
EMOM x 40
1st minute - 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
2nd minute - 5 C&J 135/95
3rd minute - 5 HSPU + 10 KB Swings 70/53
4th minute - 5 P. Snatch 135/95
*repeat 1-4 for 9 more rounds each*
*if you cannot complete work within minute take next minute off*

For example if on the 3rd minute of the WOD you do not complete 5 HSPU and 10 KBS, rest for minute 4 and continue onto minute 5 (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)


A. Back Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes *5-10# heavier than week 1*
B. Snatch - 10 singles @ 65-75% rest as needed
C. C&J - 10 singles @ 65-75% rest as needed
5 rounds:
10 alt. pistols
10 toes to bar


Row 45 minutes
*pace should be 30 seconds off max 500m*
*i.e. if max is 1:30, keep a 2:00 pace for 45 minutes*


Active Recovery - 30 minute row, bike, jog + 30 minutes of mobility


A1. Push Press 5, 5, 5, 5 (heavier than week 1 - yes I know there's 1 less set)
A2. Strict Weighted Pull-Up - 4 x 5-6 reps rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch Pull 2 Knee - 3, 3, 3, 3 *heavier then week 1*
C. Overhead Squat - 3 x 5 reps @ 2511 rest 2 minutes *light*
D. Hang Snatch - 3 x 1.1.1 (rest 15 seconds between singles) rest 2 minutes after each set *heavier than week 1*
E. L-Sit - Accumulate 75 seconds
*coaches notes*
If you don't have strict pull-ups obviously do not add weight
OHS tempo - 2 seconds descent, 5 second pause at bottom, 1 second to stand, 1 second reset
intended to help with unstable OHS position


Hope you guys have all enjoyed the first 4 week mini-cycle - all the comments and feedback have been noted and I've tried to adapt as such.  Please keep the comments and feedback coming - time to get after  it again!

A1. Front Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 *start 5-10# heavier than week 1 & build*
A2. Ring Dips - 5 x 10-15 reps rest 2 minutes (girls 8-10) *kipping allowed*
B. Clean Pull - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes *start heavier than week 2*
C. Hang Cleans - 5, 5, 5, 5 rest as needed *start heavier than week 1 - but no fails*
D. Reverse Hyper - 4 x 10 @ 50% of 1RM BS
Cash Out:
10 minutes of - HS Hold, Walk or Push-Up Practice

*coaches notes*
Clean Pull - Pause at the 1st pull position for 1-2 seconds, then finish the pull through full hip extension