
A. Split Jerk - 1RM
B. Close Grip Floor Press 3 x 10 AHAP rest 90 seconds
C. Dumbbell Roll Back to Extensions 3 x 12 rest 60 seconds
D. Chest Facing Wall HS Hold x 90 seconds (accumulate)
E. Strict HSPU 3 x 8-10 reps (rest 60 seconds) add deifict if needed
F. Weighted Situp - 8RM


  1. A) 265. 10# PR. As my shoulder mobility improves, I know this will get even higher.
    B) 135, 165, 185
    C) 20, 25, 25
    D) 3 sets of 30. Harder than I expected.
    E) 7-1, 5-3, 4-4
    F) 90#. Couldn't really figure out how to add more weight.

  2. 155 (20lbs lower than PR woof)
    65 for all
    15lb dumbells
    1:15 and 15sec shaking like a leaf
    LOL - I need to work on these
    Worked up to 45lbs

  3. A. 265, 280fail(5#pr)
    B. 155
    C. 30s
    D. 60 sec 30 sec
    E. Flat 10, 10 inch deficit 5,3, and 4, 4. Then did a single at a 18-20 inch deficit. Thank you Dylan and Lindsay for the taunting.
    Used a 55.

    I was extremely sore from yesterday. In my glutes and traps. Felt just beat up today.
