
A1. Front Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
A2. Strict Ring Dips - 5 x 8-10 rest 2 minutes (Girls 4-6)
B. Clean 1st Pull @ 110% max clean - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes
C. Hang Clean - 5, 5, 5, 5  rest as needed between sets *moderate loading - focus on fast elbows*
D. Reverse Hyper - 3 x 12-15 reps rest 90 seconds (Pelham sub 3 x 12-15 GH Raise)

Clean 1st Pull Video

Reverse Hypers

GH Raise


  1. Day 1, whoop!

    A- 75/6, 95/6, 105/6, 105/6, 110/6
    B- 165
    C- 75, 95, 95, 105
    D- 3x12 reverse GHD

    Cleans were frustrating. Easy pull, hard squat.
    Must. Get. Legs. Stronger.

    1. Sorry, just updated my profile. This is Kate.

  2. A: 115-120-125-130-135
    A2: did 4, either 2 sets of 2 or 3 and 1
    B: 170
    C: 95-105-115-115
    D: 3x12 reverse GHD

    *really struggle with the rings, gotta get better at these and clean pull was a weird feeling for some reason

  3. A1. Front Squat @ 32×1 5,5,5,5
    A2. Strict Ring Dips 5 x 8-10 r:2m
    95/10 2, 115/10, 135/10, 155/10, 165/10
    *should've gone heavier*
    B. Clean 1st pull @ 110% Max clean
    = 235
    C. Hang Squat Clean 5×5 r: prn
    1- 135, 135, 145, 145, 155
    D. Reverse Hypers 3×12 r:90s
    2 @ 180
    1 @ 230

  4. A1: Front Squat @ 95-105-105-110-115
    A2. Ring Dips: 6 ring dips each set
    B. Clean first pull @ 165
    C. Hang Cleans: 85-85-95-95
    **Need to improve my technique on this!
    -Faster elbows, open up my hips more, keep chest up at the bottom of the squat
    D. Reverse Hypers @ 90-100-130

  5. A1. 75-95-95-105-95 had a hard time with 105lbs
    A2. Assisted ring dips
    B. 135
    C. 75-95-95-100
    D. 3x12 reverse GHD

    Can't wait for these numbers to go up!

  6. A1. FS 5 sets @ 185. Should have increased as I progressed.
    A2. Ring Dips 5 sets @ 12 reps. Felt good.
    B. Clean 1st pull all at 275. Messed up & did 3 sets of 5. Need to maintain back angle as I rise.
    C. Hang clean 5 sets @ 155. Again, should have increased load. Need to challenge myself more.
    D. Reverse hyper 3×12

    ***Clean 1st pull isn't something I've worked on before. Felt a bit awkward.

  7. A1. 135, 155, 175, 175, 175
    A2. 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5
    B. 175, 175, 195, 195, 195
    C. 135, 135, 135, 145, 145
    D. 180, 180, 230

    Area to Improve
    Clean 1st Pull - This movement felt weird. It felt too much like a Deadlift.
    Ring Dips

    On the decent of the Ring Dip I felt a pinch in the front of my right shoulder. No preexisting injury. Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice?

  8. Fs 165-175-175-175-175. All ring dips at 8 strict
    Clean pulls at 250 3x4
    Hangs 145-155-165-165-165
    Hypers at 90

  9. Martin - you could have a little shoulder impingement or bicep tendonitis. I've gotten this on multiple occasions - it's not a good thing to have but certainly not a major issue work on less reps and a slow and controlled decent and I'd ice the shoulder

  10. FS- 135, 135 155, 185, 185 ALL Dips strict 10 reps
    Pulls @315
    Hang Cleans 135, 155,155,185, 155
    GH Raises done

  11. A1. FS 145 for all. Felt good but testing, load heavier next time.
    A2. Strict Dip. 8,8,8,7,8
    B. Clean Pull. 225, 225, 235, 235, 235. Settled in after first round to new movement.
    Load at 235 to start and increase next time.
    C Hang Clean. 135, 135, 135, 145, 155. Love these. Start the load at 155 next time!
    D Reverse Hypers.

    Day 1 done. A few more to go. Great atmosphere in the gym with everyone smashing weights about together.

    Anyone in tomorrow night at White Plains?

  12. A1: 185,195,205,215,225
    A2: Each set done a 26lbs kettlebell and for 10 reps
    B: All at 335lbs
    C: 185, 205, 215, 225 (did the first 4 and the bar slipped out of my hands and shoulders on the catch for the last rep)
    D: 12 GHD raises x3

  13. Front Squat - 95, 105, 115, 125, 130
    Ring Dips - 6, 6, 6, 6, 4 (sets of 3, 2, and 1)
    Clean 1st Pull @ 195
    Hang Clean - 95, 105, 115, 125
    3 sets of 12 reverse GHD

  14. A1: 185 all sets (Should have went heavier. More concerned about depth than weight)
    A2: 10 reps all sets
    B: All @ 305 (First time doing these. Def felt awkward)
    C: 185, 185, 205, 205
    D: 12 reps all sets

  15. A1: 205, 205, 205, 215, 215
    A2: 10, 8, 8, 8, 8
    B: all at 295
    C: 155, 155, 165, 165, 175
    D: 160, 180, 180

  16. A1: 75,75,85,85,95
    A2: 5x5 with toes on the floor
    Clean Pull: 85,105,105,105
    Hang Clean: 65 each round - huge improvement in form from 1st round to 4th round
    3X12 GH raises: no difficulty

  17. Front Sqaut @ 185 felt light really happy about that

    275 for the clean pull really focused on technique which could always use some work

  18. A. FS: 95, 105, 105, 115 *definitely should've gone heavier*
    A1. Ring dips: 4-5 each set
    B. 1st pull@ 165
    C. Hang Cleans: 85, 95, 105, 115
    D. Reverse hyper 3X12

  19. A1: Front Squat @ 95-95-105-105-115
    A2. Ring Dips: 4-6 ring dips each set
    B. Clean first pull @ 165
    C. Hang Cleans: 85-95-110-110
    D. 3x15 GHD

  20. A1. All at 185. First time squatting in a week due to groin injury. Feeling better though.
    A2. All strict and 10 reps
    B. Clean pull at 295
    C. Hang Cleans - 155, 155, 165, 165, 175. Felt good. Focused on regrip with the hook and bounce right back up.
    D. 3X15 reverse hypers.

  21. A1- 65, 65, 75, 75, 85 - I should've gone heavier, they felt really good and I didn't collapse forward. I never know where to start or how heavy to go with these.
    A2 - 4 each time
    B - 160 first pull
    C - 65, 75, 75, 85 - should've gone heavier
    D - 3x15 reverse hypers

  22. A1)115, 115, 115, 115, 115
    A2)4 Ring Dips per set
    C)95, 95, 95, 95, 95
    D)130# 3x15
