
A. Strict Press - EMOM x 5 minutes - 5 reps @ 55%
B. S2O Max Reps @ 185/115 (only 1 set - no split jerks allowed)
C. Strict Chin Ups - 3 x 8-10 reps rest 30 seconds
D. Overhand Grip BB Row 3 x 8 reps rest 60 seconds
E. Toes To Bar x 50 reps (for time)
4 rounds:
10 Deadlifts 185/125
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Ring Dips (strict if possible)
100 Dumbbell Skull Crushers (super light)


  1. Game day so worked out in school gym, had to modify some things

    3 sets of DB row with turn in at top
    10 dips (dip bar)
    30 sec plank hold

    A. 65
    B. Did 3 sets of 4 at 115
    C. 3x8
    D. 65
    E. no room

    metcon - @135, didnt time it, guessing in the 10 min realm. DL unbroken, burps my normal slow pace and dips were the hardest part

    will crush my skull at home later

  2. 3 sets
    50 UB DU
    30 sec L sit on rings
    30 sec wall face HS

    Emom strict press 5x5 at 105
    Push jerk 185 ME. 12
    3x10 done
    50 TTB. 2:29

    Metcon- 4:59
    100 skull crush 15's

    Emom 10
    Odd 20 cals rower
    Even 4 muscle up plus 4 dips

    Did comp WOD with Lindsay
    Alternating partner
    DL, HPClean, S2O.
    Amrap 10. 11 rounds

  3. A) 100
    B) 13
    C) 10, 10, 8
    D) 115
    E) 2:22
    F) 7:16

    Skipped cash out (time)

  4. A. 55
    B. 11
    C. 8, 8, 3-2-3
    D. 65
    E. 3:22
    F. 8:36

  5. A. 70
    B. 13, had more but didn't lock an elbow and dropped it
    C. 3x8
    D. 85
    E. 1:46
    F. Partner comp wod with vin
    G. Skull crushed with 10s

    Accessory work: done

  6. A:3 at 95 an 2 at 100. B: 185 20reps. C: 10, 10, 6,2,2 D:115. E: 2:43. F: 7:22 did muscle ups with the dips, last set had to break the dips in 5 an go into the muscle up
