
A1. Front Squat @32X1 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 *heavier than week 2*
A2. Strict HSPU - 5 x 10-12 rest 2 minutes (Girls 4-6)
B. Clean Pull - 3, 3, 3, 3 rest 2 minutes *heavier than last week*
C. Hang Cleans - 4, 4, 4, 4 rest as need *heavier than week 2*
D. Weighted Back Extensions - 4 x 12 rest 60 seconds
10-15 minutes of - HS, HSW, HS Hold, Muscle Up practice


  1. Today was god awful. No idea why and no excuses just had a really off day :/

    A1) front squat: 115-125-135-140-145
    A2) ab mat and thin 10 lb plate: 5 reps

    B) clean pull:

    C) hang clean; 95 lbs for all
    This is where I literally fell apart and got so frustrated with the hitch and the pull... All of it!

    D) back extensions: 15lbs

    Skill work: hand stand holds and walks

  2. *Week 4 of Competition Programming - the workouts have been pounding me into the ground, but I hope that means they're working.*


    A1. Front Squat - 5 x 4 reps @ 32X1 tempo

    A2. Strict Handstand Pushups - 5 x 10-12 reps [sub: hanging from rig via linked red bands

    --> rest 2 min


    185 lbs, 10 reps
    195 lbs, 10 reps
    205 lbs, 8 reps
    215 lbs, 7 reps
    215 lbs, 7 reps

    *felt strong on squats, good mobility for holding in the front rack (yay!); but HSPUs completely ate me up and the humidity made sweaty puddles for my hands to slip on*

    Clean Pull - 4 x 3 reps

    Result: 275 lbs

    *10 lbs heavier than last week; tough at first, but got better, didn't go up in weight as I don't think I could have kept good form*

    Hang Cleans - 4 x 4 reps

    Result: 1@ 155 lbs, 3 @ 165 lbs

    *this was heavier than recent @ 155 lbs, but left hamstring started acting up, so I didn't go any higher, but I felt good otherwise and could heavier*

    Weighted Back Extensions - 4 x 12 reps with 15 lb plate behind the head

    Cashout: 4 x 30 second handstand holds *P.R. x 4*

  3. A) Front Squats: 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
    B) did ring dips instead of HSPU cuz of my wrist. Did 5x5
    C) Clean Pull: 165, 175, 175, 185
    D) Hang Cleans: 65, 85, 95, 105
    E) Back Ext: 10, 15, 15, 15
    ** first time putting weight on my wrist between the front squats and hang cleans. I kept it really light for the cleans, as catching it on my shoulder is the part that hurts. It's getting there.

  4. A1. 115-125-135-145-155
    A2. HSPU to an ab mat: 6,6,5,4,4
    -My shoulders still feel absolutely destroyed from Saturday, so this was rough
    B. Clean pulls all at 165
    C. Hang cleans: 95,95,100,100
    -Still trying to work on speed in my elbows and trying to get under the bar faster
    D. Weighted back extension: all sets at 15 pounds (this bothered my lower back)

    -10 minutes of HSW

  5. A1: 245,255,265,275,285
    A2: 10 each
    B: 365
    C: 215, 225, 235, 245x2, 245x3 (bar slipped out of rack each time from sweat)
    D: All at 25lbs
    Hand stand walks

  6. A1. 215,225,235,240,240
    A2. 10(14# ball)x2, 10,10,10
    B. 315
    C. 185,205,215 failed of fourth, got the wobbly knees and blacked out for a second,215
    D. 25#
    E. Worked on muscle ups and HS holds.

  7. A1) 235, 245, 245, 255, 255
    A2) 12, 11, 6-5, 4-4-3, 5-3-3
    B) 285
    C) 175, 175(3), 175, 185
    D) 25, 35, 35, 35

    Struggled regripping the bar on the hang cleans and ended up failing the 4th rep of my 2nd set

  8. A1. Front Squats 32X1
    A2. Strict HSU

    185, 10
    185, 10
    185, 10
    195, 8/2
    195, 8/2 - Failed 195 I got 3 reps
    185, 5/5

    Back Squat: Felt good with the squats, core felt strong. But I noticed my elbows were dropping a little bit around rep 3 of my 195 lbs. So i lowered the weight back to 185.
    HSPU: I have progressed with this move. Was able to do a few sets unbroken.

