
A. Box Squat - 8 x 3 @ 50% Bar Weight + 80# in Chains rest 30 seconds (if you don't have chains use bands)
B. Every 90 seconds x 15 minutes - 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean @ 80% of 1RM Clean
C. Weighted Back Extensions 4 x 20 reps rest 60 seconds
D. Strict Toes To Bar - 3 x 8-10 reps
For time:
1000m Row
40 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Squat Snatch 135/95
*11 minute cap*


  1. A: 185 with 80#. B: 220 no misses felt great. C:done. D:done. Wod: 10:36

  2. Squats - 115 with red band wrapped twice
    Cleans - 145
    Back ext - 5lb plate
    T2b - 10 each

    6 snatches

    Accessory work done

  3. ME 500 row cold. 1:31

    Squats. 185 and red bands
    Cleans with 250. No misses. 1 yr ago to the week(aptil11) i PRd at 245 and failed 255. This was my second week of starting this program. Today my 80 percent is 250. Say what!
    - done with 25
    Metcon 10:22

    3 sets
    20 hip bridges
    40 sec Chinese plank
    15 squat therapy

    1. Damn Vinny squat snatch unbroken, squat snatch must be getting better, gd shit?

    2. UB? I didn't write that. Where did you get that? If I did 20 UB snatches at 135 I woulda wrote that is gigantic letters. Then just finished the last ten for the fastest Isabel time ever!!!!!

    3. Yea didn't mean unbroken lol I mean u finish the squat snatch,

  4. A) 175+ 80 chains
    B) 225
    C) skipped (time)
    D) Dine
    E) 10:37

  5. A) worked late, came late
    B) 125
    C) skipped
    D) 10s done
    E) 15

  6. A. 125 + 80 pound chains (they were on the right way this time ;)
    B. 140
    C. skipped (time)
    D. 2 sets of 8
    E. finished at 15 snatches
