
A. Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 10/arm x 3 sets (rest 1 minute) AHAP
B1. Shoulder to Overhead x 20 reps (105/65) rest 30 seconds
B2. AMRAP 30 Seconds Burpees rest 30 seconds
B3. AMRAP 30 Seconds Strict HSPU rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
4 sets:
Row 500m AFAP
Run 300m AFAP
rest 1:1


  1. A) 70 - 2 quick sets of 5 per arm, 60, 60
    B) Done-14-5, Done-14-5, Done-13-6
    C) Did the 1st interval then did the last 3 back-to-back-to-back

  2. 25
    20-15-2, 20-13-1, 20-13-1
    3:12, 3:22, 3:16, 3:12

  3. 30
    20, 15, hspu strict as best as I could do got like 4-5 almost all the way down a round
    20, 14
    20, 14

    3:12, 3:16, 3:12, 3:07
