
A. Bench Press @ 70% of 1RM - 9 x 3 (3 close, 3 middle, 3 wide) rest 1 minute
B1. Calorie Row x 20/15 rest 30 seconds
B2. Double Unders x 30 seconds Max UB rest 30 seconds
B3. Muscle Ups x 5-6 reps rest 3 minutes x 3 (scale to max UB Ring Push-Ups Feet Elevated)
21/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Shoulder 2 Overhead 135/95
9 Chest 2 Bar Pull-Ups

1 comment:

  1. A) 205
    B) Done with bar MUs
    C) skipped - no AB or good C2B bar available

    Misc practice: L-hang leg raises, hand stand hold shoulder taps, parallete L-sit to handstands
