
A. Jerk Dip x 2 + Split Jerk x 1 x 7 sets @ 75% of 1RM rest 2 minutes (focus on upright dip and drive)
B. Power Snatch - Work to a tough single
C. HSPU @ 3111 x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets (add weight if this is too easy)
D. Turkish Getups x 100 Reps (50/arm) Guys @ 25#, Girls @ 15# (DONT SKIP THIS)


A. Front Squat 3 x 5 @ 60% rest 1 minute
B. Squat Clean - Build to a tough single
C. L-Sit - Accumulate 2 minutes
Assault Bike
30 Seconds @ 95%
rest 3 minutes x 5 sets


20 minutes @ Z1 (light effort)
Select Bike or Row (whichever you're worse at)
hop off every 4 minutes and perform 4-5 strict hspu/ring dips/pull-ups
*running clock and select your weakest movement*
20 minutes of mobility


A. Floor Press 9 x 3 @ 55% rest 30 seconds (3 sets close, 3 sets middle, 3 sets wide)
B1. Wall Ball Shots x 30 UB Reps 20/14 rest 30 seconds
B2. Double Unders x 30 Seconds Max UB Reps rest 30 seconds
B3. Muscle Ups x 30 Seconds Max UB reps rest 3 minutes x 3
"Helen" ish
3 rounds:
500m Run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
*everything should be fast and unbroken*


A. Back Squat @ 33X1 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 3 minutes
B. Snatch Cluster 5 x 1.1 rest 20 seconds, rest 2 minutes @ 85%
C. Box Step Ups x 20 Reps total (Goblet Position 70/53) rest 90 seconds x 3 (20/16")
500m Row @ Max
rest 8 mintues x 3
*each of these should be 100% black out pace - looking for a PR