
A. Back Squat @ 70% - 6 x 2 reps rest 45 seconds (upright torso and speed FOCUS)
B. Power Clean x 1 + Squat Clean x 1 *building - no Maxes* 1 complex every 2:30 x 15 minutes
C. GHD Situp - 3 x 15-20 reps AFAP rest 90 seconds
3 sets:
10 TNG Power Snatch 115/75
10 Burpees Over Bar
10 TNG Power Snatch 115/75
10 Burpees Over Bar
5 minute rest


  1. 160
    Worked up to 145

    3:09, 3:08, 3:12

  2. A) 245
    B) 135, 155, 175, 185, 205, started to feel hamstring in first pull of 225 so I bailed
    C) Done
    D) 2:38, 2:42, 2:58

    Sorry in advance for the corny inspiration but I remember doing shitty wods during last year's training. I felt sooo slow and like I was getting worse. However it all paid off in the end when the Open rolled around. Just gotta grind it out.

  3. A) 195
    B) 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175
    C) done
    2:58, 2:58, 3:15

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A. 185 (supposed to do 175, but I calculated wrong)
      B. 140, 145, 150x3, 155
      C. Done
      D. 1:52, 2:12, 2:12

  5. A) 175
    B) 115, 130, 140, 145(failed squat clean), 145
    C) done
    3:00, 2:38, 2:53
