A. Push Jerk 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 @ 80-85% TNG reps rest 2 minutes
B. Close Grip Floor Press 9 x 3 @ 55% of Max Regular Bench rest 30 seconds between sets
C1. Shoulder to Overhead x 15 reps (100/65) rest 30 seconds
C2. Butterfly/Kipping Pull-Ups x 15-20 UB reps rest 90 seconds x 3 sets
D. L-Sit - 3 x Max Effort (rest 2 minutes between sets)
Every 5 minutes x 25 Minutes
500m Row
10 Overhead Squats 135/85
10-15 Toes to Bar
*rounds should not take more than 4 minute*
Bradford Press 3 x 20 Reps rest 60 seconds (stay light and stay true to the rest period)
Rope climb prework was awesome
13, 15, 15
20-30 sec each, dogged this big time
Done, 1st round only got 7 OHS, got 10 all others. OHS still a weakness. 10 t2b
Bradford press-35#
A) 155
ReplyDeleteB) 85
C1) done
C2) 15 ub, 15 ub, 9-3-3
D) skipped - no time - might do it in my kitchen later
Done at 95 lbs - 3:58, 3:58, 4:06, 4:15, 4:23
Finisher - did only one set because time ran out
A. 150 failed the second rep on set 4
ReplyDeleteB. 100
C. 20, 15, 13
D. 20x3
E. Did the first one around 3:30 then it felt like I got kicked in the stomach after the ohs. I was sitting on the bench sucking in air before I did the ttb (10), so my other rounds were done 4:20.
F. Done
A: 215,215,215,225,225 tng. B: 155. C: done 15 sec each round. C2: all 20 ub each round. D: no time. E: 3:17, 3:11, 3:07,3:06,3:16
ReplyDeleteA) don't want to talk about this.
ReplyDeleteB) 85#
C's) done (15 pull-ups not quite UB)
D) 41, 30, 28
"Jackie" 8:31
(Only did 3 rds cause I did the class wod)
3:42, 3:45, 3:53
35# Bradford press
A) 205
ReplyDeleteB) 145
C) 20 pullups each round
D) :30 × 3
E) 3:08, 3:00, 3:08, 3:09, 3:13
F) 65
Typo for B) 155
DeleteA. 115
ReplyDeleteB. 85
C. Done. Pull ups were a mess
D. Around :30 each round
E. Done. Rounds were around 4:30. A few rounds I only got to 6 ttb.
F. Done at 35 lbs.