
Row 20 minutes
30 second SPRINT
30 seconds Recover
2 rounds NOT TIMED:
10 strict pull-ups
20 push-ups
10 overhead squats 45# bar
20 hollow rocks
10 back extensions
20 Russian KB Swings
10 Single Leg KB DL/side
20 Perfect Air Squats
20-30 minute area specific mobility


  1. A: skipped (time)
    B: done (minus SL DL on second round)
    C: sat on a lax ball for 20 minutes on my work chair today

  2. A: skipped (time)
    B: done (minus SL DL on second round)
    C: sat on a lax ball for 20 minutes on my work chair today

  3. A) Rowed with Craig and Melissa. Kept a 1:30-1:35 pace for first few rounds. After that maintained a 1:40-1:45 pace. Ended up with about 4,350 meters.
    B) Done.
    C) Pigeon pose, Runners lunge, lax ball on scapula, lat, calves, and hamstrings.
