
BOTB Participants
20 minutes run/row/bike/ski - you choose - @ 70-75% effort
20-30 minutes of mobility

Non BOTB Participants
A1. Squat Cleans x 4 singles @ 80% rest 10 seconds bt singles, rest 15 seconds
A2. Push Press x 8 reps @ 70% rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
Every 3 minutes x 21 minutes
25/20 Calorie Bike
300m Sandbag Carry 100/80


A. Every 2 minutes x 12 minutes (6 sets)
5 Back Squats @ 65% of 1RM
"Fran" or "Diane" or "Isabel"
*choose the girl you'll be partaking in day of BOTB*
*goal is too hit the WOD @ 85% which will account for work to rest day of*
*if not participating in BOTB pick the girl you like least :)*


A. Clean Grip Banded DL - 7 x 3 @ 60% rest 30 seconds bt efforts
Row 500m
10 Front Squats 155/105
10 Shoulder 2 Overhead 155/105
10 Power Cleans 155/105
rest 1:1
Bike 1000m
10 Front Squats 155/105
10 Shoulder 2 Overhead 155/105
10 Power Cleans 155/105
rest 1:1
Run 800m
10 Front Squats 155/105
10 Shoulder 2 Overhead 155/105
10 Power Cleans 155/105


A. Snatch - 1 rep EMOM x 12 @ 70%
B1. AMRAP 1 minute - C2B Pull-Ups rest 2 minutes
B2. AMRAP 1 minute - DB Burpee Overs 2 minutes x 3 sets
20 minute clock:
Run x 30 seconds @ 90%
Run x 30 seconds @ 50%