
A. EMOM x 10
2-3 Squat Clean 185/125 (TNG if Possible)
B. Strict Press - 3 x Max Reps (45/35# Bar + Hanging Kettlebells 26/18) rest as needed
4 sets:
ME Unbroken Double Unders
10 TNG Power Cleans 135/95
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
rest 6 minutes
Standing Band Crunches - 3 x 50
rest as needed
Dumbbell Floor Press 100 reps (Neutral Grip)


  1. A) Finished each set of 3 in under 10 seconds
    B) 12,12,10
    Picked a perfect day to forget double Unders so that was cool. Did 5 minutes of doing them, got better near the end.
    Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes- 10 tng power cleans and 10 burpee box jumps
    Blue band- done
    50 w/50lbs, 50 w/40lbs

  2. Couldn't make it to CFW today because my car is buried in snow….Went to Crossfit Gotham and did:
    A. EMOM 7: 6 pistols, 1 C2B
    deadlift (205)
    box jump (24)
    time: 3:51

    rest 3 minutes

    200 DU
    20 GHD sit ups
    2000 m row
    total time for both wods: 19:47

  3. A. 125(5min), 135(5min) x3. I need to close that space between the bar and my hips more.
    B. 11, 10, 11
    76, 2:20
    5 then 67, 2:02
    82, 2:11
    99, 2:35 PR on DU
    D. Did 2 sets but not enough tension so did hollow holds 30 sec on 30 off x3.
    E. 20 lbs db
    F. Lindsay taught me the glide kip up! Holla!

  4. A: 125x2 TNG (happy about this since new PR is 150)
    B: 12 (purple), 5 (green), 4 (green)
    C: 61(PR!)/2:05, 32/1:42, 15/1:30, 13/1:29

    Rested 5 minutes then did another max set to try to redeem myself: 72 (Post PR!!!!)

    D: Done with blue. Pretty sure I was doing these incorrectly.
    E: 20 w/ 25lb, 80 w/ 20lb

  5. A. 185. 3 each time. 12-15 seconds roughly
    B. 10,11,13
    C. 51- 2:30, 108- 2:55, 69-2:44 , 49- 2:57
    D. Done and done.

  6. A) 3 per round
    B) 9, 14, 11
    C) 144/2:45, 140/2:42, 79/2:19, 107/2:22

  7. A) 3 TNG @ 185
    B) 15, 14, 10
    C) 167 DUs, 145, 101, 67
    D) 3×50 blue band, 100 w/ 50# dbs

  8. A. 145 x3 TNG per min, thanks coah Dana for telling me I wasnt allowed to do 125 haha
    B. 14, 13, 13
    C. DU.S. were dumb so got to 50 each round 1: 50 in like 8 sets/2:28; 2. 50/1:50; 3. 56UB/1:42; 4. 50/2:08
    D. Didn't feel the band so did hollow hold 3x30sec; 20lb DB for press

  9. A) First 5 mins did 2 reps and 3 reps last 5 mins at 185
    B) 8, 9, 9
    C) 106, 77, 120, 110 .. All cleans touch and go and unbroken
    D) Did the crunches with a blue band
    E) Did 40# dumbbells on each hand for 100 reps.

  10. 125 3 for each
    8, 10, 9

    6, 7, 61, 5 - idk what's going on with doubles but I can't do them anymore

    Crunches with blue band and 15lb dumbells
