
A. Back Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes *5-10# heavier than week 1*
B. Snatch - 10 singles @ 65-75% rest as needed
C. C&J - 10 singles @ 65-75% rest as needed
5 rounds:
10 alt. pistols
10 toes to bar


  1. A) back squat: 120-130-145-155-165
    Felt good until the last 2 reps of 165 those felt brutal, like legs were going to give.

    B) snatch: 60lbs
    Keeping it lighter tonwork on form and they felt good! Whoop!

    C) clean and jerk: 100lbs
    Elbows felt fast but the squats, my legs felt tired.

    Jerk was good but last rep my right knew buckled.

    D) 5 rounds pistols and TTB:

    Pistols on my right leg did to go full parallel, knee felt pretty messed up from jerk.

    Ttb unbroken ( didn't drop off bar) but not strung.

  2. A) 255, 265, 265, 265, 275
    B) all at 135
    C) all at 165



  3. A. BS: 115, 120, 125, 130, 135 (felt much stronger than week 1)
    B. Snatch 10 x 1: 5 @ 75lbs; 5 @ 80 lbs.
    C. C&J 10 x 1: 5@ 95 lbs; 5 @ 100 lbs (legs were def the weakest part)
    D. 5 rds 10 pistols/10TTB: 5:43. Pistols were slow. Can only do them holding foot so slows me down. TTB were fine. Feel strong and fast on them.

  4. First time really posting anything since I hurt my wrist:
    A) Back Squats: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180 that last set was pretty rough on those last two reps
    B) Snatches- first time doing them in a couple weeks. Only did 55lb cuz anything heavier would've not felt good
    C) C&J- same deal. Didn't go above 75lb, And only did about 5 cuz that catch/rack position on the clean still hurts
    D) 6:34 pistols felt fine. Even the ttb were ok at first and then it's like I hit my max on them and my toes no longer want to be friends with the bar.

  5. A. Back Squats: 145-160-170-180-190…These felt really good today
    B. Snatch Singles: 65-65-65-70-70-70-75-75-75-80
    C. C&J Singles all at 105
    -I really need to work on getting under the bar better on my jerk and having a bigger split.
    D. 5:50: Pistols were really slow.

  6. A. 135, 145, 155, 165, 170
    B. 2x85, 8x90
    C. 2x115, 8x120
    D. 5:43 damn TTB

  7. A: 215-225(4)
    B: 115
    C: 165
    D: 7:49

    Special thx to Crossfit Southbay for lettin me do my own thing.

  8. A. Back Squat @ 32×1 (5×5)
    = 165, 195, 205, 215, 225
    -Damn you JRo and Mikey for making me go heavier than I wanted!! 225 felt good though - should probably have done 235 for the last one..
    B. Snatch 10 singles @ 65-75%
    5 @ 95
    5 @ 105
    -Worked on a slow start and explosive hit and felt a LOT better.
    C. C+J
    10 @ 150
    -The friggin jerk is still my issue. Need to work on getting that back leg nice and low
    D. 5 rounds
    10 pistols
    10 t2b
    = 3:32
    Used knee wraps and pistols felt great today - I don't think I went low enough on a few with my right leg (still an issue but felt better today) so no repped myself and struggled to get low...it helped when I brought my leg out and sweeped to the side to stay stable.

  9. A: 265,285,295,305,315
    B: No reps missed at 160
    C: No reps missed at 230

  10. A: 155, 175, 185, 185, 195. Kept it pretty light and really wanted to focus on good technique. Plus my legs were a little sore.

    B: 3@ 105, 4@115, 3@125. Missed two reps as I was leaving the bar out in front, but all my lifts felt smooth. Might be bending my arms a hair to soon. Something to focus on next time.

    C: 10 c+j: all at 155. Felt pretty good. Need to spend some time reestablishing my split jerk technique.

