
A1. Push Press - 4, 4, 4, 4 (heavier than week 2)
A2. Strict Weighted Pull-Ups 4 x 3-4 reps (heavier than last week) rest 2 minutes
B. Snatch Pull to Knee - 2, 2, 2, 2 rest as needed *heavier than week 3*
C. Hang Snatch - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 *heavier than week 3* building rest as needed
D. Overhead Squat 3 x 3 reps @ 2511 rest 2 minutes *heavier than last week*
E. Accumulate 3 minutes in Hollow Hold Position

*coaches notes*
If you don't have strict pull-ups obviously do not add weight
OHS tempo - 2 seconds descent, 5 second pause at bottom, 1 second to stand, 1 second reset
intended to help with unstable OHS position


  1. Mobility

    A1. Push Press - 4 x 4 reps

    A2. Strict Weighted Pull-ups -4 x 3-4

    -->rest 2 min


    165 lbs; 4 with 26 lbs
    175 lbs; 4 with 26 lbs
    185 lbs; 4 with 26 lbs
    195 lbs; 4 with 26 lbs

    *presses--up from 175lbs last week, pullups up from 18lbs; I'm getting stronger with both of these movements - yay!*

    Snatch Pull to the Knee - 4 x 2 reps [sub: all the way through first pull *'cause I can't read*]

    Result: 195 lbs *did very well . . . with the wrong movement, ugh!*

    Hang Snatch - 7 x 2 reps [sub: 5 sets from the floor, 2 from the hang *again, 'cause I can't read*]

    Result: 2 @ 135 lbs from the floor; 3 @ 145 lbs from the floor; 2 @ 135 lbs from the hang

    *only got underneath the second 135 from the floor and the 3rd 145; from the hang were awful--press outs, both :-( *

    Overhead Squat - 3 x 3 @ tempo 2511

    Result: 105 lbs

    *10 lbs heavier than last week--didn't seem as hard, either; held tempo well; very happy with this*

    Accumulate 3 min hollow hold

    Result: 1 min + 45 sec + 25 sec + 10's *mental control was weak on this*

  2. A1) 115, 125, 130, 135
    A2) 5, 4, 4, 4
    B) 135, 135, 145, 150
    C) 79, 79, 79, 84, 89, 89, 89 (was using kilos - so this is the # equivalent)
    D) 95, 100, 105
    E) 1:30, :30, :30, :30

  3. A1. Push Press – 4, 4, 4, 4 (heavier than week 2)
    A2. Strict Weighted Pull-Ups 4 x 3-4 reps (heavier than last week) rest 2 minutes

    = 155/6, 155/6, 155/6, 155/6
    -Push presses felt better in the later sets. Did 6 pull ups each round bc I can’t read. I was doing mixed grip – will do overhand grip next time.

    B. Snatch Pull to Knee – 2, 2, 2, 2 rest as needed *heavier than week 3*
    3 @ 165, 1@ 175
    C. Hang Snatch – 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 *heavier than week 3* building rest as needed
    2 @ 95, 2 @ 105, 2 @ 115, 1 @ 120
    -Felt awesome
    D. Overhead Squat 3 x 3 reps @ 2511 rest 2 minutes *heavier than last week*
    -95, 115, 125
    E. Accumulate 3 minutes in Hollow Hold Position
    - 1:04, :41, :20, :55

  4. A1) 185, 185, 195, 205
    A2) 4, 4, 4, 4 w/ 20# vest
    B) 225, 235, 245, 255
    C) 145, 145, 155, 165(1), 165, 165(1), 165(1)
    D) 105, 135, 155
    E) 60-40-30-50 seconds

    Was struggling with the catch on my hang cleans. Ended up losing the 2nd attempt on 3 of my sets because I would spend so much energy trying to stabilize my shoulders on the 1st attempt

  5. A: 165/4 170/4 170/4 175/4
    All pullups with 25lb dumbell
    B: 205
    C: 115-115-125-125-125-135-135
    D: 135-140-145
    E: 45, 15, 20, 20,20,15x4

  6. Push Press - 125, 125, 130 (2), 125 (2), 130
    Strict Pull Ups - 3 (26#), 3 (26#), 4 (18#), 4 (18#)
    Snatch Pull - 185, 195, 205, 205
    Hang Snatch - 95, 105, 105, 105, 95, 95, 105 (got up to 115 last time, struggled with consistency today)
    OHS - 65, 75, 85 (felt much better than last time)
    E. 3 min hollow rock

  7. A1: 185,195,205,215x2 (I have a very shitty push press)
    A2: 53lbs x4
    B: 275, 295,295,295
    C: 135,145,155,165,175,185x1 (very clean miss), 195 (huge PR, first time hang snatching 195)
    D: 135,155,175
    E: 1:34, 1:00, 0:26

