
A. Back Squat 1 1/4 - 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes (70-75%)
B. Split Jerk - 3 x 3 (2 second pause in dip, 2 second pause in catch) 5% heavier than last week
10 rounds:
3 TNG C&J 155/105
10 UB Wall Ball Shots 20/14
20 Double Unders
100 BB Hip Bridges


  1. A. 275
    B. 205
    C. 14:39
    D. 20 with 135, 80 with 85
    E. 30 strict MU for time. 6:33

  2. A. 175 (took longer than 2 min rest)
    B. 140, 150, 160
    C. 15:40 I'm not happy about my time, but I tried to make sure my wb were legit and ub
    D. Done
    E. Mu stuff. Did a kip up for the first time!

  3. A. 200
    B. 155, 165, 175
    C. 13:23
    D. 45lb bar

  4. A) 4×3 @ 225 (knee)
    B) 185, 195×2
    C) 12:04 - eff you Dana
    D) Done w/ 135

  5. A) 125, 130, 135, 140
    B) stayed at 135 this week
    C) these are the moments I'm so appreciative of Melissa, Dana, Craig and Steven. Had DUs + 1 round left at the 13:30 mark and had a small asthma attack. Haven't had one of those in a while. Took a few minutes, calmed down and finished at 17:27. Couldn't have done so without them - thanks guys, Xoxo.
    D) 55

  6. A. 175-180-185-190
    B. 105- Still working on technique on these
    C. 13:57-Wall balls were pretty good tonight. Was able to do them unbroken until about the last 4 rounds or so. I did them in 2 quick sets in the later rounds. My clean and jerks need to be more efficient. One more month to get them better!!
    D. 55