    B. Clean Pull

    C. Hang Clean
    Felt stronger with this move. Looking forward to making big jump in weight next week.

    D. Weighted Back Extension
    12 Reps at 15lbs

    Cash Out:
    I went forward with my handstand walks! First time I was able to do this. I took about 4 steps i was also able to hold for a few seconds. I was very happy with this result as I usually fall all over the place. My shoulders felt very strong and stable.

  9. Front Squats: 135, 155, 175, 185, 195*

    Felt pretty good moving through these. Only did 2 in the last set because I felt like I was starting to lose my form.

    HSPU: 10, 6/4, 5/3, 2, 4

    Really started to fatigue and seemed to practically lose them on the fourth set. Need to do more of these.

    B) Clean Pull: 245 for all four sets. Felt really smooth through all these.

    C) hang Cleans: 135, 155, 175, 175. Was really focused on driving under the bar. Catch felt good and clean.

    D) back extensions: used 20 for all four sets. Felt good.

    $$ out: worked handstand walks, a few muscle ups, and had a go at pushing up into a free standing handstand

  10. A: 185 -185-195-195-195
    A2: 5-5-4-3-3
    25lb plate with abmat. Held 20sec after I knew I'd fail
    B: 257
    C: 175-176-180-180
    D 25lb

  11. Front Squat - 135, 145, 145, 150, 155
    Strict Handstand Pushups - 6 all rounds. First two with one ab mat, three with ab mat and 10lb plate
    Clean Pull - 200, 200, 210, 220
    Hang Clean - 135, 145, 155, 165 (3)
    Back Extension 4×12 with 10lb plate

    Got my first muscle up tonight!!! Making progress and feeling good!! :)

  12. A1) 135, 145, 145, 150, 155
    A2) 7, 7, 7, 7, 8
    B) 170, 170, 175, 180
    C) 115, 115, 120, 120
    D) 4x12 with 15lb plate
    + 10 min HSW & Handstand Holds

  13. A1. Front Squat @ 32×1 (5×4)
    A2. Strict HSPU – 5×10-12 r:2m
    = 155/6, 165/3, 185/5, 195/5, 195/3
    -I just didn't have the strength in me to muster any decent strict hspu. Still feeling it from Saturday.
    B. Clean Pull – 4×3 r:2m
    = 245
    C. Hang Cleans 4×4 r:prn
    = 165x , 155, 165, 175 (3)
    -Dunno what happened here. Failed the first 165 (which I did get 4 weeks ago) and I lost my hook grip on that last set of 175.
    D. Weighted Back Extensions – 4×12 r:60s
    = 15lbs
    10m of hs, hsw, hs hold or muscle up practice

    *was feeling rather off today*

  14. A1: 90, 100, 110, 120 (2), 115
    A2: 5 each time with 10lb thin plate
    B: 155, 155, 165, 170
    C: 105, 105, 110, 115
    D: 10lbs
    E: Worked on catching MU with straight legs so I can kip out.

  15. A1. 205. 215, 225, 225, 235
    A2. 12, 10, 11, 10, 12
    B. All Clean pulls at 305
    C. 205, 215 (failed 4th b/c lost hook grip, 215, 225.
    D. 4x12 w/ 25# plate
    E. Muscle Up Practice

  16. A1: 205, 215, 225, 235 (3 reps), 235 (3 reps)
    A2: 10, 8, 8, 8, 8
    B: All @ 305
    C: 185, 195, 205, 215 (2 reps). Bar got too far away from me on 3rd rep of last set.
    D: 25# plate
    MU work
