
A. Deadlift
3 @ 70% of TM
3 @ 80% of TM
3+ @ 90% of TM
rest 2 minutes
B. Every 2 minutes x 16 minutes - 2 Hang Cleans (just below knee) + 1 Split Jerk @ 70% of 1RM
"Running Jackie"
1000m Run
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull-Ups


A. Squat Clean - 10 Singles @ 80% of 1RM - rest 45 seconds bt reps
B. Front Squat
3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%
rest 2 minutes
*add 5-10# total to your training max from cycle 1*
C. EMOM x 10 - :30 Seconds Max Hand Release Push-Ups *no worming*
D. Landmine Row 4 x 6-8 reps rest 1 minute bt arms - https://youtu.be/zUXBk1LMGsM


A. Strict Press
3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%
rest 2 minutes
*add 5-10# total to your training max from cycle 1*
B. EMOM x 10 - 1 Handstand Walk Around Box (switch directions each round) - https://youtu.be/k0jLK_b6Lt0
C. Every 90 Seconds x 15 minutes
Snatch Pull to Knee + Pause x 1 + Snatch (from Pause) x 1 @ 75% of 1RM
D. Kettlebell Arm Bar x 10/Side (SLOW) - https://youtu.be/aHVBrsysBUY


Warmup - Spend 10-15 minutes
- Foam Rolling Each Quad
- Hip Opener Sequence - https://youtu.be/bbjuoeaMzo4
A. Back Squat
3 @ 70%
3 @ 80%
3+ @ 90%
rest 2 minutes
*add 5-10# total to your training max from cycle 1*
5 Mile Assault Bike @ Z1 (should be light and flushing lactic acid out of body)
20-30 mintues of mobility


1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run
*Wear a 20# Vest if you have one*
*Reps cannot be paritioned for comp team athletes. Must do all 100 pull-ups before moving onto push-ups*