    D: 8:04. Felt really fatigued at this point and just ran out of gas. I was still happy with my consistency on hitting the pistols though

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. - 95, 105, 115, 125, 135 (3)
    B- 5 @ 75, 5 @ 80
    C- 4 @ 100, 4 @ 105, 2 @ 115
    D- 3:26 (WHOA groins)

    Felt my back round on BS so bailed out. Can't explain how frustrating and upsetting it is to see no progress with my leg strength.

  13. Comp wod 5 sets of 5
    tempo back squat

    Snatch singles 10 singles @65-75%
    160-5/ 175-3/185-2

    Clean n jerk 10 singles @65%-75%
    225 for 5/ 235lbs for 1/ 245 for 1/250 for 2/255 for 1

    5 rds for time
    10 Pistols
    10 TTB
    Completed 3:55

  14. A: 225, 235, 245, 255
    B: All @ 135
    C: All @ 175
    D: 4:18. Could not string together 10 T2B after 2nd round, lost a lot of time.

    Overall, 5 weeks in, this is a humbling experience. Learning a lot with the repeat programming. Time to effin' turn it up, push my limits further

  15. A. All back squats at 235. Was focusing on making sure I hit depth with everyone.
    B. Snatches - 5 @ 135, 5 @ 145
    C. CnJ - 3 @ 165, 7 @ 175
    D. Pistol/TTB - 4:02

  16. Back squat - 135, 145, 155, 155, 160
    Snatch - 5 @ 95, 3 @ 105, 2 @ 110
    Clean and Jerk - 115 for all
    Pistols/T2B - 4:53, pistols got better as the rounds went on and my toes to bar turned into a hot mess

  17. Back squat @225#
    Snatch @135x5 + 145x5
    C+J @165x3 + 175x7
    (Jerk felt weird, shoulders felt fatigued, my split was off)

  18. Mobility *focus on hamstrings – still crushed by the long row*

    Back Squat

    4 x 5 @ 32X1 tempo

    Result: 225 lbs

    *quite a struggle, but held the tempo well with 90+% of the reps; could feel the remnants of the rowing in every rep*

    Snatch – 10 singles at 65 – 75% 1RM

    Result: 115 lbs (70%)

    *not especially heavy, but got good and low–felt it big time in my legs on the squats*

    Clean & Jerk - 10 singles at 65 – 75% 1RM

    Result: 165 lbs (73%)

    *were pretty easy – going back to closer grip has taken away my bicep pain doing these, still not getting good rack position, but continual small improvements*

    5 rounds for time:

    10 alt pistols [sub: to a 20" box *not to my normal raised med ball--given fried hamstrings]
    10 toes-to-bar

    Result: 6:42

    *this was bad – slow and painful; pistols were insanely painful for first round, but got a bit better as I went; strung a few T2Bs together with no extra swing, but then it went bad and I could only get it back a couple of times*

    1. Nice Dan! Those TTBs are coming along and it will click very soon I promise! Keep on working on your hip mobility so you can open quicker when bringing your legs down.

  19. A- Back Squats @32x1 - 105, 115, 125, 125, 135
    B - Snatch 10 Singles - 6@75# and 4 @80#. All were solid, this is the best they've felt in a while
    C- Clean & Jerk 10 Singles - 105# - elbows were a little slow at first, but otherwise felt good
    D- 5 Rounds - 5:21 - Pistols suck, they are my worst event. They were slow, I at least got to parallel. Any lower and I might as well just fall on the ground 10 times. TTB were good, nice tight kips strung them all together, last 2 rounds broke them into 2 sets.

  20. Late Post... Lost my book but found it this morning.

    A Back Squat
    185, 195, 205, 215, 225

    B. Snatch
    5 sets at 75
    5 sets at 95
    Form felt very good. Starting to get a nice fluent motion

    C. C&J
    Elbows felt quicker.

    D. Pistols and Toes to Bar
    Pistols: Were not as good as they have been. I felt like i took a step backwards with this move. Need to dedicate some extra time to this move.
    Toes 2 Bar: Got a lot better with this move. Able to string all 10 together.
