
A1. Push Press 5, 5, 5, 5 (heavier than week 1 - yes I know there's 1 less set)
A2. Strict Weighted Pull-Up - 4 x 5-6 reps rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch Pull 2 Knee - 3, 3, 3, 3 *heavier then week 1*
C. Overhead Squat - 3 x 5 reps @ 2511 rest 2 minutes *light*
D. Hang Snatch - 3 x 1.1.1 (rest 15 seconds between singles) rest 2 minutes after each set *heavier than week 1*
E. L-Sit - Accumulate 75 seconds
*coaches notes*
If you don't have strict pull-ups obviously do not add weight
OHS tempo - 2 seconds descent, 5 second pause at bottom, 1 second to stand, 1 second reset
intended to help with unstable OHS position


  1. A1. PP: 95, 105, 110, 115
    A2. Strict Weighted Pullups: 1x4 @ 18lbs; 3x6 @ 10lbs
    B. Snatch Pull: all @ 115
    C. OHS: 75, 80, 80 (Failed on third- wrist went)
    D. Hang Snatch : all @ 75 - didn't increase weight, still working on trying to catch lower
    E. L-sit: 30, 30, 15

  2. Mobility

    A1. Push Press - 4 x 5

    A2. Strict Weight Pullups – 4 x 5-6

    –>rest 2 min


    155 lbs, 5 pullups with 18 lb KB
    165 lbs, 5 pullups with 18 lb KB
    170 lbs, 5 pullups with 18 lb KB
    175 lbs, 4.8 pullups with 18 lb KB

    *4.8 ~ no rep on the 5th, but damned close!; definitely getting stronger on both of these!*

    Snatch Pull to the Knee - 4 x 3

    Result: 185 lbs

    Overhead Squat – 3 x 5 – tempo = 2511 –>rest 2 min between

    Result: 95 lbs

    *oh, my, did this suck, but I held the bottom each and every time*

    Hang Snatch – 3 x 1.1.1 –>rest 15 seconds between singles, rest 2 min between sets

    Result: 95 lbs, 105 lbs, 105 lbs

    *my suckage from the hang was evident, very tough after the OH squats, but got good and low on each*

    L-sit - accumulate 75 seconds

    Result: 30+10+10+10+10+5

    *30 seconds is a P.R.! that’s good, but stamina still sucks on these*

  3. A1) 175, 175, 185, 185
    A2) 5, 5, 5, 5 w/ 30# dumbbell
    B) all at 205
    C) 95, 95, 95
    D) 155, 155, 155
    E) 40-35

    Definitely felt the OHSs while doing the hang snatches

  4. Push press:
    The last two sets felt so hard. I felt like I had notning left in the tank.
    I warmed up for 25 minutes so not sure why but my body is having trouble the last few days.

    Pull-ups: these felt good
    Peach band- 4
    Purple band- 2 each set

    Snatch pull:

    OHS: 55-60-65
    These were tough but in a great way.
    Felt really stabilized and strong on these.

    Hang snatch: my total demise
    I really don't know what to do at his pt- hitting a huge wall with this.


    75 didn't feel good at all, was powering it.

    LSit: 20-20-20-15

  5. Oh and thank you Alex for all the help and ques this morning!!!

  6. Loredana,

    If you're powering stuff you're going too heavy! We need to refine your skill which means you literally may need to use a PVC pipe an 11# bar or something that will help you break the habit. See the below links - you should start using all of these and focus on speed:
    1) http://youtu.be/6Kcend-O21w
    2) http://youtu.be/RxjY4CggkVA
    3) http://youtu.be/bafFgBrsgo8

    #3 is def the most important for you. Once you master it you can then do hang snatches from mid thigh and just above the knee to focus on eliminating hitch. This is going to take thousands and thousands of reps and hours to correct. Be patient and lower the weights.

  7. A1. Push Press 4×5
    A2. Strict Weighted Pull Ups 4×5-6 r:2m
    = 145/6, 145/6, 145/6, 145/6
    Sticking at this weight felt good. Used 18lb kettlebell for the pull ups.
    B. Snatch pull to knee 4×3 *heavier than week one*
    Felt good
    C. Overhead Squat 3×5 reps @ 25×11 r:2m
    = 75, 85, 95
    This was definitely spicy. My elbow started hurting during this, but I felt very stable. Just need to work on snatching directly to an ohs as opposed to cleaning it then back jerking.
    D. Hang Snatch 3×1.1.1 (r:15s between singles) r:2m *heavier than week 1*
    Missed one rep on the first set as I came off my heel, so I stuck with this weight. Worked on dropping under the bar fast. Last set felt like my best one as I didn’t catch it in a parallel squat then continue the squat down as I did in some of my other reps. Otherwise I felt good with it, but may go lower next time as I want to work on this issue.
    E. L-sit – accumulate 75s
    39, 25, 11
    No problem LD!!

