
A. Split Jerk 1RM (compare to 4/10)
B. Close Grip Floor Press 3x10 AHAP rest 60 seconds
C. HSW 3 x 20-30 feet (sub 30 second noes and toes on wall HS hold)
D. 2 strict hspu + 4 kipping hspu + 20 second HS hold rest 60 seconds x 5 sets
E1. Hollow Rock Hold 3 x 20 seconds
E2. Arch Rock Hold 3 x 20 seconds
E3. Barbell skullcrushers *light* 3 x 20 reps


  1. Old PR was 175, hit 170 and missed 180 three times
    did all the rest

  2. Hit 290 and just missed 300 a few weeks ago.
    265 today
    Skipped floor presses. Aggravates my shoulder
    C. All UB
    D. All UB
    E. Done

    Heavy BB rows. 4x10. 135, 210,210,210

    6x500m repeats. All around 1:43 pace.
