
A. Jerk Balance - 3 x 5 (5-10% heavier than last week)
B. Split Jerk - tough single in 20 minutes (pause in catch for 1-2 seconds)
C1. Ring Dips @ 2111 tempo x AMRAP *use band if needed) rest 30 seconds
C2. Climbing Plank x 45 seconds rest 90 seconds x 3 sets (https://youtu.be/5rMewM7waq0)
D. Turkish Getups x 20 reps (10/arm) 53/35
40 Calorie Row
rest 2 minutes x 5 sets (keep a consistent pace throughout*


  1. 75
    Failed 155, trying to be patient with rebuilding my strength after losing weight 😞
    10, 11, 12

    Row done 2:45ish each round

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A) 75
    B) worked up to 215 (10 lb pr)
    C1) 3, 3, 3
    C2) done
    D) skipped because I was feeling tired
    2:21, 2:23, 2:26, 2:29, 2:35

  4. A) 115
    B) 270 (5# PR) - tried 285 a couple times and missed.

    Body Building by Jay Rodriguez

    Farmer's carries
    Free standing HS hold / HSW practice

  5. A. 75
    B. 175+2
    C. 3x5/done
    D. Done
    E. Not done but I ran/jogged this morning
