
A. Clean & Jerk - tough single
C. Intervals TBD

WOD will be in White Plains at 1pm.  I know Ms. Mamone came to us last week but the rest of you missed out.  See you at 1pm.


  1. Reebok Crossfit Back Bay Class WOD

    Teams of 2:
    100 wallballs
    75 pullups
    50 burpees
    25 cal row
    25 wallballs
    50 pullups
    75 Burpees
    100 cal row
    One partner working, switch every 30 seconds
    21:09, Did it with Olivia

  2. 1. 3 rep max thruster: 115,125,135, 145x2 (thruster jerks for heavy sets)
    2. 15:44 keeping a kip going on the ctb was the hardest for me.
    3. Did the rowing from last week. First round was 2:15 then stayed around 2:08-2:03 for the rest.
    4. Snuck 1 mu in there...yes!

  3. A: PRed my Power Clean + Jerk and Squat Clean + Jerk by 5lbs at 150. Couldnt stand up the 155. I know its not a lot but any type of PR with a squat involved is huge for me.
    B: 15:32. Holy moly were the squats and BBJs slow. Wanted to give up - thanks Mel for not letting me.

  4. A. Mis loaded bar at 205 and felt it rough in my wrist. Called it after that.
    B. 16:24.

  5. A. Worked on 3RM thruster/thruster jerk for flex in a couple weeks, hit 155 for 3
    B. 13:55

  6. A: Worked up to 225 (Almost 90%)
    B) 14:59

  7. A. 145
    B. 14:46. This is the best my c2b and ttb have felt in a while :)
