
A. Back Squat @ 32X1 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes *heavier than week 3*
B. Snatch - 8 singles - 75-85%
C. C&J - 8 singles @ 75-85%
Skill Practice 
20-30 minutes (keep volume low - big day tomorrow)


  1. A. Back Squat @ 32×1 (5×3) r:2m
    205, 215, 225, 235, 245
    B. Snatch 8 Singles: 75-85%
    = 95, 95, 105, 105, 115, 115, 125, 125
    C. C+J 8 singles: 75-85%
    = 135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 165, 170, 170
    20-30m gymnastic work
    (Skipped bc I had to run to work)

  2. A. Back Squat: 165, 175, 185, 195 (2), 185
    *I'm thinking my legs were still wrecked from yesterday as my back squats just did not feel good. I hit 195 for 3 in week 3 so I should've definitely been able to hit that and go up. *
    B. Snatch: 55, 55, 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75
    *still keeping it pretty light cuz any more weight and the wrist starts to really hurt. But they were feeling pretty good*
    C. C&J: 75, 85, 85, 95, 95, 95, 100, 105
    * again, need to keep it light ugh*
    D. Skill work: worked on eliminating the double kip for ttb and did some rope climbs for the comp next week

  3. Mobility *neck/shoulder on left side still hurting me from L-holds--can't sleep on that side, anything overhead hurts; legs quite sore from yesterday--hips very tight and left hamstring still troubling me*

    Back Squat - 5 x 3 reps @ 32X1 tempo -->rest 2 min between


    245 lbs
    255 lbs
    265 lbs
    265 lbs
    275 lbs

    *this got heavy, but I'm very pleased with this; we were supposed to go heavier than same workout 4 weeks ago and I ended with 245 lbs then; getting much stronger!*

    Snatch - 8 singles between 75-85% of 1RM *123 lbs - 140 lbs*

    Result: 4 @ 125 lbs, 2 @ 130 lbs, 2 @ 135 lbs

    *neck/shoulder provided some pain, but I did okay with these--didn't get real low on any :-( *

    Clean & Jerk - 8 singles between 75-85% of 1RM *169 lbs - 191 lbs*

    Result: 4 @ 170 lbs, 2 @ 180 lbs, 2 @ 185 lbs

    *bar still not on chest during the clean, but continuing to get better; neck/shoulder was unpleasant on the jerks*

    *given neck/shoulder, I quickly gave up after attempting a handstand hold and didn't complete any of the 20-30 min of skill practice :-( *

  4. A) back squat
    Needed to get a bit lower at 175 but these felt good especially with the belt, thanks Melissa!

    B) snatch: I have honestly never felt more defeated or crappy with this movement .... Just trying to push fwd
    65-65-65-70-70 they were so bad at 70 took weight off and did some work at 55

    C) clean and jerk:

    Skill work: eliminating double kip
    Better on pull ups than TTB
    Handy and holds and a few walks

  5. A:235-245-250-255-260
    B: 120-120-125-130-135-135 then a bunch of fails at 135. The first two were so easy dunno what happened.
    C: 165 x 4 175 x4
    D: hs Tabata. MU practice. Sitting strict band transitions.

  6. A) 165, 170, 175, 180, 180
    B)95#x2, 100#x3, 105#x3 FELT SOOOO GOOD TODAY! NOT ONE FAIL!! WOOOO!
    C)130#x2, 135#x4, 140#x2
    + 10 min EMOM 3 strict pullups (no pause between each rep)
    + Handstand Holds

  7. A. Back Squat: 170-180-190-200-210
    B. Snatch Singles: 80-80-85-85-90-90-95-95
    *Feeling MAJOR progress with my snatches this week :)
    C. C&J Singles: 115-115-115-120-120-120-125-125
    D. Muscle Up work
    -Excited that I was able to get one on my first attempt, and then again on the second attempt. Now it's time to focus on pulling more to my rib cage (not my chest).

  8. Back Squat - 145, 155, 165, 175, 185
    Snatch singles - 105
    Clean and Jerk singles - 135
    Handstand/handstand walk work

  9. A) 265, 275, 285, 295, 295
    B) all at 165
    C) all at 195

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. A - 115, 125, 135, 145, 155(1)
    B - 3 @ 85, 3 @ 89, 2 @ 95
    C - 115 for all
    D - rope climbs

    Idk if it was the energy (thanks Monica, Pat and JRod) or Monica's belt, but last week I could only get 140 for 1 so I was happy. Definitely ordering a belt tonight Amazon prime! Also, JRod informed me that steak will make me legs stronger, Lol. I will get on that.

    No fails but snatches felt very off. I think its because I've been used to hang snatching so much. Would like to do more from the ground if possible.

  12. Found a local gym ... Did tempo back squats, strict pull-ups, Deadlifts, bench press, and lastly an AMRAP 10 of 10 pistols and 5 man makers.

  13. Back squat
    115,115,115,115,115,125x, 125,125
    235,235(clean no jerk), 225x4, 235x2
    Hand stand holds and free standing pike touches, and shoulder taps.

  14. A Back Squat
    225, 225, 230, 230, 230

    B. Snatch 8 Singles
    All 115

    C. Clean and Jerk 8 Singles
    All 155

    Handstand Holds and Walks

  15. Back Squats - 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
    B - 85 failed 2 got 1, 89 failed 2 got 1 , 95 failed 1 got 1 (Snatch was no bueno)
    C - Clean and Jerk Singles 115, 120(3) 125(4)
    D - Handstand walks and Muscle up work. On my handstand walk I am getting better at staying up and steady. Working on staying upright and talking small steps forward. Muscleups I still do not pull down far enough on my kip up. Did some skill work with the bands and triangle pushups.
