
A. Back Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch - 10 singles @ 65% rest as needed
C. C&J - 10 singles @ 65% rest as needed
EMOM x 12
odd- 40-50 double unders
even - 6 pistols + 6 toes to bar


  1. A:Back Squats: 135-145-155-165-170
    B: Snatch Singles @ 65 lbs.
    C. C&J Singles @ 90 lbs.
    D. EMOM 12
    odd:50 DU-felt good on the doubles today
    even: 6 pistols, 6 TTB- felt quick on the TTB and my pistols are improving.

  2. A. BS: 95/115/115/115/115
    B. Snatch singles @ 75lbs
    C. C&J singles @ 85lbs
    D. EMOM 12 odd: 50 DUs; even 6 pistols (improving but still need to hold foot to keep leg up) and 6 T2B.

  3. A. Back Squat - 115, 125, 135, 135, 135
    B. Snatch @ 95
    C. Clean and Jerk @ 100
    D. EMOM 50 doubles/6 pistols 6 t

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A: 205-205-215-215-225
    B: 105
    C: 145
    D: missed DU in rd 2(36) and 5(15) otherwise 40. Pistols slow at first but improving.

    Thx to JRod for Throwing down with me.

  6. A: 255,265,275,285,295
    B: 135, no reps missed
    C: 205, no reps missed
    D: 40 DU (just under for last two cause of rope problems)
    6 pistols and 6 TTB unbroken

  7. A:Back Squats: 115-115-125-125-135 (felt ok but I have a lot of work to do to get back to my previous strength numbers)
    B: Snatch Singles 80x3 85x3 90x2 95x1 100x1 (these felt great and it really surprised me!)
    C. C&J Singles @ 100lbs
    D. EMOM 12
    odd:45 DU- every set unbroken
    even: 6 pistols (to a medball/bench) 6 TTB

  8. Should snatch and clean and jerk stay at same weight or increasing???

  9. A. 225, 225,225, 235, 245
    B. 115# missed rep 7
    C. 185# hit all reps
    DUs 50. all UB except round 1, 4, 6
    6 pistols, 6TTB all UB

  10. A. Back Squat @ 32×1
    5×5 r:2m
    155, 185, 185, 205, 205
    Felt good
    B. Snatch 10 singles @ 65% r:prn
    = 95
    -no missed reps felt smooth
    C. C+J – 10 singles @ 65% r:prn
    = 140
    -no missed reps, was rushing the cleans a bit - tipped a bit forward in the catch in a few of these
    EMOM 12
    Odd: 40-50 doubles
    Even: 6 pistols + 6 t2b
    -all doubles were 50, except for the second set of these in which i did 40. My toes to bar felt smooth, need to work more on pistols

  11. A: 135-140-150-155-160
    Legs felt dead from yesterday
    B: 65,65,65,65,70,70,70,75,75,80
    Just working on getting under the bar quickly
    C: 95 for 5, 100 for 5
    D: 40 doubles each round, finished with no time left every time
    first 3 sets of pistols did without holding my foot (first time ever)
    TTB all strung

  12. A: 115, 125, 130, 145, 155
    These felt good, had another round in me!
    B: snatch at 65 for all 10
    C: clean and jerk 95 for all 10
    D: 40 doubles each round- broke in the middle Exocet one round unbroken
    Pistols: left leg strong felt good hard time on my other leg
    TTB: MUST string!!! Can hang and do them all without dropping but need to get them strung fast!!!

  13. A. BS 225 all sets
    B. Snatch singles. 135 all sets. Need to catch lower in squat.
    C. C&J @ 165. Felt good.
    D. 50 DUs 6 and 6. Felt good.

  14. A - 85, 105, 120, 130, 125 (hard :-( )
    B - 75 (did 9.. tweaked elbow on last one)
    C - 95
    D - 50 / 6, 6

  15. A. Back Squats (225, 225, 235, 235, 245)
    B. Snatches all at 135. Only missed one. All others felt good.
    C. Clean and Jerks at 165.
    D. All DU @ 50 reps under 30 seconds.
    Pistols felt better on groin finally!

  16. A. 155, 175, 195, 205, 205

    B. 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 75 (Form got better at this weight), 75, 75, 75, 95
    Form felt a lot better at 75. The last rep at 95 was my best rep.

    C. 75 All reps

    Double Unders: These got a lot better but still needs more work. I was able to consistently string 10 together.

    Pistols: Did not feel to comfortable with these today. Legs felt a little weak.

    Toes 2 Bar: A lot of progress was made with this movement. I am able to string all reps together, but my first rep feels a little weird.

    Sorry for the late post...

  17. A:Back Squats: 135-145-155-165-170
    B: Snatch Singles @ 65 lbs.
    C. C&J Singles @ 90 lbs.
    D. EMOM 12
    odd:20-30 DU's-I really need to work on getting more consistent with these! Some days I can do the 40 unbroken, then days like this morning I was having trouble getting 20 on some rounds so I did 30 seconds of DU work.
    even: 6 pistols (fine), 6 TTB- TTB felt ok, just need to work on eliminating that double kip.

  18. A- Back Squats: 95#, 115#, 115#, 115#, 115#
    B - Snatch Singles: 65#
    C- C&J Singles: 85#
    D- EMOM 12 - odd min 6 pistols and 6 t2b, even min 40 DUs
    Pistols are my worst event, I need to work mobility big time to get low enough without feeling like my knees will explode. TTB and DUs weren't an issue.

    At 5am that squat weigh was as heavy as it was going to get, these weights would be heavier later in the day. I don't know how you folks work out that early...

  19. A)115, 125, 135, 135, 135
    B)6@80#, 2@85#, 2@90#
    D)Awesome EMOM!