  8. A1: 175,185,195,205(2 then failed 3rd, Then did a set of 4 after)
    A2: 6 reps w/35lbs each
    B: 235,235,235,245
    C: 115,135,135
    D: 165(2), 165(2) (Physically and mentally drained by the time this started)
    E: 40, 20, 15

    Workout dragged on for too long today

  9. A1) Push Press: 115, 135, 155, 175 - Felt pretty good through these, had to fight for that very last rep though
    A2) Strict Weighted Pull-ups: 5 reps each round, used a 35lb kettlebell for all sets, had to break up the last set 3+2

    B) Snatch Pull to Knee 4x3: 135, 135, 155, 155 - Was able to comfortable lift the weight, but felt that I could use some mobility work to really get a good starting position to initiate the lift.

    C) Overhead Squat 3x5 @25x11: 95, 115, 135

    D) Hang Snatch 3x 1.1.1: 95, 115, 135

    E) L-Sits: I did 3 sets of 25s using the rings instead of the parellettes

    Felt much better today and considerably less fatigued compared to yesterday.

  10. A:155-165-170-170 with 5 18lb kb pullups per round
    B: 195
    C: 95-105-115. Hard. Had to use a closer hand position than the snatch
    D:105-115-125 felt ok
    E: I suck at this too.

  11. Push Press - 110, 115, 120, 125
    Strict Pullups - 5, 5, 5, 5 weighted 18lb kettlebell
    Snatch Pull - 145
    OHS - all at 65, tough but feel stronger than ever holding at bottom
    Hang Snatch - all at 95
    L-sit - no time, will do tomorrow

  12. A1) 120, 120, 120, 125 (felt heavy today!)
    A2) 4, 3, 3, 3 (no band! But I still suck at these like WHOA)
    B) 125, 135, 140, 145
    C) 75, 80, 85 (felt SO GOOD)
    D) 85, 90, 95 (the 95 was tough. I had to do a 4th round of 1.1.1 because I failed 2 out of the 3 in the first - but I knew I could get it)
    E) :30, :30, :15

  13. A1) 175, 185, 185, 195 (3 reps). Felt lower back start to crank so didn't do last 2 reps
    A2) all @ 5 reps w/ 35# kb
    B) all @ 185
    C) all @ 95. This is important for me. It's a big weakness.
    D) 115x2, 125x1. Struggled 1st few reps then got into a better flow.
    E) 35, 20, 20

  14. A1. 185, 185,185, 185
    A2. 5 reps with 10lbs x 4

    B. 205, 205, 205, 205

    C. 75, 75, 75
    This was a lot harder than I thought, need to work on this. Did not will stable and had a hard time keeping my balance...

    D. 95, 95, 95

    E. 30s, 30s, 15s

  15. A1- 175, 185, 195,195
    A2- 5(35#), 5(35#), 5(35#), 5(35#)
    B- Snatch pull- 185, 205,225,235
    C-OHS 3x5@ 2511-95,95,95
    D. Hangt snatch 125,125,125(shitty set), 115

  16. A.1 85#,95#, 105#, 105#
    A.2. small chain which we guessed is 2.5#
    B. 110#
    C. 55#
    D. 75#, 75#, 75#
    E. :36; :24; :15

  17. Did this WOD Wednesday evening BC I couldn't make it Tuesday.

    A1: 95, 105, 110, 115
    A2: 5 unweighted each round
    B: 120
    C: 55, 65, 75
    D: 55, 55, 55
    E: did not do (didn't want to lock elbow)

    Elbow was very sore today. Kept things light but wanted to test it on OHS. Played with my hand positioning trying to get them pretty close together to avoid elbow hyperextension. Need to focus on that each and every time to avoid a real injury egh. If anyone ever sees me not doing so please yell at me!

  18. A1. Push Press 165-175-175-185 (failed on last rep)
    A2. Strict Weighted Pull-Up - 4 x 5 using kettle bell with white tape
    B. Snatch Pull 2 Knee - 165-165-175-175
    C. Overhead Squat - 95#
    D. Hang Snatch - 115-125(failed on 3rd rep)-125
    E. L-Sit - Accumulate 75 seconds 20sec, 18sec, 20sec, 17 sec
