
A. Sotts Press - 3 x 5 (work on positioning - stay light) rest as needed
B. EMOM x 7
Snatch (Squat) 2-3 TNG reps @ 70% of 1RM
4 sets:
20 Calorie Assault Bike
15 C2B Pull-Ups
10 Power Snatches 155/105
15 Toes to Bar
20 Calorie Row
rest 5 minutes
Strict Toes to Bar 3 x 10
rest as needed
Single Leg DL 3 x 15/leg


  1. A) 75,80,85
    B) 165x3 each minute, missed first rep of 6th minute but then hit 3 TNG
    -5:05 (first 2 snatches at 155, dropped to 135 because it would've been too much)
    -On the first snatch I banged my dick really hard, took the minute off
    -Did the last two sets substituting 15 UB handstand push-ups instead of handstand push-ups, don't know the time

  2. 35lb bar
    95, missed first of last set but hit three each round

    8, 8:54, 9:14, 9

  3. A) 55, 65, 75
    B) 150
    C) 5:56, 6:59, 7:04, 7:37

  4. A) 55, 65, 75
    B) 135
    C) 6:32, 8:04, 7:56, 8:00

  5. A) All sets @ 45 lb bar
    B) 145 - 3 each minute
    C) 9:45 w/ 155, 6:35 w/ 135, 7:50 w/ 135, 7:50 w/ 135

  6. A) 22lb
    B) 85lb x 2
    C) 95lb - 6:30, 8:17, 8:33, 9:37*
    D) 3x10 TTB, 1x15 DL

    *AB took me 2:25 the last two rounds!!

  7. A: 55,65,75. B:155. C: 5:56, 7:24, 8:19, 8:10

    1. Did the power snatch at 155, this wod suck balls

  8. A. 35, 45, 55
    B. 120x3 each minute
    C. 5:13, 5:58, 5:53, 5:44 @105
    D. Strict ttb done and done, DL with yellow kb...don't know the weight haha


  9. A. 35,40,45
    B. 105x3 all rounds
    C. 8:40, 8:20, 8:15, 8:30 rx
    D. 3x60sec planks w/45
    E. DL check

  10. A. 65,70,75
    B. Emom 7. Snatch, 2 snatch balance, snatch with 65. Fixing my shoulders
    C. 5:09(135), 5:44(135), 5:48(135), 5;55(155)
    d. Done and done
    E. 2 rounds max muscle up in 15 sec. 5,6

  11. A. done with the 11lb bar, this was painful on my shoulder
    B. 95 lbs. did 3 every round
    12:34 (I started with 105 and failed several times then dropped to 95),
    9:28 (95 pounds on the snatches)
    10:36 (dropped down to 85 pounds)
    9:26 (85 pounds)
