
A. Every 30 seconds x 7:30 minutes (15 total reps)
Squat Clean x 1 rep @ 80%
B. Strict Press 4 x 5 *building* rest 2 minutes
21 Thrusters 100/70
21 Burpees 6" Target
21/14 Calories Assault Bike
rest 8 minutes x 3 sets
*all at 100%*
*compare to 12/9/14*
200 Band Push Downs


  1. Weird pain in around my elbow and armpit
    A)225, supposed to do 245 but went lighter
    B)115,135,145,145 (didn't bother my shoulder)
    (Thrusters bothered my shoulder and rowing bothers my bicep all of a sudden)
    Did Death by Burpees starting with 5.
    Finished 12 minutes (minute of 17 burpees)
    Red Band

  2. 150
    65, 70, 75, 75, 80

    3:30, 4, 3:56
    Old times - were 3:40 and then both over 4

    Really fun to be surrounded by such amazing people each and every night. My schedule is cray and there is always someone cheering and encouraging me.

    PS. Need to work on my breathing cause that shit was b-a-n-a-n-a-s #bananas

    1. A. 165
      B. 75, 85, 95, 105 for two sets of one, sort of a little ambitious haha, dropped down to 100 and got the last 3
      C. 2:48, 2:53, 2:54
      D. Red band
      E. 4 sets of 50 double unders

    2. Heyyoooooooo monster! Nice job

  3. A- 120
    B- 70, 75, 80, 85 (new 1RM of 95 lol)
    C- have never previously done.. 3:37, 4:29, DNF (had to leave for a conference call). Thrusters are my worst movement so we're naturally slow, and I think burpees I meowed out a bit.

  4. A) 225
    B) 115, 135, 145, 150 (4)
    C) 3:03, 3:58, 3:42
    12/9/14 = 3:11, 3:49, 4:21

  5. A. 245
    B. 105,125,145,265(4)
    C. Old times. 3:10,4:01, skipped for time.
    New times. 2:38, 3:21,3:31
    D. Red band.
    E. Back levers.

  6. 1. 150
    2. 70,80,85,90
    3. 3:10, 3:08, 3:18 (3:20, 3:20, 3:34)
    I have no idea how I powered through all of this and beat my old times. Still feeling tired. Last time I think I had an anxiety attack after the first round Bc I was dying and didn't want to do the 21 thrusters. No anxiety attack this time!
    4. Done
    5. 5x50 ub du

  7. A) 230 15-15
    B) 135, 140, 145, 155
    C) Today (12/9)
    2:38 (2:45), 5:37 (3:56), 4:57 (3:53)
    Shut down after the 1st round - rough one tonight

  8. A) 225
    B) 115, 120, 120, 125 (only got 3)
    C) 3:40, 4:03, 4:30

  9. A. 140
    B. 75-80-85-95
    C. 3:34, 3:58, 3:57
    -Last time I did this I subbed front squats for the thrusters b/c of the shoulder, so it's hard to compare the times. Regardless, last time with the front squats I got 3:17, 3:20, 4:03
