
A. Back Squat - 10, 10, 10 @ 60-65% rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch - 1RM
C. L-Hang Hold - Accumulate 1 minute
30 minute clock:
Max Meters Rower


  1. A. Back Squat- @185
    B. Snatch 1RM felt like shit from the weekend only hit 175 want to retest this.
    C. Done
    Row- skipped didn't have time: will do wednesday with retest of snatch
    Did some handstand practice for 10 minutes as a sub

  2. A: 225. B: only hit 205 lower back feels really week, C: done. Did handstand walks and did 40 unbroken c2b pull ups PR, my c2b are feeling really good, I did like 13minute row didn't have time

  3. A) 225
    B) 205
    C) Done
    D) skipped (time) - will make up wed

    HSW practice
