
Testing Week
A. Back Squat - work to 1RM (compare to 4.4.16)
B. Power Clean - work to 1RM (compare to 5.23.16)
C. Max Assault Calories x 1 minute (compare to 4.8.16)
- rest as needed -
D. Max Assault Calories x 10 minutes (compare to 4.22.16)
*C&D should be done at Max Effort*


  1. A) 290 (5# PR)
    B) 195 (failed 210 3x) (1 RM = 205)
    C) 27
    D) 124

  2. Wasn't feeling it today.

    A. 325 (10# under lifetime PR) failed 345 x 2
    B. Skipped.
    C. 26 (2 more cals)
    D. 120 (3 more cals)

  3. A) 160 (5# PR)
    B) 115 (pr match)
    C) 13 (3 cal pr)
    D) 69 (6 cal pr)

  4. A) 185# (10# PR)
    B) 140 (10# PR), failed 145 twice.
    C) 19 (2 cal PR)
    D) 90 (3 cal PR)

  5. Think I have a wodfest hangover

    A) 355 - failed 10# PR attempt at 375
    B) 245 - stopped there for wrist again
    C) 42 - 1 cal less
    D) 158 - 2 cals less

    Thinking about taking a few days off

  6. A) 220 lbs (10lb PR)
    B) 135 (15 lb PR) but it was ugly Barry got elbow through
    Failed 140- could barely get it above knees

    C) 24 (3 cal PR)
    D) 108 (7 cal PR)

  7. A) skipped, will make it up later in the week
    B) 155, 13.6 pound pr
    C) 20 cals, 3 cals more
    D) 103 (didn't do it the first time)

  8. A)270 15lb PR
    B)225 same
    C)33 cal 3 cal PR
    D)150 cal 35 cal PR

  9. Power Clean: @155 (20# PR)
    I have to make up the back squat & assault bike. Will publish as soon as I do.
