
A. Dead Stop Front Squat Cluster 3 x rest 15 seconds rest 2 mintues (80-85%)
B. Clean Pull to Knee (pause 1 second) x 1 + Paused Full Clean x 1 (from knee) + 1 Front Squat x 7 sets building rest as needed
C. Body Lever Negatives x 5 reps (SLOW) rest 1 mintue x 3 sets (https://youtu.be/X_g8d9IykVE)
5 sets:
5 Overhead Squats 155/105
8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
20 Second AB Sprint
rest 5 minutes x 5


  1. A. 85 trying to go light on my knee but this felt moderate :/
    B. 125 w/squat
    C. Done. Like how this made my core feel.
    D. About 1:30 each round.

  2. A) 275 - missed 5th rep on 2nd and 3rd set
    B) 185, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255
    C) Done
    D) Only did 2 sets due to time

  3. A. 175
    B. 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185
    C. Done
    D. Done, 1:00, 1;05, 1:06, 1:06, 1:08
