
A. Jerk Dip x 2 + Split Jerk x 1 x 7 sets @ 75% of 1RM rest 2 minutes (focus on upright dip and drive)
B. Power Snatch - Work to a tough single
C. HSPU @ 3111 x 8-10 reps rest 2 minutes x 3 sets (add weight if this is too easy)
D. Turkish Getups x 100 Reps (50/arm) Guys @ 25#, Girls @ 15# (DONT SKIP THIS)


  1. A) 165,165,175,175,175,175,185
    B) worked up to 165 which is a 10lb PR
    *failed 170 twice should've had it*
    C)did this strict to an ab mat
    D)done around 25 mins

  2. A) 205
    B) 185 - hitting 185 power with consistency. Didn't attempt higher
    C) 3*8 reps
    D) Done