  8. A1. PP 4x4: 105, 115, 120, 120
    A2. Strict PUs: 6 (18#), 4 (26#), 4 (26#), 4 (26#)
    B. Snatch Pulls 4x2: 2@ 125, 2@ 135
    C. Hang Snatch 7x2: 5@ 75, 2@80 (still working on trying to catch in squat)
    D. OHS (2511) 3x3: 80, 85, 90
    E. 3 min Hollow Rock: 1 min, 4@ 30sec

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. A1. Push press: 110-115-120-125
    A2. Pull ups: 4(15#), 4(20#), 3 (25#), 1@20# then 2@25#
    B. Snatch Pulls: 125, 125, 130, 130
    C. Hang Snatch: 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 80
    D. OHS: 75, 85, 95,
    E. Hollow Rock: 1:30, :20, :26, :30, :14

  11. This was one of my best lifting days thus far and I think it's because I slept 9 hours last night, did NormaTech recovery on my legs, and did 30 minutes of mobility/warmup before we started.

    A1. 165, 185, 195, 200 (failed the 4th rep)
    A2. All with a 44# KB and 4 reps unbroken.
    C. Snatch Pulls all @ 195#.
    D. Hang Snatch - 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 160. Hit them all.
    E. Hollow Rock - 60s, 30s, 30s, 20s, 20s, 20s.

  12. A1) push press: 135, 155, 175, 195
    A2) pull-ups: 4, 4, 4, 4 (all done with #44 Kb)

    B) snatch pull: 135, 155, 175, 175

    C) hang snatch: 95-95-115-115-115-135-135

    D) OHS: 135-145-155

    E) Hollow Hold: 45-20-25-30-30-30

  13. A1) 100, 110, 115, 120(3)
    A2) 3 @ 10# each time
    B) 120, 130, 130, 135
    C) 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95(1)
    D) 65, 70, 75
    E) 1:30, :30, :30, :30

    Probably should have went a bit heavier on weighted pullups but last week i had trouble just doing them with body weight so wasn't sure how to gauge.

    Snatches felt super on today, just on the last one my good elbow buckled. Scary to see the bar coming directly towards your head so as fast as I could pushed it away and down like Harold taught us after the Ogar incident. Love snatching with Monica - her form is fabulous.

    OHS's kept light as its a real battle not to hyper extend my elbow each time. Thanks Steven for the cue to bring the hands in even closer then snatch grip for those!

  14. A1) 100-110-115-120
    Got 120 up for 1 almost got the second one but didn't have it left in my legs... Next time!

    A2) no band at all! So excited about that
    I did 2 sets of 3 and 2 sets of 4... That 4th one not all the way up!

    B) snatch pull: 2@ 130 and 2@ 135
    Felt good, strength on the pull and form is getting there!

    C) snatch: all @ 60 lbs
    Worked really hard on form and first time in a long time they felt good!!

    D) OHS: 65-70-75
    These felt really good today!

    E) hollow rock hold: 45-45-30-30-30
    Love the core work ha!

  15. A1: 165, 185, 195 (3), 190 (3)...didn't feel strong today
    A2: 4,4,4,4 all with 44# kb
    B: All @ 195
    C: 95, 115, 125, 135, 135 (1), 135, 135...maybe, just maybe something clicked tonight for me with the snatch. We'll see.
    D: All @ 115
    E: 1:40, :30, :30, :20

  16. A1: 175,185,190, 200
    A2: 53lbs x4
    B: 185x4
    C: 95,125x6 (snatches felt super smooth)
    D: 95,115,115
    E: 30sec X 6

  17. A1. Push Press
    A2. Strict Weighted Pull Ups

    185, 4 Reps with 10 lbs
    190, 4 Reps with 10 lbs
    195, 4 Reps with 10 lbs
    195, 4 Reps with 10 lbs - Failed, was able to get 2 reps

    B. Snatch to Knee

    155 - All sets

    C. Hang Snatch
    105 - All Sets

    D. Overhead Squat
    75 - All sets

    E. Hollow Rock Hold
    60s, 60s, 60s

  18. A1- Push Press - 85#, 95#, 115#, 125# - These felt really good not a single push jerk in the bunch
    A2 - Used the two small chains for all sets so 5# - 3 good strict pullups each time, but struggled on the 4th one each set

    B- Snatch Pull - 125#, 135#, 145#, 155#
    C- Hang Snatch - 65#, 65#, 65# F, 65#, 65#, 75#, 75# F - Some of these were just garbage, I wasn't pulling back on the bar and a couple times I just felt like I didn't have my shoulders grounded when I hit the bottom position. Just didn't feel solid like they usually are.
    D- OHS - 65# - I really like the long hold at the bottom, gives plenty of time to make sure your all the way at the bottom and completely solid. Please keep these.
    E- 3 Min Hollow Position Hold - 1:05; :40; :40; :32
