
EMOM x 40
1st minute - 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
2nd minute - 5 C&J 135/95
3rd minute - 5 HSPU + 10 KB Swings 70/53
4th minute - 5 P. Snatch 135/95
*repeat 1-4 for 9 more rounds each*
*if you cannot complete work within minute take next minute off*

For example if on the 3rd minute of the WOD you do not complete 5 HSPU and 10 KBS, rest for minute 4 and continue onto minute 5 (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)


  1. Ok. I'm all for going to that dark place and being able to work through pain, both physical and mental. But today was a new kind of dark place.
    There were a number of things that contributed to my early demise:
    I started out with 95# for the clean and jerks (this lasted 2 rounds), decided to be a hero and did squat clean and jerks the entire workout, started with 85# for the snatches (this lasted 2 rounds then went down to 65# for everything because I was so frustrated about taking off plates and putting new ones on with seconds to spare)
    I was SUPER sweaty (not unusual) and was chalking up every 2 seconds which wasn't working so finally 4 rounds in grabbed my Mechanix gloves which saved the day but at that point had already considered just walking out of the gym because I hated life.
    I kept looking around and thinking to myself "these people (Mikey, Meg B, Sandra, Jayrod, Steph, Dan, Melissa) are so fucking strong and THEY'RE doing it. why can't you just get your shit together and work like you usually do?!" and THAT is exactly what kept me going. That's it.
    I skipped one round of snatches, one round of clean and jerks, a few kb swings, some pull-ups, and one or two squats. I skipped some effing squats.
    It helped to hear that everyone had a mental battle with this once we were done and laughing about what a massacre it was.
    Looking forward to getting stronger and doing this again some day. Not soon.
    Time to ice my body.

  2. Mobility

    EMOM - 40 min:

    1st min, 5th min, 9th min . . . - 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats
    2nd min, 6th min, 10th min . . . - 5 clean & jerks @ 135 lbs [sub: power, 115 lbs]
    3rd min, 7th min, 11th min . . . - 5 handstand pushups, 10 KB swings @ 70 lbs [sub: HSPUs to 2 ab mats]
    4th min, 8th min, 12th min . . . - 5 power snatches @ 135 lbs [sub: 115 lbs]

    Result: completed except for snatch rounds 7, 8 and 9; and HSPUs were not to full lockout most of the time

    *this was so awful; HSPUs ate me up and I wasn't even doing them right (should have scaled even further); proud I finished strong with the snatches after having to skip them three times; rounds of Cindy were good - moved unbroken, but deliberately throughout*

  3. Today was mentally draining and overall tough for me for numerous reasons...
    I went to that bad place and zoned myself out completely, I had a plan and stool to it, which helped me.

    I started everything at 70lbs and did that until round 7 then bumped down to 65lbs for last 3 rounds where I knew I could handle the weight.

    I skipped one round of snatches and one round of pull-ups...
    My last 2 rounds didn't do any pull-ups but I did the squats and push-ups bc of the sweat and mass tears had absolutely no grip.

    Last 2 rounds of kettlebells did them to eye level I grip from tears.

  4. Whoo.

    Started first 3 rounds at 135. Only got 4 snatches each round. Dropped down to 115 in 4th round. I missed 3 rounds total. 4th and 7th round snatches and 9th rounds C&Js. I didn't miss them because I didn't finish the previous round I missed them because I was too fatigued.

    Felt good to get a long WOD in after lots of strength.

  5. This was much harder on the breathing then I expected. Did 75 lbs for the entire workout, I think that was a good weight.

    35 rounds completed. Missed:
    - 7th round of P/P/AS
    - 8th and 9th round of C+J
    - 5th and 9th round of Snatch

    1. PS... HSPUs were awful. I don't know where they went but I want them back. :-/

  6. Rx. No rounds missed. My favorite Saturday workout yet.

  7. Did the clean and jerks and snatches at 95. Not trying to be a hero, didn't know till after we were suppose to do a touch and go wait. 95 for c&j was fine, power snatches not so much.

    I officially boarded the struggle bus about min 26/27 and the rest was ugly, sweaty and covered in chalk.

    Mins 1 and 2 were fine. The snatches and hspus were where I died.

  8. Well….this was a mental battle for me that I feel like I failed. I did not track the exact rounds that I missed, but I think it was about 5 rounds (which I did not expect walking into this workout).
    -I did the clean and jerks and the snatches at 75 pounds

  9. Fuck this workout, just Fuck.

    EMOM 40
    1st: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats
    2nd: 5 C+J (95#)
    3rd: 5 hspu + 10 kbs (70#)
    4th: 5 P. Snatch (95#)
    …keep repeating this sequence. If you miss a minute, follow what’s next in the next minute.
    Missed half of minute 22 (did the hspu but didn’t do the kbs…I just couldn’t get it overhead)
    And took a rest on minute 30 (hspu+kbs).
    I really had to dig deep on this one, especially since I had to go at it alone. I think having someone there would have helped a bit. I couldn’t hit the p. Snatches tng without compromising form so I did a lot of singles but tried to do a few tng. I started with 105 but realized quickly that wouldn’t happen.I’m so glad to be done with this one.
    The kettlebell swings were the part that gave me the most struggle - physically and mentally.

  10. This was a rough one. Started RX and quickly felt bad form with the snatches so I dropped to 115 which was more manageable. I missed one round of minute 1, 2 rounds of cleans, and 1 round of snatches..

    Hspu were easiest part for me... Grip on Kettlebell was tough towards the end but still managed.

  11. Started out at 135# and struggled with the power snatches at this weight. I think I did like 2 or 3 rounds of the snatches at 135 before dropping to 115#. I only did 3 HSPU each round since my HSPU blow.
    I had fun doing the workout but it was tough. Missed a few rounds. Look forward to doing it again.

  12. This one was rough and it took me a good hour to recover. I put the weight at 75# and all were touch and go. The last 2 rounds I couldn't keep them unbroken, my hands felt like they were on fire, fortunately no rips though. Some how I managed to pull out solid butterflies for all of the pullups. In total I missed 1 round of snatches, 1 rounds of cleans, and 2 rounds of the KBs (did the HSPUs). After the second round of KBS, my back was a super knot. I had to skip the swings for the next 2 then I wised up and scaled back to 35#. I did squat cleans to start with but about the 4th or 5th round had to switch to power cleans due to my back. Thankfully we had a good sized group for this one, I was definitely ready to walk out and go back to bed. Nobody wanted to be the first person to quit :) It was definitely tough, but might be my favorite Sat workout so far.
