
A. Reverse Band Bench Press - 1RM
B. Dumbbell Neutral Grip Floor Press - 3 x 15 reps rest 60 seconds
C. Dumbbell Tate Press - 3 x 12 reps rest 60 seconds
D. Handstand Walk Practice - 10 minutes
E. GHD Situp - 8RM (don't extend all the way back with weight)


  1. A. 145 with red band
    B. 30lbs
    C. 15, 20, 15
    D. Done.
    E. 65lbs

    2 max effort 500 meters: 1:48, 1:53 PR is 1:46
    EMOM 14: 1/2 muscle ups, 10 kip swings and 5 t2b
    This was tough, muscle ups don't feel wonderful these days

  2. ME 5 min row. 1410m. Goal was to try to hold at 1:47 split the whole way. Succeeded.

    3 rounds. 30 ft HS walk into 10 SHSPU into 10 KHSPU
    1. 25, 5 feet, 10, 5,5 broke up each movement
    2. 30 into 10 into 3, 7
    3. 30 into 10 into 4, 6

    A. 305
    B. Used 50s
    C. Used 30s
    D. Skipped
    E 100#

    3 rounds
    Landline row AHAP. 45, 100, 135
    Bent over fly. 30s
    30 sec Lsit all UB

    Awesome day.

  3. Reverse band bench press = 305 w/ thin purple bands
    Neutral grip floor press = 40, 50×2
    Handstand walks = FUCK YEAH!

    Spring Cleaning Comp practice w/ Melissa

  4. A. 155 with purple band
    B. used 25 pounds
    C. used 15 pounds
    D. Done

    Practice Comp wod with Craig

  5. a. 235 with purple band
    b. 40#
    c. 20, 20, 25
    d. done

    Ran through comp wod with craig, melissa, and brynn.

  6. a. 165# with purple band
    b. 25#
    c. 15#
    d. done

    Ran through comp wod.

    Yay! My first post =D
