
Part 1:
3 minute clock:
complete as much of the below sequence as possible

rest 1 minute

Part 2:
6 minute clock:
complete as much of the below sequence as possible

rest 1 minute

Part 3:
For time:
complete the below sequence

20 calories row
30 wall ball shots 20/14
20 toes to bar
30 box jump over 24/20
20 kb swings 70/53
30 burpees
20 s2o - 135/95
500m Run (20/14)

*each time a new round starts, you start back on the rower at 0 calories*


  1. This may be a silly question, but when you start part 2 do you start from the beginning of the sequence or where you left off in part 1.

  2. Beginning of sequence. No matter ehere you end on part 1 you start back on the rower at 0 cals for part 2.

  3. I have a question. Our score is last round? So conserve on first two. Or go hambino on all?

  4. 3 seperate scores for this WOD - no conserving yourself

  5. “The best pace is a suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die.”

    ― Steve Prefontaine

  6. I would have preferred the sled pull to the weighted run.

  7. Mobility *my neck/shoulder aren't getting any better--hanging from a bar is probably a bad idea*

    2011 Games Finale - "The End"

    Part 1: 3 min clock -- complete as much of the Sequence as possible

    -->1 min rest

    Part 2: 6 min clock -- complete as much of the Sequence as possible

    -->1 min rest

    Part 3: complete the sequence for time

    The Sequence:

    20 cal row
    30 wall ball shots - 20 lb ball to 10'
    20 toes-to-bar
    30 box jump overs - 24"
    20 kettlebell swings - 70 lbs
    30 burpees
    20 shoulder-to-overhead - 135 lbs
    500 m run with 20 lb med ball


    64 - thru 14 toes-to-bar
    96 - thru 26 box jump overs

    *I moved well on the first 2 rounds and recovered nicely, with rowing and wall balls being my strengths; neck/shoulder didn't bother me DURING the workout (I'm in a lot of pain post-workout, however), but T2B were slow--not kipping much at all; on the final round I was spent and just slogged my way through the box jumps and the burpees, S2O felt terrible and the run was about as slow as a human can run, but I refused to walk; overall, I'm not happy with how I died, nor with my T2B & S2Os*

    *my neck/shoulder might be a real problem*

  8. 1) 70
    2) 95
    3) 17:06

    Used a 20# vest for the run. Overall felt pretty lethargic. Calves are still tight from those sprints!

  9. I loved his workout!!!
    I knew my weaknesses so made sure to hustle through my strengths!

    Part 1: 57 through 7 TTB
    Part 2: 101 got in 1 KBS
    Time to complete: 19:20

  10. 1: 9 TTB
    2: 21 BJO
    3: 21:20

    Fun times.

  11. 1. 11 T2B
    2. 25 BJO
    3: 20:01

    Rowing and WBS suck for me, moved fast through the t2b and moved moderately through the box jump overs. Did the kbs unbroken (I hate the swings so I just wanted it over with) and went slow on the burpees. The s2o I rested too much in between but kept unbroken in sets of 5. The run killed me with carrying the 20lb ball. Good workout

  12. 1- 55 (5 T2B)
    2- 102 (2 KBs)
    3- 15:32

    Breathing was the worst part!

  13. SO MUCH FUN!
    1- 60 Reps (10 TTB)
    2- 107 Reps (7 KBS)
    3- 16:46

  14. Loved this.
    3min: through 15 t2b
    6min: through 3 kettlebell swings
    Full: 17:58

    Little dissapointed in my full sequence time but really enjoyed this. Awesome having Kate and Monica in Pelham today : )

    1. Was a lot of fun! We will be back :-) great job today!

    2. Mucho Fun! We might need to make this a regular date!

  15. 3 min: 77 (7 box jumps)
    6 min: 110 (10 kb swings)
    Full: 15:30
    Always had trouble running while carrying something. First half I walked because I couldn't get comfortable

  16. 3 min- 81 (11 box jump)
    6 min- 105( 5 kb)
    For time- 14:49.
    Pat is an animal.

  17. 3 min = 56 (6 TTB)
    6 min = 95 (24 BJO)
    for time= 19:27

  18. This was done on the 7/26. Just late with the post

    1. 70
    3. 19:26

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. 3min -- Finished all Wall Balls
    6min -- Finished 6 BJO
    For time -- 21:22

  21. 3 min--5 box jumps
    6 min--10 KB swings
    17:47--bitch mode on the run and should have moved through box jumps quicker
