
A. Back Squat - 10RM (2 attempts)
B. Power Snatch 1.1.1 x 5 rest 15 seconds rest 2 minutes (@ blocks just below hips) *SPEED*
C. Seated Barbell Good Morning 3 x 20 rest 1 minute
1000m Row @ same pace as last week
rest/walk 60 seconds x 4


  1. A) Tried a narrow stance back squat with ass to grass 3 second pause at bottom. Worked up to 325.
    B) 135 - didn't have blocks high enough so did 5 sets of 3 UB high hang power snatches
    C) 135
    D) Done

  2. A. 1 - 267
    2 - 276
    B. 115 - Same height as last week w/ same weight but were super sloppy today. I felt weak.
    C. 45#
    D. 1 - 3:52 / 1:56 split
    2- 3:55.8 / 1:57.9
    3 - 3:55.9 / 1:58
    4 - 4:01.9/ 2:01
