
For time:
500m Row
40 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
30 Deadlift 165/105
20 Strict HSPU
10 Muscle Ups
20 Strict HSPU
30 Deadlifts 165/105
40 Wall Ball Shots 30/20
500m Row


A. Tall Jerk - 3 x 5 (light - use as a warmup - https://youtu.be/48h5_Br5q_w)
B. Split Jerk x 3 TNG reps Every 3 minutes x 21 minutes building
C1. Max Unbroken Push-Ups (make these legit, not murph style) rest 1 minute
C2. Arch Rock Hold x 45 Seconds rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
D. Turkish Getup - work to a tough set of 3 per arm
1000m Run
rest 1:1 x 3 sets


A. Back Squat @ 80% 10 x 1 rest 1 minute
B. Clean Complex - 1 complex every 3 minutes x 18 minutes
High Hang Clean x 1 + Mid Hang Clean x 1 + Clean x 1
C. Accumulate 2 minutes - Hollow Rocking
3 sets:
10 Ground 2 Overhead 115/75
350m Row Sprint
10 Ground to Overhead 115/75
rest 5 minutes
*alternate between C&J and Snatch each round - work on efficiency*


20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock & select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility


A. Push Jerk 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 @ 80-85% TNG reps rest 2 minutes
B. Close Grip Floor Press 9 x 3 @ 55% of Max Regular Bench rest 30 seconds between sets
C1. Shoulder to Overhead x 15 reps (100/65) rest 30 seconds
C2. Butterfly/Kipping Pull-Ups x 15-20 UB reps rest 90 seconds x 3 sets
D. L-Sit - 3 x Max Effort (rest 2 minutes between sets)
Every 5 minutes x 25 Minutes
500m Row
10 Overhead Squats 135/85
10-15 Toes to Bar
*rounds should not take more than 4 minute*
Bradford Press 3 x 20 Reps rest 60 seconds (stay light and stay true to the rest period)


A. Front Squat @ 3111 tempo 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 3 minutes - build to a max
B. Heaving Snatch Balance 5 sets of 3 (5-10% heavier than last week) rest 90 seconds
C. Snatch Complex - 1 complex every 2:30 x 15 minutes *building - no maxes*
Snatch High Pull x 1 + Hang Snatch x 1 + Snatch x 1
D1. Glute Ham Raise Negatives x 4-8 reps rest 30 seconds
D2. Weighted Hip/Back Extensions x 12 reps rest 90 seconds x 4 (heavier than last week)
3 minutes Assault Bike @ tough pace
1 minute Slow Pedal
x 4 sets