
A. Bench Press @ 70% - 10x2 rest 45 seconds
B. Shoulder 2 Overhead @ 70% of Max Push Jerk (1 set x 8 reps)
C. Max Butterfly Pull-Ups x 1 set (rest as needed)
D. Max Kipping Pull-Ups x 1 set (rest as needed)
E. Max Strict Pull-Ups x 1 set
F. Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 4x12 rest 60 seconds
5 rounds:
10 Strict HSPU (scale if needed - should never be at singles)
15 Burpees Over Rower
20 Calorie Row
Band Pull Aparts x 100 reps


  1. A) 185
    B) Attempted but elbow joints hurt too much
    C) 43
    D) 20
    E) 8
    F) 30s
    G) skipped for time - will make up by rowing/running/bike tomorrow
    H) Done at home

  2. A. Did 10x4 with 135 with Lindsay
    B. 195
    C 49
    D. 10
    E. 12
    F. 50s
    G. 15:40. All HSPU UB.
    H. Done
    Hspu games standard x50. Sets of 5.

    1. 49 moves you up the recordboard to 4th place. Just updated.

    2. As much as I would like to keep that. And I will retest this weekend. It's a typo. I stopped at 40. But since we are on topic. What are the top scores?

    3. Chris - 55
      Jay L - 55
      Jay R - 50
      Dana - 48
      Craig - 43
      Keith - 42
      Mikey - 41
