
3.16 - 3.2210 rounds:
1 Snatch @ 80-85% (squat)
1 Round of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)
10 calories on AB
3 x 12-15 GH Raise
A. Squat Clean
10 singles @ 75%
5 rounds:
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
Row 20 minutes
30 second sprint
30 second slow
Row 20 minutes
30 second SPRINT
30 seconds Recover
2 rounds NOT TIMED:
10 strict pull-ups
20 push-ups
10 overhead squats 45# bar
20 hollow rocks
10 back extensions
20 Russian KB Swings
10 Single Leg KB DL/side
20 Perfect Air Squats
20-30 minute area specific mobility
A. Front Squat - 7 x 1 @ 85% rest 60 seconds
B. 3 Position Power Snatch x 5 sets *building*
15.4 Movement Prep and Run Through
Open Workout 15.4Active Rest (NOT OPTIONAL)
20 Minutes Rower
30 second sprint
30 second slow recovery Row
20-30 minutes area specific mobility
Open Workout 15.4 Retest

10 rounds:
1 Snatch @ 80-85% (squat)
1 Round of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)
10 calories on AB
3 x 12-15 GH Raise


  1. Re did 15.3: 410 (With my double under ability, this is a very good score for me. Something I will work on and master by next open)

    Worked up to a light Snatch Balance @175

    GH Raises- Done

  2. A.Redid 15.3. Sucked.
    B. Used 135 for snatches, took 23:09

  3. Redid 15.3. Felt a million times better going in with a plan for wall balls. For me, this was one of those workouts where going into it, it helped knowing what it felt like the first time.

  4. 1. 115
    2. Around 26ish? Just moved methodically.
