
A. Split Jerk - 1RM
B. 100 Pull-Ups (notate rep breakdown and time to completion)
10 mintue Assault Bike Test (Max Calories)
*no pussy shit here*


  1. warm: 3rnds 10 scap pull ups, 10 lunges, 30sec handstand hold
    A. 230 (pr is 270, clavicle is tweeked out, horrible overhead position)
    B. 4:38 (20,15,15,10,10,10,5,5,5,4,1)
    C. 156 avg.340 watts for 9mins then 450 for 1min

  2. A) 150 (pr)

    B) 15:46 for 88
    ripped pretty badly couldn't finish them *any help on improving gymnastics would be welcomed, please!!

    Broke them up at first by 3 and 4's then 2's and singles

    C) 101

    required going into a dark place and needed to make up for dismal pull ups

  3. A) 145 (5# pr) wanted 150 so bad... next time!
    B) 12:12 (10 rounds of 5, 5 rounds of 4, 7 rounds of 3, 9 singles). Hands didn't rip until the last pull-up so that was lucky :)
    C) 86

  4. A. 225 (tied PR)
    B. 10:03 (5s until 30 then 3s and 2s til 90 then 10 singles)
    C. 108 (bike shows me how pussy I really am)

  5. A. 150 (5# PR)
    B. 8:40. Started with 5s until about 60, then went to mostly 3s, and some 2s.
    C. 89 cals. Was just trying not to die a horrible death.

  6. A. Skipper (wrist, elbow, back)
    B. 3:54
    C. 160

  7. A 135 ( need to practice split jerk, bad form so didn't feel comfortable going heavier )
    B 9:45 10-10-10-10 then singles
    C 138

  8. A. 205 (10# below previous PR)
    B. 4:20 (10 sets of 10)
    C. 117

  9. A: 275 went for 295 failed. B: 3:57. 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 3 2, should of did set of 5 around 70. C: skip had to got to work

    1. Jay you stayed until I finished my AB for cals lol.

    2. Lol Calling me out, really had to got to work

    3. Jason, Chris said "No Pussy Shit."
      Judging from this post, looks like you don't give a shit.

  10. A) 205
    B) 8:02 2 sets at ten then 5's,3,'s and 2's
    C) 115 calories

  11. a. 205#
    b. 8:04 (8 sets of 5, then 3's & 2's)
    c. 123 Cals

    Fall Down Seven Times; Stand up Eight.
