
A1. Front Squat @ 32X1 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 (build from last week)
A2. Strict HSPU - 5 x 8-10 rest 2 minutes (Girls 2-5)
B. Clean Pull @ 100% of max clean - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes
C. Hang Clean - 4, 4, 4, 4 (build from last week)
D. Glute Ham Raise - 4 x 10 rest as needed
Cash Out:
20-40 strict Ring Dips
*coaches notes*
Clean Pull - Pause at the 1st pull position for 1-2 seconds, then finish the pull through full hip extension
Hang Clean - Build from last week only if you hit all weights and reps comfortably


Rest Day


0 - 10:00
Run 1 mile
10:01 - 20:00
5 rounds:
12 KB Swings 70#
12 Burpees
20:01 - 40:00
Row 2000m
30 Squat Clean Thrusters 155/95
40:01 - Finish
Run 1 mile


A. Back Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch - 10 singles @ 65% rest as needed
C. C&J - 10 singles @ 65% rest as needed
EMOM x 12
odd- 40-50 double unders
even - 6 pistols + 6 toes to bar


Today is one of those days that's going to show me who really wants to be here:

Row 45 minutes - post distances
*pace should be 30-40 seconds off max 500m*
*i.e. if max is 1:30, keep a 2:00-2:10 pace for 45 minutes*


A1. Push Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
A2. Strict Pull-Ups - 5 x 8-10 rest 2 minutes (girls 4-6)
B. Snatch Pull to Knee @ 100% Max Snatch - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes *focus on keeping back angle constant from floor to knee - have a partner watch*
C. Hang Snatch - 4 x 1.1.1 (rest 15 seconds between singles) rest 2 minutes after each set (65-75% of Snatch)
D. L-Sit - Accumulate 60 seconds


A1. Front Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
A2. Strict Ring Dips - 5 x 8-10 rest 2 minutes (Girls 4-6)
B. Clean 1st Pull @ 110% max clean - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes
C. Hang Clean - 5, 5, 5, 5  rest as needed between sets *moderate loading - focus on fast elbows*
D. Reverse Hyper - 3 x 12-15 reps rest 90 seconds (Pelham sub 3 x 12-15 GH Raise)

Clean 1st Pull Video

Reverse Hypers

GH Raise

Welcome Athletes

Welcome guys!

As a general rule of thumb those of you following this blog are looking for something extra, and are looking to compete in the Sport of Fitness.  That being said, while this is open to everyone basic skills and understanding of movements should be met.  Everyone should have basic un-assisted pull-ups, push-ups, dips, handstands, double unders, toes to bar, back/front/ohs squats, and understand C&J and snatching.  If you do not, right now is not the appropriate time to jump on board with this program.  Please see other important information below.

Competition Training:
White Plains:
Monday’s – 5am – 7am or 9pm
Tuesday’s – 8pm yield to OLY class
Wednesday – OFF
Thursday – 8pm yield to OLY class
Friday – 7pm
Saturday – 1pm
Sunday – OFF
Thursday’s might incur an issue during ONRAMP cycles in which case training is 9pm.  

Monday’s – 10:30am
Tuesday’s – 10:30am  & 6pm
Wednesday – OFF
Thursday – 10:30am & 6pm
Friday – 10:30am
Saturday – 1pm
Sunday – OFF

- Competitors should follow Competition Blog only
- Competitors are permitted to train at either facility depending on times that work best.  It’s ideal for you to stay at your home box.
- 5 days per week 90-120 minute sessions
- Clean Diet + Limit Alcohol through summer, once into phase 2 be more careful, by phase 3 it’s gone.  Team members are subject to be thrown off at my discretion for poor attendance, attitude, or lack of commitment.
- Athletes are expected to comment to the blog each night to post workout results, videos or PRs etc.  Let's make this a fun an exciting interactive community.

12 week Phases
Phase 1: June, July, August (Absolute Strength, Volume Gymnastics, Oly Skill, Engine Building)
Phase 2: September, October, November (Speed Strength, Volume Gymnastics, Engine Building)
Phase 3: December, January, February (CrossFit Variance, Comp Prep Phase)
Phase 4: Open – Regionals PREP (Vary depending on where we are)

CFW Credo:
1)   Belief
2)   Commitment
3)   Sacrifice

      Phase 1: (12-16 weeks)
M – Front Squat, UB Push G, Clean Pulls, Hang Cleans, Posterior Chain Accessory
T – UB Push Weightlifting, UB Pull G, Snatch Pulls, Hang Snatch,  Core Work (L-sit, FLR Rings)
Th – 45-60 minute Aerobic (Row, Bike, Run) 80% effort
Fr – Back Squat, Snatch (tech work), Clean (tech work), EMOM Gymnastics (TTB, Doubles, Pistols)
Sa – Competition Style Workout (ENGINE BUILDING)
Sun – OFF


As mentioned at the meeting it is STILL our responsibility to the building to make sure to mitigate noise complaints.  During any type of lifting pads will be used (AT ALL TIMES), for dead-lifting, the old side of the gym will be used NO EXCEPTIONS.  If noise complaints begin to arise again around these times – training in White Plains will Stop Permanently.