
A. Sotts Press 3 x 5 (work on positioning - stay light) rest as needed
B. Every 30 seconds x 7:30 minutes (15 total reps)
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80%
4 rounds @ 85%
Row 500m
20 C2B Pull-Ups (scale volume if needed)
20 Box Jump Over 20"
20 Push Press 75/55
rest 5 minutes
*compare to 12/8/14*
Accumulate 2 minutes in L-Sit


  1. 22lb bar - only weight that doesn't kill my shoulders
    105 - missed about 4-5, I know that's a lot of misses but good for me at that weight

    7:37, 8:10, 8:47. 9:36
    Last time all rounds were over 10min and I remember this feeling like death. Long way to go, but so much improvement

  2. A) only did 1 set at 75lbs, it hurt my shoulder too much
    B) was supposed to do it at 190 but felt very weak and unstable overhead, so did it at 165. Felt bad
    When I started rowing the second set I had a pain where my bicep meets my armpit, had to stop completely.

    Everyday a new pain comes up

  3. A. 45, 55, 65
    B. 115 for 15
    C. Flex wod 3- 6:36
    D. 7:34 (6:36), 8:05 (6:22), 8:31 (6:02), 7:50 (6:05). I had very little energy. I got no sleep and had a long day at work. I'm disappointed about this.
    E. 10 sec clips here and there but made it happen.

  4. A. 40, 50, 60
    B. 135 15 for 15
    C. Flex wod with D (12-9-6-3 hang squat cleans and burpees over the bar)
    D. 4:57, 5:29, 5:37, 5:42
    E. 4 x 30 seconds

  5. A. 65,76,85,90,105x4
    B. Upgraded to 70. Snatch and snatch balance work
    C. 5:30(12/8-5:44), 6:24(12/8-7:46), 7;01(12/8-7:44) cramped in quad during hspu was pretty funny, 5;46(12/8-6:01
    D. Done

    Pretty happy with my progress and kipped all my hspu for the first time ever.

  6. A) 45, 65, 75
    B) 175
    C) 4:51, 5:07, 5:39, 5:43
    12/8/14 was 5:44, 6:22, 6:34, 6:09

  7. A) 35 (PR! Lol)
    B) Oly class (Snatches)
    C) HSPUs were outrageous tonight! Was doing them 3-4 at a time, whomp:

    12/08- 6:06, 6:46, 7:43, 7:01
    02/09- 5:48, 6:14, 6:32, 6:45

  8. today was a good day.
    A) 75, 85, 95
    B) 145. Hit all and felt good.
    C) 5:38, 5:48, 6:23. Sped up by a little bit.
    First time in months that butterfly c2b didn't hurt my shoulder.

  9. A: 45, 65, 75. B: 185 miss 1 out of 15. C: 4:43, 5:04, 5:23, 5:29 happy with my performance, did much better then last time

    1. Jay you sure you missed 1? Bail outs count too. Lol

    2. There were 2 bail outs but still manage to stand up on it lol, damn Craig lol

    3. 12/08/14 was 5:05, 5:48, 5:53, 6:28

  10. A) 45lb bar
    B) 165. 10-15
    C) All better than (12/8)
    5:50 (6:53), 5:45 (7:11), 6:42 (7:20), 7:01 (7:20)

  11. A. 35lb bar with Kate's assistance. This is really hard for me. Need to work on shoulder flexibility.
    B. Oly
    C. on 12/8 I was in a lot of shoulder pain. Shoulder is feeling good now, so I had a big improvement today.
    12/8: 10:06, 9:15, 12:45, DNF
    2/9: 6:39, 6:46, 7:30, 7:47
    -chest to bars were off today, but everything else felt good.

    1. Mel,
      For the past few weeks I have added a warm up that Diane fu posted. I do it 3 times a week. It has completely changed my overhead position.
      Text me. I'll send you the videos if you like.

    2. Thanks Jay! Vin....I'll definitely take a look at those videos.
