
A. Push Jerk - 7 x 3 @ 60% rest 30 seconds
B. Strict Pull-Ups (against band) 3x Max reps
C. Dumbbell Row 3x8/arm rest 30 seconds
D. Feet Elevated Ring Rows (weight on hips) 3 x Max Reps
E. 5 UB TTB Every 30 seconds x 50 reps
3 Deadlift 275/185
7 Push Press 115/75
*if you can seperate WOD by an hour do so*
Band Pull-Apart x 200 reps


  1. What is the women's weight for the wod?

  2. A. 115
    B. 6,5,5
    C. @30
    D. 15(10) 10(25) 10(25)
    E. All ub.
    F. 9 (dl@195. I can't count)
    E. Forgot the pull aparts but did mu accessory work

  3. A. 135
    B. 8,8,10
    C. 50. Done.
    D. Used a 45. 10,12,13
    E. Done
    9+1. Tried one round every 30 seconds. Made it to the 4.

  4. A) 145×4, 155×3
    B) Purple Band. 7,6,5
    C) 40, 50, 70
    D) 10, 8, 6
    E) Done
    F) 6.5 rounds (Steve and I shared the bars due to space)
    G) Done

  5. 95
    5,5,3 red band
    30lb dumbell
    10, 10 with 10lbs 6 or 7 with 45
    Toes to bar -done
    Wod - two reps short of 8 rounds, deadlifts were fine died on push press
    Forgot pull aparts

  6. A. 95#
    B. 6, 5, 3 blue band
    C. 50#
    D. 25# 10, 8, 7
    E. Done
    F. 205/95: 5 rounds. Push presses got me
    Forgot pull aparts as well

  7. This was my favorite workout in forever. Craig and I had a serious swole session.

    A) 145×4, 155×3
    B) Purple Band. 10,7,7
    C) 40, 50, 50
    D) 12, 9, 9
    E) Done
    F) 6.5 rounds (Craig and I shared the bars due to space)
    G) Done

  8. A. 85
    B. red band 2, 2, 2
    C. done at 30 lbs
    D. 8, 8 (with 10 lbs,) 6 with 25 lbs.
    E. UB
    F. 7 + 1
