
A. Back Squat 1 1/4 - 5, 5, 5, 5 rest 2 minutes (65-70%)
B. Split Jerk - 3 x 3 (2 second pause in dip, 2 second pause in catch) 5% heavier than last week
9 Deadlift 155/105
12 Push-Ups (Hand Release) *no worming*
15 Box Jumps 24/20
*Goal - 10+ rounds*
Toes to Bar - 4 x 6-8 weighted (hold dumbell between legs)
rest as needed
Glute Ham Raise - 3 x Max Reps


  1. A: 265 felt gd. B: 225, 225, 235. C: 10+15 this wod suck balls can't move my body

  2. 155

    10+28 - understanding a comfortable pace and when to push it much more

  3. A. 245,245,245,255
    B. 185. Went lighter then normal.
    C. 10+28
    D. Used a 10 dumbell
    E. 4,6,6

  4. 10 rounds:
    5 35# DB hang squat clean thrusters
    10 hand release push-ups
    15 TV

    AMRAP 5
    5 50# DB dead lifts
    5 strict pullups


  5. A. 165
    B. 135, 145, 155 145 was my weight and I wanted to work around it.
    C. 9+23 I step off the box. I practiced rebounding a little after.
    D. Somewhere around #5 I think.
    E. 15x3

  6. A. 175
    B. 110. Still need to work on my technique on these, but I am happy to say my shoulder is starting to feel better. :)
    C. 14 + 4

  7. A: 125. After 1st round they felt pretty good
    B: 135. Shit felt heaaaaavvyyy!
    C: 12+12. This sounds silly, but I'm super proud of myself for doing all the box jumps as real jumps and with the rebound. Before comp training I would have been asthmatic after 1 round.
    D: used ab mat
    E: "my back hurt"
