of you.  To give you guys an idea my ME 500m row is 1:26, my ME 2k is 6:36 meaning I can keep a sub 1:40 pace for that time frame.  Everything is relative but the point is I want full effort on everything unless I say pace it.  If I say AFAP (as fast as possible) that does not mean conserve energy.  It means go balls out (throw up if you have to) find that dark place deep down inside of you and FINISH strong.  This is mental training and I would not expose you guys to it if I didn't think you all had it in you.  I know everyone is trying hard and I'm proud of everyone's effort but I know everyone can do better and I'll expect it week 5.  Next time you see a shit rowing workout in the program I want your first thought to be "Fuck you Chris" - I'm going to make this workout my bitch and prove you wrong.  Don't let me or the workout win, it's you versus the rower.  I have my money on you guys.

Much Love -



A.Back Squat @ 32X1 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch - 6 singles @ 75%
C. C&J - 6 singles @ 75%
EMOM x 14
odd - 30 seconds kipping hspu
even - 7-12 toes to bar

*I wanted to discuss how the rest of the cycle will be laid out.  As of now you guys are completing week 3.  Every 4th week will be a DELOAD.  A deload week is intentionally put in place to lower intensity and allow your body to recover from nagging injuries.  PLEASE DO NOT ADD extra things in.  It'll feel light, like you're not training hard and that's the point.  Eat, Rest, Recover during week 4.  Weeks 5-7 we will pick it up again followed by and 8th week DELOAD.  Weeks 9-11 we will pick it up and then Week 12 we will test some number before transitioning into phase 2.  I'm very happy so far with all the results and participation.


A1. Push Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
A2. Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups - 5 x AMRAP rest 3 minutes *if you don't have C2B 4-10 strict pull-ups*
B. Snatch Pull to Knee - 2,2,2,2 *building* rest 2 minutes
C. Hang Snatch - 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 rest 2 minutes
D. L-sit - Accumulate 90 seconds
5-10 minutes of skill practice (your choice)


After Watching this weekends Oly comp I was pleasantly surprised with everyone's progress.  Nonetheless we all still have a lot to work on.  PLEASE stick to percentages, and don't choose weights for the OLY lifts that you are missing over and over.  The point is to make these lighter 60-80% lifts money so that when we test and go heavy you guys will be firing on all cylinders.

A1. Front Squat @ 32X1 3,3,3,3,3 (build from last week)
A2. Strict Ring Dips 5 x 10-12 rest 2 minutes (Girls 5-7)
B. Clean Pull @ 110% max clean - 3, 3, 3, 3
C. Hang Clean - 3, 3, 3, 3 (build from last week)
D. Reverse Hyper - 4 x 10 @ 50% of 1RM Back Squat (Glute Hame Raise 4 x10)

Cash Out:
20-40 strict hspu

*coaches notes*
Clean Pull - Pause at the 1st pull position for 1-2 seconds, then finish the pull through full hip extension