
Hope you guys have all enjoyed the first 4 week mini-cycle - all the comments and feedback have been noted and I've tried to adapt as such.  Please keep the comments and feedback coming - time to get after  it again!

A1. Front Squat @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 *start 5-10# heavier than week 1 & build*
A2. Ring Dips - 5 x 10-15 reps rest 2 minutes (girls 8-10) *kipping allowed*
B. Clean Pull - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes *start heavier than week 2*
C. Hang Cleans - 5, 5, 5, 5 rest as needed *start heavier than week 1 - but no fails*
D. Reverse Hyper - 4 x 10 @ 50% of 1RM BS
Cash Out:
10 minutes of - HS Hold, Walk or Push-Up Practice

*coaches notes*
Clean Pull - Pause at the 1st pull position for 1-2 seconds, then finish the pull through full hip extension


  1. A1) front squat:
    A2) ring dips off two boxes-
    6-8 off 30 inch boxes
    Working on building strength

    The last 2 rounds of squats was tooouughhhh!

    B) clean pull:
    165 lb
    My grip have by the end

    C) hang squat clean:

    D) reverse hyper 4x10
    120 lbs

    HSPU: 5 min
    Handstand walks: 5 min

  2. *Competition Training - Week 5 (for me it's Week 3, as I joined 2 weeks into this) - which means it's the beginning of a new 4-week cycle*

    A1. Front Squat - @ 32X1 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
    A2. Ring Dips - 5 x 10-15 reps rest 2 minutes *kipping allowed*

    Result: 185 lbs, all rounds; 10 dips each round *unbroken first 4 rounds, then 6+2+1+1 - dips really improving, not feeling improvement in my front squat - didn't feel like I could go up in weight without risking breaking form*

    B. Clean Pull - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes

    Result: 255lbs *this is a good drill for me, given my slooooow second pull*
    C. Hang Cleans - 5, 5, 5, 5 rest as needed *start heavier than week 1 - but no fails*

    Result: 145 lbs *should be able to go heavier, but I'm so slow through the second pull that the last reps are very tough *

    D. Reverse Hyper - 4 x 10 @ 50% of 1RM BS

    Result: 180 lbs

    *this seems too easy*

    Cashout: 10 min of handstand pushup work - linked red bands hanging from the rig

    *tip from Mikey got me more vertical - made it tougher, but hopefully better form will improve my progress*

  3. A1. Front Squat @ 32×1, 5×5 *start 5-10#heavier than week 1 build*
    A2. Ring Dips 5 x 10-15 r:2m
    = 125/15, 135/15, 155/15, 165/15, 175/15
    This felt good. I went heavier than my week 1, but I still felt as if I should have gone heavier on the FS, 10 strict dips, 5 kip for a total of 15, unbroken each round. The strict felt easier than kipping surprisingly.
    B. Clean Pull 4×3 r:2m
    - Dan corrected me on this - I thought on the pulls we were just holding and then just finishing through extension - I was not popping enough with my hips on the second pull. So I need to pop with my hips more at the top. Focused on this on the last set and it felt better.
    C. Hang Squat Clean 4×5 r:prn
    145, 155×2, 165
    Felt appropriate! Probably had 175 in me.
    D. Reverse Hyper 4×10 @ 50% 1RM
    =180×3, 120×1
    (switched the weights for the girls! Too much of a hassle to put the 45s back so did 120 for the last one.180 is more than 50% of my 1RM but it felt good.)
    Cash out
    10m of hs walk/freestand hs
    -worked on keeping my feet together - felt awkward at first since I got used to keeping my feet apart, but by my last few attempts began to feel a lot more stable.

  4. First day doing the team workout!

    A1) Front Squat @32x1 5x5: 135, 145, 155, 155, 165
    A2) Ring Dips: 5x10-15: 12, 12, 10, 10, 10

    Felt pretty good through the squats. I picked a weight I was comfortable with and then did a slow build from there. Might have been able to go a little heavier, but I could feel my midline starting to falter during the last reps of the last 2 sets. I really fatigued quickly on the dips and had to break up the last 2 sets, although I was really happy to do the first 2 sets strict, and started introducing the kip towards the end of the following sets.

    B) Clean Pull 4x3: #235. Did this right at my 1RM C+J. Felt heavy at first, but I felt like I moved pretty well through the sets.

    C) Hang Cleans: 4x5: I did all 4 sets at 135. I wanted to keep it light as it had been a while since I had done these, plus fatigue was starting to come into play a little. Overall, I felt good with these reps, was getting decent hip extension. I need to work the high pull though, I felt myself jumping under the bar a few times.

    D) Reverse Hyper 4x10: Did 120 for the first 3 sets, as I had never used that equipment before. Did 180 for the last one. Felt good.

