
Hey guys - I've already had a few of you reach out about working one on one to fine tune some skills which I'm excited about.  I don't usually offer FREE personal training so take advantage of it while you can.  I truly think working individually will help me focus on individual needs more so than a group setting.  On another note, what are everyone's thoughts on putting together our own mini 1 day CFW camp now that the Milford camp has been cancelled?  I'd focus on similar things and try to bring in people to help us out as well as potentially inviting another gym to come work with us.  Lastly, I'll try to be around at more of the sessions aside from just Saturday's to the best of my ability.  You guys have done an incredible job progressing and making strides this past year and I hope you can see everything that you've accomplished.  Please keep in mind, when the open comes around its YOU versus the CLOCK - no amount of cues or coaching will prepare you for that gut check mentally.  I know in my heart each and every one of you has it in you to perform at a very high level, I think it's time for all of you to start believing that as well.

A. 3 sets:
Split Jerk x 3 reps (2 sec pause in bottom of dip, 2 second pause in catch) 5% heavier than last week
B. Clean & Jerk:
3 singles @ 80%
3 singles @ 85%
3 singles @ 90%
For time:
40 Calorie Row
15 OHS 135/95
15 C2B Pull-Ups
30 Calorie Row
12 OHS
12 C2B
20 Calorie Row
9 C2B
10 Calorie Row
6 C2b
*If you feel good with C2B sub 5 UB Muscle Ups instead of Pull-Ups each round*


  1. I think a 1 day mini camp sounds like a great idea. I am in!

  2. A: 215. B: 215, 230, 245. C: 12:05

  3. 140
    140, 150, 160

    20:12 with chest to bar

  4. I'm also in for athletes camp. I work on the weekends so the more advanced notice I have the better it is for me to adjust my schedule.

  5. A. Used 185. Changed my jerk grip
    B. 215,225,240
    C. 18:01. No failed OHS. Big for me. And did c2b Cuz my muscle up game is like Atari...... Awesome.

  6. First day back from deload so went lighter in the first two parts
    A) Power jerk + split jerk- up to 225
    B) 215,225,240
    Did muscle ups, could feel my engine wasn't where it was before a week ago

  7. A. 140
    B. 150, 160, cleaned 3 @ 165 and was being vagina on the jerks. Went to the rack and did 2. Then one cnj from the floor.
    C. 15:03 did strict hspu instead of ctb Bc of my hands.

  8. A) 195
    B) 195, 205, 215
    C) 11:22 with C2B

  9. A) 130
    B) 120, 125, 135
    C) 14:32 w/ C2B (haven't done them in a while). Scaled down to 80lbs for OHS so I could keep my elbows slightly bent.

    1. *was able to do everything unbroken - not sure I would've with 95lbs though

  10. Jerk with 2s pause in dip and bottom of jerk

    Clean and jerk

    Hit all felt good

    15 ohs 135
    5 mu
    12 ohs
    5 mu
    20 cals
    9 ohs
    5 mu
    10 cals
    6 ohs
    5 mu

    1. Did muscle ups unbroken for first 2 rounds. On 3rd got 4+1 and last did 2 and the chest to bar.

      Overhead squats felt heavy for me today.

  11. 3×5 Hang Muscle Satch
    3×5 Hang Muscle Clean
    5 rounds:
    10 SHSPU
    5 MU
    :30 L-sit hold

    A) 95, 105×2
    B) 115, 125, 135
    C) 17:50

  12. A. 95
    B. Cleans (no jerk): 140, 145, 3 fails at 150. Definitely not a good day for my cleans. I got in my head too much.
    C. 17:06
    -c2B felt good tonight. I think I was smart on how I broke them up.
    First set of OHS were a mess….the rest of the sets were unbroken.
