
A. Snatch - 1 rep every 2 minutes x 20 minutes (tough single)
For time:
5 minute row @ 20 seconds of 500m PR
rest 1 minute
4 minute row @ 18 seconds off 500m PR
rest 1 minute
3 minute row @ 14 seconds off 500m PR
rest 1 minute
2 minute row @ 8 seconds off 500m PR
rest 1 minute
1 minute ME row
- rest as needed -
"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds:
50 air squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
100 Back Extensions (pause 2 seconds at top)


  1. Dangit! Another good Friday I'm gunna have to miss. Booo :-/

  2. In Boston, went to Reebok Crossfit Back Bay and did the class.

    14 minutes to build to a heavy snatch balance from the floor: 195, felt light

    5:43, shit the bed doing muscle ups, but snatching in nanos felt amazing

  3. Did u see Jessa Lemoine! I LOVE her!

  4. A. 155, 10 for 10 no misses
    B. Rowing death
    C. 12:36, muscle ups were slow and all singles but no misses which was the goal. Slowly getting better at them
    D. Done and done

  5. A. Light work to fix my shoulders.
    B. Based off 1:29 PR. Missed all sets by 1-5 seconds. ME set was 316m at a 1:36
    C. 7:27. All UB except last set MU(5,2) mis kipped and last cleans. Flat backed myself on the 8th rep(I will post to IG later for all viewing entertainment)
    d. Done

  6. Worked up to 115

    PR is 1:46 - 2:07, 2:04, 2:01, 1:56, 1:50

    15:30ish no missed muscle ups! Wahoo

    Back extensions - did 85, was hurting my knees

  7. A) 135×1, 155×3, 165×2, 175×2, 185×2 (miss).
    First time squat snatching in over 3 weeks. Good to be back.
    B) 1:47 1400m, 1:45 1128m, 1:41 848m, 1:35 591m, ME 3rd
    C) 11:09 (took air squats slow for knee. Too slow. Melissa was doing 3 for every 1 of mine) Last round MUs UB. Improvement.

  8. A. 105
    B. PR is 1:54: 2:12 1137m, 2:11 920m, 2:06 725m, 2:01 507m, 1:54 268m. I was able to keep 1-2 seconds faster for each pace. I think it's time to retest my 500m row. :)
    C. 26:42. This was really tough. The air squats and cleans were fast. The muscle ups were really hard. I definitely would not have been able to do this without Craig, J-Rod, Alex, Alyssa and JJ. Thank you guys so much for getting me through this one.

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gCnr3Pb1Xk

    Video of today's "Nasty Girls" with Mel, JRod and Craig. Clearly JJ was the star in this video though.

    A. Worked up to 135 - beginning to feel very smooth, just one miss.
    B. 1262, 986, 749, 509, 285
    C. = 14:20. I did this earlier this week @ 115 and it took me 10:19

  10. A. Started and wanted to stay at 125. Missed some. Went to 130. Missed those. Very slow pull.
    B. I assume my 500 is like 1:58 but the row wasn't too bad so I'm thinking my estimate was wrong.
    C. 13:08 thank u lord Jesus Vinny physically helped me up through the mu part.
    D. I left