    Cash out: 10min of HS Walk: Felt really good today. I set a new distance PR and really felt like I was holding a good position. Definitely need to work the roll out though.

    Looking forward to day 2!

  5. A1: 205,225,235,245,255
    A2: 15 strict each set
    B: 355
    C: 205,215,225,235
    D: Back extensions w/ 10lb plate
    Cashout: Handstand walks and holds, best they've ever been

  6. A1) 215, 215, 225, 225, 225
    A2) 15, 15, 15, 10, 12
    B) 275
    C) 165, 175, 185, 185
    D) 4x10 GHD Raises w/ 15# plate

    Felt tired and weak after 3 straight days in a car

  7. Front Squats - 105, 115, 125, 125, 135
    Ring Dips - 8 strict, 8 strict, 8 kipping, 8 kipping, 8 kipping
    Clean Pull - 185
    Hang Cleans - 105, 115, 125, 135
    GHD 4×10
    Handstand holds, shoulder touches

  8. A1) 120, 120, 125, 125, 130
    A2) 7, 6, 6, 5, 4 All Strict
    B) 175, 175, 175, 175
    C) 100, 100, 100, 100
    D) 4x10 120# Reverse Hyper
    Cash Out - handstand walk, handstand holds

  9. Didn't feel it today. Worked late slept little.
    A1: 175-175-185-185-185. Last rep on final 2 sloppy
    A2: 10-10-10-10-6/4
    B: 250
    C: all at 165
    D all at 180
    E: 3 x 1 min hs hold (ran outta time)

  10. A1- 90, 100, 105, 110, 115
    A2- 10, 7/1, 8, 8, 8 (all kipping)
    B- 145, 155, 165
    C- 85, 95, 105(3), 110
    D- 90
    E- did some new HSW drills I've seen on instagram

    Everything felt slow and heavy today. I'm always frustrated with my lack of strength, especially in my legs, but I'm at the point now where I'm starting to get very emotional over it. I don't know what else to do.

    On my third set of cleans I tried to do what the guys were doing and just hit the bar off my thighs rather then resting it between my hips and regripping each time. That didn't work so well and I almost got smooshed.

    This was my first time doing the reverse hyper. It was interesting and a bit weird on the back on the return. Will keep those light until I'm used to it.

  11. A1. 185 all sets.
    Was able to do all sets but weight was very heavy on last set.
    A2. 10 unbroken all sets
    Major improvement. Felt strong and go ten ought dept on the decent...

    B. 205 all sets

    C. 135

    D. 180

    Cash out - 10 minutes HSW

  12. A1: 195, 195, 205, 205, 215
    A2: Mixed it up. 10 strict and 5 Kipping each round. 15 total
    B: All @ 295
    C: 175, 185, 195, 205
    D: 180
    Worked on HSW

    Hands are ripped up, thighs are black and blue....hurts so good to be off deload week. Hang cleans were good. Steve, Jordan, and I got after it.

    Thanks to Kate for teaching me how not to fall from HSW like a wet noodle. Now if I can just anticipate when I'm about to fall.

    1. You're welcome. They are looking better and better each week!

  13. A1. FS: 2@ 100, 105, 110, 115
    A2. Dips- did all strict 5x8
    B. Clean Pull- all at 175
    C. H. Sq. Clean: 95, 100, 100, 105
    D. Rev. Hyp.: all at 120
    worked on HSW.

  14. I started this programming during last week's deload week so this was my first taste of what this program is gonna be like...i loved it

    A1. Front Squat @ 195-195-205-205-205 (last couple reps of last couple sets were real hard)

    A2. Ring Dips - did 10 after each set (had to break up last couple sets)

    B. Clean Pull - @275# (my grip on the last rep of the last set just completely failed and I literally could not lift the bar off the ground...super weird)

    C. Hang Cleans - 165-175-185(failed on 4th rep by getting off balance, was not a weight issue)-195

    D. Reverse Hyper - @180#
    Cash Out:
    10 minutes of - HS Hold, Walk or Push-Up Practice

  15. A1. Front Squat - 195, 195, 205, 205, 215
    A2. 15 Kipping Ding Dips. First two sets unbroken, then last 3 sets I did 8, 3, 2, 2
    B. Clean pull all at 295
    C. Hang Clean - 175, 185, 195. 205.
    D. Reverse Hypers - 4x10 @ 180
    Cash out - 10 min of HS walks.

  16. A1- 185,185,205, 235
    A2- stricy ring 15, 15, 15, 15
    B. Clean Pull @ 295
    C. 135, 165,165,165,185
    D. GH raises
    cash out- HS holds free standing
