
3 Weeks Down 2 weeks to Go and we are sitting in 33rd place in the most stacked team region in the world.  With all that being said you guys keep surprising me each week, and people from all over keep stepping it up.  Keep in mind our gym is a homegrown team and unlike other power houses, we haven't gone out to recruit people.  You guys should be super proud.  Regardless of what happens 2 weeks from now I'd like to plan a night out for all Comp Team athletes.  Let's go out, have some dinner and drinks and discuss training etc.  2 more weeks to go, lets make a HUGE jump, we are still in it.

Row 20 minutes
30 second SPRINT
30 seconds Recover
2 rounds NOT TIMED:
10 strict pull-ups
20 push-ups
10 overhead squats 45# bar
20 hollow rocks
10 back extensions
20 Russian KB Swings
10 Single Leg KB DL/side
20 Perfect Air Squats
20-30 minute area specific mobility